Happy Hour Podcast

The Happy Hour Podcast, hosted by Shannon Jamail.

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EP 188 Branding Beyond Basics with Howard A. Lim

EP 188 Branding Beyond Basics with Howard A. Lim

EP 187 From Real Estate to Yoga Retreats: Rony Ghoraishy's Journey to Success

EP 187 From Real Estate to Yoga Retreats: Rony Ghoraishy's Journey to Success

Introduction: In this inspiring episode, we sit down with Rony Ghoraishy, a renowned yoga teacher and international retreat host, to explore her transformative journey from a career in real estate to embracing yoga as her life's work. With over 5,000 hours of teaching experience, Rony shares the profound impact yoga has had on her life and how she successfully transitioned into hosting retreats around the world.

Key Discussion Points:

  1. Rony's Yoga Journey:
    • Rony discovered yoga 15 years ago and instantly felt a deep connection. Her dedication led her to become E-500 RYT certified through esteemed institutions like Corepower Yoga, Loyola Marymount University, and Wanderlust Hollywood.
    • She specializes in various styles, including Therapeutic Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Flow, Yin/Restorative Yoga, and Breathwork, focusing on private sessions tailored to individual needs.
  1. Transition from Real Estate to Yoga:
  • Rony discusses her initial career in real estate and the pivotal moment that shifted her path towards yoga. She highlights how yoga kept her grounded through life's challenges and eventually inspired her to pursue teaching full-time.
  1. Hybrid Model to Full-time Retreat Hosting:
  • Rony's retreat hosting journey began at Anamaya Retreat Center in Costa Rica, where she started with a hybrid model that allowed her to balance real estate and yoga. She gradually transitioned to hosting her own international retreats, now a full-time endeavor for the past eight years.
  1. Hosting International Retreats:
  • Rony shares her experiences leading retreats in various global destinations, including Tulum, Costa Rica, Italy, New York, and Bali. She emphasizes how she integrates her passion for travel with yoga, creating unique, themed retreats that cater to diverse groups.
  1. Obstacles and Wins:
  • Throughout the podcast, Rony opens up about the obstacles she faced, such as logistical challenges and adapting to different cultural expectations. She also celebrates her wins, like building a loyal community of retreat attendees and achieving a fulfilling work-life balance.
  1. Blueprint to Success:
  • Rony provides listeners with her blueprint for success in the retreat business. This includes tips on staying authentic, connecting deeply with clients, and continually learning and adapting to enhance retreat experiences.
  1. Spiritual Psychology Influence:
  • A significant aspect of Rony's teaching is influenced by her 2-year program in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica. She discusses how these principles have enriched her teachings, supporting deeper growth and healing for her students.


Conclusion: Rony's journey is a testament to the power of following one's passion and the transformative impact of yoga on both personal and professional levels. Her story is not just about changing careers but about embracing a calling that aligns with one's values and life's purpose.

About Rony: https://www.yogabyrony.com/

Rony’s retreats: https://www.yogabyrony.com/retreats-1 

Costa Rica Retreat Center: https://anamaya.com/host-your-own-retreat-at-anamaya/ 



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EP 186 Do you have what it takes to host retreats?

EP 186 Do you have what it takes to host retreats?

Introduction: In this motivational episode, we delve into the crucial roles of grit and stamina in driving business success. Our discussion explores why these qualities are essential for entrepreneurs, especially those facing the unpredictable challenges of today's business environment.

Key Discussion Points:

  1. Defining Grit and Stamina:
    • Grit is described as the perseverance and passion for long-term goals, while stamina refers to the physical and mental endurance that enables one to withstand hardship or stress. Together, these traits form the backbone of entrepreneurial resilience.
  1. The Role of Grit and Stamina in Overcoming Business Challenges:
  • We explore how grit allows business leaders to persist in the face of setbacks, continually pushing forward despite failures or difficulties.
  • Stamina is highlighted as the ability to maintain consistent performance during lengthy or demanding periods, crucial for sustaining operations and driving innovations.
  1. Real-Life Examples:
  • The discussion includes stories of renowned entrepreneurs who exemplified grit and stamina, turning their startups into successful enterprises against considerable odds.
  1. Building and Cultivating These Traits:
  • Practical advice is offered on how listeners can develop and strengthen their own grit and stamina. This includes setting clear, achievable goals, maintaining a positive mindset, and embracing challenges as opportunities for growth.
  1. Impact of Grit and Stamina on Long-Term Success:
  • We discuss how these qualities not only help in navigating the immediate hurdles but also play a pivotal role in achieving long-term business goals and maintaining a competitive edge.

Conclusion: The episode wraps up by emphasizing that while talent and intelligence are important, the relentless drive embodied by grit and stamina can be even more crucial to enduring success. Listeners are encouraged to assess their own levels of grit and stamina and consider strategies to bolster these traits in their professional lives.


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EP 185 Consistency in marketing is key with Guest Patrick Casale

EP 185 Consistency in marketing is key with Guest Patrick Casale

Episode Overview: Join us as we delve into the business challenges faced by mental health professionals with Entrepreneur Coach Patrick Casale. This enlightening episode explores the gap in business education for mental health practitioners and the importance of consistent marketing in building successful practices and retreats.

Key Discussion Points:

  1. Introduction to Patrick Casale:
    • Brief background on Patrick Casale, an Entrepreneur Coach who specializes in helping mental health professionals enhance their business acumen, particularly in the realm of organizing and marketing retreats. Learn more about Patrick's work at All Things Practice.
  1. The Educational Gap:
  • Discussion on the lack of business training in traditional mental health education programs. Patrick explains how most mental health professionals, including therapists and counselors, receive extensive clinical training but are often unprepared for the business aspects of running a practice or organizing retreats.
  1. Challenges in Business for Mental Health Professionals:
  • Patrick shares insights into common business challenges faced by mental health professionals, from setting up a practice to effectively marketing their services and retreats.
  1. Importance of Consistent Marketing:
  • Explore why consistency is key in marketing, especially for mental health retreats. Patrick discusses strategies for building a brand that resonates with potential clients and maintaining engagement through various marketing channels.
  1. Strategies for Success:
  • Practical advice from Patrick on how mental health professionals can overcome their lack of business training. Tips include understanding basic business operations, financial management, and effective use of social media for marketing.
  1. Patrick’s Role as an Entrepreneur Coach:
  • Learn about the specific ways Patrick assists mental health professionals, including one-on-one coaching, workshops, and resources aimed at bridging the gap between clinical expertise and business proficiency.


  • Recap of the conversation with Patrick Casale, highlighting the crucial need for business acumen among mental health professionals and the impact of consistent marketing on the success of their practices and retreats.

Call to Action:

  • Encourage listeners who are mental health professionals or interested in mental health entrepreneurship to explore further resources and coaching opportunities with Patrick Casale. Visit All Things Practice for more information and support.



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EP 184 The Crucial Role of Boundaries in Retreat Leadership

EP 184 The Crucial Role of Boundaries in Retreat Leadership

"The Crucial Role of Boundaries in Retreat Leadership"

Episode Overview: In this episode, we dive deep into the essential role of boundaries in retreat leadership. Discover why setting and maintaining clear boundaries is not only crucial for the smooth operation of retreats but also impacts the personal experiences of each participant, promoting a safe, respectful, and transformative environment.

Key Discussion Points:

  1. Introduction to Boundaries in Retreat Leadership:

    • Discuss the multifaceted role of boundaries in managing participant expectations, protecting the leader’s energy, ensuring safety, and maintaining professionalism.
  2. Managing Expectations:

    • Explore how clear boundaries set from the beginning help manage what participants expect regarding retreat activities, acceptable behavior, and interaction norms.
    • Example: At a mindfulness retreat, meals are designated as silent to enhance the reflective experience, a rule set during the initial stages to set clear expectations.
  3. Protecting the Leader’s Energy:

    • Highlight the importance of boundaries in preserving the leader’s physical and emotional well-being to maintain high performance throughout the retreat.
    • Example: Leaders establishing specific times when they are available to address participants’ concerns, ensuring they have time to recharge.
  4. Ensuring Safety:

    • Discuss the critical role of boundaries in creating a secure environment where all participants feel safe and respected.
    • Example: At therapeutic retreats, clear rules about physical contact and the confidentiality of shared stories help maintain a safe space for all.
  5. Maintaining Professionalism and Respect:

    • Examine how boundaries help uphold a professional and respectful atmosphere, essential in settings involving deep personal work.
    • Example: Leaders ensure interactions remain professional and within the context of the retreat’s objectives, preventing inappropriate familiarity.
  6. Strategies for Setting and Enforcing Boundaries:

    • Clear Communication: Emphasize the importance of articulating boundaries clearly from advertisements to the retreat's opening session.
    • Lead by Example: Discuss how modeling expected behaviors sets a standard for participants.
    • Consistency and Rationale: Talk about applying rules uniformly and explaining the reasons behind them to encourage compliance.
    • Reinforcement Plans: Share strategies for reinforcing boundaries when tested, like having private conversations or group reminders.

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EP 183 Understanding Your 'Why': The Foundation of Successful Retreat Leadership

EP 183 Understanding Your 'Why': The Foundation of Successful Retreat Leadership

Episode Overview: Dive deep into the importance of understanding the 'why' behind your retreat leadership in this enlightening episode. Discover how this core insight not only drives your decisions but also significantly enhances the effectiveness and appeal of your retreats.

Key Discussion Points:

  1. Introduction to the Concept of 'Why':

    • Explore why knowing your 'why' is crucial in the fast-paced world of retreat planning and leadership. Discuss how this understanding goes beyond logistics to deeply influence the authenticity and impact of your retreats.
  2. Benefits of Knowing Your Why:

    • Alignment and Authenticity: Learn how understanding your 'why' helps align your goals with your values, ensuring authenticity in every interaction and building trust with participants.
    • Differentiation in a Competitive Market: Examine how a clear 'why' distinguishes your retreats in a crowded industry, making your offerings uniquely appealing to the right audience.
    • Enhanced Participant Engagement: Discuss how a purpose-driven approach increases participant engagement by ensuring that every aspect of the retreat is intentionally crafted.
    • Guided Decision-Making: See how a well-defined 'why' acts as a compass for making consistent decisions that enhance the overall coherence and success of your retreat.
  3. Navigating Challenges with a Strong Why:

    • Consider how your foundational 'why' provides support and resilience during tough times, such as logistical issues or unexpected challenges, by keeping you motivated and focused.
  4. Discovering and Defining Your Why:

    • Reflect on Passions and Strengths: Tips on how to identify what drives you, which can clarify your 'why'.
    • Identify Core Values: Guidance on determining the values that you aim to embody through your retreats.
    • Unique Offerings: Advice on linking your unique offerings to your 'why', enhancing the uniqueness of your retreats.
    • Articulate Your Vision: How to articulate a clear vision statement that encapsulates your 'why' and what you hope your participants will gain.
  5. Practical Steps for Integration:

    • Suggestions on how to consistently integrate and communicate your 'why' through marketing, participant interaction, and retreat planning.


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EP 182 How to Learn from Mistakes

EP 182 How to Learn from Mistakes

Episode Overview: Join Shannon and Nathan as they delve into the valuable lessons learned from their own mistakes, both personally and in managing their retreat. This episode is a candid exploration of how errors can lead to significant growth and understanding.

Key Discussion Points:

  1. Introduction to the Topic:

    • Shannon and Nathan introduce the theme of the episode, emphasizing the importance of embracing mistakes as opportunities for learning and improvement.
  2. Personal Mistakes and Lessons:

    • The hosts share their own experiences with mistakes they've made while running the retreat and in their personal lives. They discuss specific instances and the lessons each mistake taught them.
  3. The Role of Mistakes in Personal Growth:

    • Exploration of how facing and acknowledging mistakes is crucial for personal development. They talk about the process of transforming regret into proactive learning.
  4. Strategies for Handling Mistakes:

    • Practical advice on how to effectively recognize, address, and learn from mistakes. Tips include maintaining a positive mindset, using mistakes as a feedback mechanism, and the importance of accountability and resilience.
  5. Encouraging a Culture of Learning:

    • Discussion on fostering an environment at work and home where mistakes are seen as part of the learning curve rather than failures. Shannon and Nathan emphasize how creating a supportive atmosphere encourages innovation and growth.


  • Recap of the insights shared about learning from mistakes. The hosts reiterate that mistakes are inevitable but managing them wisely can lead to invaluable personal and professional growth.

Call to Action:

  • Shannon and Nathan encourage listeners to reflect on their own past mistakes and consider what lessons can be drawn from them. They invite the audience to share their stories of learning from errors to help inspire and educate the community.

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EP 181 Do It Afraid: Leaning Into Fear for Success

EP 181 Do It Afraid: Leaning Into Fear for Success

EP 180 The Importance of Energy Alignment in Retreat Settings

EP 180 The Importance of Energy Alignment in Retreat Settings

Episode Overview: In this enlightening episode of our podcast, we delve into the critical role of energy alignment in retreat settings. Understanding the synergy between participants' energies is essential for fostering a harmonious environment that enhances the retreat experience for everyone involved.

Key Discussion Points:

  1. Why Energy Alignment Matters:
    • Explore the concept of energy alignment and its significance in creating a cohesive and supportive retreat atmosphere.
    • Discuss how misaligned energies can disrupt group dynamics, lead to conflicts, and diminish the overall retreat experience.
  1. Impact on Group Dynamics:
  • Delve into how the energy of each participant influences the group and the importance of having everyone on the same wavelength to prevent friction and disturbances.
  1. Influence on Individual Experiences:
  • Examine the effects of energy misalignment on individual participants, including how it can hinder personal engagement and prevent the achievement of desired transformations.
  1. Challenges in Retreat Facilitation:
  • Address the additional challenges retreat leaders face when energies are misaligned, including the need to mediate conflicts and the impact on the delivery of retreat content.
  1. Preserving the Retreat’s Integrity:
  • Discuss the importance of maintaining a safe and nurturing environment and how ensuring energy alignment helps preserve the integrity and purpose of the retreat.
  1. Strategies for Ensuring Alignment:
  • Share effective strategies for attracting the right participants and ensuring energy alignment, including:
    • Clear communication of retreat values through marketing to set the right expectations.
    • A thorough screening process to assess potential participants' intentions and alignment with the retreat’s goals.
    • Pre-retreat interviews to gauge attitudes and energies.
    • Setting clear ground rules to manage and harmonize group energy during the retreat.

Conclusion: Reflect on the pivotal role of energy alignment in ensuring the success of a retreat. Highlight that while the focus is on inclusivity, the selection process is crucial for creating a beneficial environment for all.


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Bio of Happy Hour Podcast

The Happy Hour Podcast, hosted by best-selling author Shannon Jamail, invites listeners to join in on engaging conversations about business, life, relationships, and topics commonly discussed during happy hour gatherings. With a focus on connection, growth, and thriving, the podcast aims to provide valuable insights and foster a sense of community among its listeners.

Happy Hour offers various retreats and training designed to support personal and professional development. These events provide opportunities for individuals to connect with others, expand their knowledge, and enhance their well-being. Retreat Ranch, a special retreat center located near Austin, Texas, serves as a dedicated space for intimate retreats, events, and unique overnight stays.

One of the transformative tools featured by Happy Hour is the Yoga Teacher Training program. This training course goes beyond yoga practice, serving as a life course that enables participants to delve deeper into self-discovery and their connection to the world. It offers powerful tools for personal growth and can also prepare individuals who aspire to become yoga instructors.

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