Jake Rosenberg

Jake Rosenberg is the Founder and CEO of Krete: 30-Second Skin Care and the Co-founder and Co-CEO of Hyperr.

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Recent Appearance

The 10 Minute Entrepreneur

Bio of Jake Rosenberg

Jake Rosenberg is a highly accomplished entrepreneur and business leader, known for his roles as the Founder and CEO of Krete: 30-Second Skin Care and the Co-founder and Co-CEO of Hyperr.

In addition to his role at Krete, Jake Rosenberg is the Co-founder and Co-CEO of Hyperr, an eCommerce B2B tool that aims to assist exciting brands and retailers in increasing their product sales. Hyperr offers a seamless integration with any eCommerce website, enabling shoppers to leverage their social networks by polling their friends and connections when they come across items of interest. This social integration enhances customer engagement, transforms buyers into advocates, and ultimately drives sales. Hyperr's goal is to create a social experience within the realm of online shopping.

Influence of Jake Rosenberg

1,406 LinkedIn followers

Jake Rosenberg's podcast Appearances

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