Leadership Excellence Podcast

"The Leadership Excellence Podcast" hosted by Danny Langloss.

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# 4 - Transforming Emotional Intelligence with NY Times Best Selling Author Kevin Kruse

# 4 - Transforming Emotional Intelligence with NY Times Best Selling Author Kevin Kruse

EQ is the new IQ. With the rise in AI, everyone has genius at their fingertips. What separates great leaders and great teams from the others is Emotional Intelligence. Our ability to recognize, understand, and manage our emotions while also being able to recognize and positively influence the emotions of others is king in leadership.

In this episode, New York Times best selling author, and founder / CEO of LEADx.org Kevin Kruse shares high level insights to take our emotional intelligence to the next level. He takes our community on a deep dive on EQ and shares actionable strategies from his new book, "Emotional Intelligence: 52 Strategies to Build Strong Relationships, Increase Resilience, and Achieve Your Goals".

Want more information?

Connect with Kevin Kruse on LinkedIn

Purchase Kevin's new book



To learn more about Danny's custom leadership development workshops or featured keynote speeches, contact him at danny.langloss@gmail.com

#3 - Great Leaders are Great Coaches

#3 - Great Leaders are Great Coaches

Great leaders are great multipliers. The most effective way to become a great multiplier is to become a great coach. There has been a major shift in how we must lead in the 21st Century, and there is a major difference between traditional leadership and the leadership strategies need to lead the millennials and Gen Z.

In this episode, we sat down with coaching and leadership expert, Lisa Martin, and she shared her powerful framework on how to make the transition from boss to coach.

Interested in learning more about Lisa Martin?

Lisa's website: https://coachlikeleader.com/

Connect with Lisa on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/coachlisamartin/

Interesting in working with Danny Langloss. Check out his keynotes and speaker video at www.dannylangloss.com

#2 - Are You a Thermostat or a Thermometer?

#2 - Are You a Thermostat or a Thermometer?

Are you a thermostat or thermometer? Are you setting the energy in the room OR letting the energy in the room set your mindset and energy. It is so important for leaders to set the tone of the organization. We cannot underestimate the power of positivity and inserting consistent positive energy with our teams.

#1 - Be The Best Part of Their Day: Supercharging Communication with Values-Driven Leadership with Dr. David Schreiner

#1 - Be The Best Part of Their Day: Supercharging Communication with Values-Driven Leadership with Dr. David Schreiner

Do you aspire to be the best part of your people's day? Are you always trying to create a great work experience for your team? Are you looking for ways to establish deeper connections with your team? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this episode is for you.

Dr. David Schreiner is the CEO of KSB Hospital, a keynote speaker, and on January 16, 2024 released his first book, which is published by Forbes, "Be the Best Part of Their Day: Supercharging Communication with Values Driven Leadership." This concept is built on 3 main categories: (1) Engage and Connect on a Personal Level, (2) Engage with Intent through Various Mediums, (3) Be Mission-Focused and Present United Leadership.

Today, we are taking a deep dive into #1 with a focus on asking great questions and generating positivity, develop great listening skills and practice them regularly, and find ways to express gratitude.

Connect with Dr. David Schreiner:

Website: https://drdavidschreiner.com/

Email: drdavidschreiner@gmail.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-david-l-schreiner-ph-d-fache-97858515/

Purchase Dr. Schreiner's Book: https://amzn.to/3R4rOUQ

About Danny Langloss: Danny Langloss is the City Manager of Dixon, Illinois. He is the present and CEO of Langloss Consulting and provides custom leadership development programs, leadership workshops, and keynotes.

Interested in learning more? Click here to check out his featured keynotes and speaker video: https://bit.ly/3MwraNT

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dannylangloss/

TikTok: @dannylangloss2

#9: Extraordinary Leadership: Building Thriving Cultures and Great Teams with Dagmara Asbreuk

#9: Extraordinary Leadership: Building Thriving Cultures and Great Teams with Dagmara Asbreuk

What are the 5 critical factors that create extraordinary leadership? This week on the Leadership Excellence Podcast, Dagmara Asbreuk joined us from Dubai and broke down these 5 critical factors. If you are looking to take your leadership to the next level, enhance your culture, and make your team unstoppable, this episode is for you. 

Interested in learning more about Dagmara? Click on the links below:)

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dagmara-asbreuk/ Newsletter: https://www.theextraordinaryleadership.com/join-our-newsletter Website: www.theextraordinaryleadership.com

Looking for a keynote speaker for your next event? Check out Danny Langloss' speaker video by clicking here

#8: The Psychological Safety Playbook with Karolin Helbig and Minette Norman

#8: The Psychological Safety Playbook with Karolin Helbig and Minette Norman

All great sports teams have a playbook. They have a playbook for offense, defense, and in football, special teams. These games happen in diverse and complex environments that are changing play by play. Isn't that the same type of environment leaders face each and every day?

What if I told you there was a playbook to create the highest levels of Psychological Safety in your teams? Well there is. This playbook is one of the quickest and easiest playbooks for any leader to work through. It has 5 plays with 5 actionable strategies within each.

On this episode of the Leadership Excellence Podcast, we were joined by two leadership experts who joined forces from across the world. Karolin Helbig joined us from Germany and Minette Norman joined us from California in the United States. The playbook they have created is nothing short of phenomenal. We took a dive into each of the 5 plays and discussed actionable strategies to bring each of them to life. We think you are going to love this!

Want more great free resources?

The Psychological Safety Playbook website: https://thepsychologicalsafetyplaybook.com/

Karolin Helbig's website: https://karolinhelbig.com/

Minette Norman's website: https://www.minettenorman.com/

Karolin's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karolinhelbig/

Minette's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/minettenorman/

Minette's Twitter: https://twitter.com/minettenorman

Minette's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/minettenorman/

Atlassian blog on blameless postmortems: https://www.atlassian.com/incident-management/postmortem/blameless

Smartsheet guide for blameless postmortems: https://www.smartsheet.com/content/blameless-postmortem-guide

#7: Leadership Lessons from the Australian Army with Tony Mackay

#7: Leadership Lessons from the Australian Army with Tony Mackay

In this episode, Leadership Expert Tony Mackay walks us through the 3 "R's" of leadership that are foundational to the success of leadership in the Australian military. In the episode, Tony provides clear examples for each of these three categories and actionable principles to implement them.

I even learned a new concept, "Contributory Dissent". It is such a powerful culture, engagement, purpose, and ownership driver.

Connect with Danny:



Speaker Video - Interested in hiring Danny for your next keynote?

Featured Keynotes include, "Empathy: The Heartbeat of Leadership" and "OwnerShift: 7 Pillars to Unleash the Champions in Your Organization"

Custom Keynotes Available Upon Request

The LinkedIn Advantage

Connect with Tony Mackay on LinkedIn


#6: 6 Critical Elements of Psychological Safety

#6: 6 Critical Elements of Psychological Safety

Are you ready to unleash the power of Psychological Safety in your organization? In this episode, Danny Langloss breaks down the 6 critical elements that create the highest levels of Psychological Safety, regardless of your organization.

Hospitals, police departments, the military....If these strategies work in high stress, life and death organizations, just imagine how effective they are in the normal work environment. If you are ready to take your team, work experience, and culture to the next level, this episode is for you.

FREEBIE ALERT: Download our free PDF Guidebook on One-on-One Listening sessions at https://www.dannylangloss.com/blog

Are we connected on LinkedIn?

If not, please connect and join more than 34,000 people in our Leadership Excellence Community. Looking for a speaker for your next event?

Check out our featured keynotes, "Empathy: The Heartbeat of Leadership" or "OwnerShift: 7 Pillars to Unleash the Champions in Your Organization" by going to this link: https://danny-langloss.mykajabi.com/speaker-videos

#5: 5 Characteristics of High Trust Teams with Tony Gambill

#5: 5 Characteristics of High Trust Teams with Tony Gambill

Trust is the currency of leadership and it is the foundation of high performing teams. This week, I sat down with Forbes Leadership Columnist Tony Gambill and he shared the 5 Characteristics of High Trust Teams. Tony did a great job of breaking down environmental and behavioral factors impacting each characteristic and practical ways to bring each to life.

Looking for a speaker for your next event? Danny Langloss's featured keynotes are:

1. Empathy: The Heartbeat of Leadership

2. OwnerShift: 7 Pillars to Unleash the Champions in Your Organization

For more information and speaker video:


For more articles and research on today's topic, check out the following links:

A Leader’s Challenge: Demonstrating Empathy While Establishing Clear Accountability (forbes.com)

3 Leadership Myths About Empathy (forbes.com)  

How To Lead With Empathy Through Higher-Quality Questions | LinkedIn  

4 Leadership Practices to Establish Healthy Accountability with a Fatigued Workforce | LinkedIn  

Connect with Tony Gambill:  

LinkedIn FORBES Contributor Home Page  ClearView Leadership

Book: Getting It Right When It Matters Most: Self-Leadership For Work & Life  

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Bio of Leadership Excellence Podcast

"The Leadership Excellence Podcast" hosted by Danny Langloss is dedicated to helping individuals and organizations achieve their full potential by focusing on the crucial aspect of leadership. Recognizing that leadership plays a pivotal role in determining success, this podcast aims to empower listeners to rise and create a better tomorrow.

The podcast firmly believes in the adage, "The best way to predict the future is to create it," and understands that leaders around the world are actively shaping the future every day. Leadership principles are universal and applicable across all professions, and in the pursuit of excellence, the show shares cutting-edge leadership strategies and features interviews with a diverse group of progressive leaders who have achieved remarkable success in various fields.

Listeners can expect to gain insights into innovative leadership strategies covering a range of topics such as mindset, culture, employee engagement, building high-performing teams, change leadership, and crisis management. The podcast dives into proven strategies for motivating, inspiring, and empowering teams, while also addressing challenging issues like generational differences, workplace diversity, employee experience, overcoming adversity, conducting difficult conversations, fostering accountability, and prioritizing employee well-being.

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