NeuroDiverse Christian Couples

NeuroDiverse Christian Couples, a podcast by MHNRN, LLC.

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Dan Reacts: Uniquely Us: Executive Function vs. Lack of Execution

Dan Reacts: Uniquely Us: Executive Function vs. Lack of Execution

While Dan participated in half of the new book, Uniquely Us, he did not read the chapter written by our other contributing authors in time for the book to reach the publisher by the due date. So, this next series will be Dan reacting to our new book, Uniquely Us!

Today, we discuss chapter 8 of the book written by Robin Tate, MA, MS, CAS. Dan, while ND himself, has not really studied and read very much about the spectrum. So, he reacts with questions and his interpretation of the chapter. Today, we start with a brief definition of Executive Function and talk about EF challenges vs. lack of execution. We discuss will and willpower and their role in EF.
Neurolinguistic Programming & NeuroDiverse Couples with Meisha Marshall

Neurolinguistic Programming & NeuroDiverse Couples with Meisha Marshall

Today, Dr. Holmes and guest Meisha Marshall discuss NLP.

What is NLP?
Is it something people of faith should be concerned about?
What drew Meisha to NLP?
What are the tools that NLP offers?
Can NLP be helpful for those on the spectrum?

More on Autism and NLP

Bio of Guest:
Meisha is a Marriage Coach dedicated to helping adult children of divorced parents disrupt the cycle of divorce. Her mission is to assist clients in better understanding what's really behind their challenging marital interactions, and what to do about them. Meisha's ultimate goal is to keep more families together. She achieves this by helping couples build healthier love, effective communication, mutual support, and stability.

How to find Meisha:
Public Email:
Business Number: (470) 444-4583
Company: Renew Mindset Coaching

Becoming a Whole Person & NeuroDiversity as my Pageant Platform

Becoming a Whole Person & NeuroDiversity as my Pageant Platform

Today, Stephanie talks with Brittany Browne about her recent diagnosis. Many topics are covered, but a key point is the vulnerability that can occur for undiagnosed women on the spectrum.

Brittany Browne is a licensed massage therapist and contestant in the 2024 Mrs. Georgia America Pageant. Brittany’s mission on this platform is to elevate the conversation around neurodiversity, with a particular emphasis on understanding and advocating for women with autism. Her journey from acquiring a Master’s degree in International Affairs at Georgia Tech to embracing holistic healing practices, including somatic and psychedelic therapy, offers a unique lens through which she views and addresses the complexities of the human mind and body. As a late-diagnosed autistic woman, Brittany leverages her personal experiences to foster deep connections and offer empathy in her therapeutic work, making her an invaluable asset to the neurodiverse community. Outside of her professional and advocacy work, she indulges in hobbies like sand volleyball, creative arts, and violin, reflecting her commitment to a balanced and enriching lifestyle.
Women on the Spectrum with Special Co-Host Sydney Holmes Roberts

Women on the Spectrum with Special Co-Host Sydney Holmes Roberts

Usually, in this spot is Dan and Just the Guys!

Listeners requested a discussion of later-in-life diagnosed women on the spectrum and a discussion of the spectrum's similarities and differences. Stephanie and her daughter Sydney host this special edition of Just the Girls!
Autism Q&A with ND Clinician & Coach David Glick

Autism Q&A with ND Clinician & Coach David Glick

Today, Dr. Stephanie will bring an autism Q&A with Dave Glick.
Dave is a neurodivergent clinician and an autism advocate.

Dave Glick is the founder and director of Triad Psych, P.C., and has been working in the combined fields of behavioral health, special education, and disability services since 1993. Originally trained at Boston University, he has worked as a special education teacher, behavior analyst/specialist, clinical director, disability consultant, and advocate. He holds a master's in both education and social work and is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Dave founded Triad Psych, p.c. in 2003 to provide valuable resources to the special needs community.
David is also a coach!

Find out more at:
Contempt Combining Gottman Research and Bible Project Wisdom

Contempt Combining Gottman Research and Bible Project Wisdom

On a recent road trip, we were listening to the Bible Project's Sermon on the Mount Series.
This episode: Episode 10, March 4, 2024, Bible Project Sermon on the Mount Series: How is Anger the Same as Murder? Spoiler alert- when Contempt enters the picture. What does the Bible say about Contempt?

Short animated clip: Anger, Wrath, Contempt: When is Anger the Same as Murder

When does the Bible equate anger to murder? When does anger cross into criticism and contempt? What is the difference in giving a complaint when there is hurt and harm and criticism?

Gottman offers some antidotes to the 4 Horsemen:
To Criticism: A Gentle Start-Up with How Something Makes You FEEL vs. Commentary on the person

Contempt: Build a Culture of Appreciation; Wilder would call this gratitude and Joy Building

Defensiveness: Set aside your intentions and explanations- take responsibility for the hurt/harm caused, even if only partial

Stonewalling: Psychological Self-Soothing: Self Care- take a break, work through your issues, come back to the discussion/argument

Quote from Gottman Institute: "Another way that we explain this is our discovery of the 5:1 “magic ratio” of positive to negative interactions that a relationship must have to succeed. If you have five or more positive interactions for every one negative interaction, then you’re making regular deposits into your emotional bank account, which keeps your relationship in the green."
Other clinicians or counselors have called this "keep short accounts".

2 min short clip to explain Gottman's 4 Horsemen that are predicted to kill your relationship: Contempt, Criticism, Defensiveness & Stonewalling

Find out more about your NeuroDiverse Christian Marriage and resources at:
Navigating the Maze of Executive Function Differences ASD, ADHD & AuDHD with Robin Tate

Navigating the Maze of Executive Function Differences ASD, ADHD & AuDHD with Robin Tate

Join Dr. Holmes as she interviews Robin Tate, a life coach and NeuroDiverse Couples' coach. Today, we discuss Neurodiversity and strategies for executive functioning.
We talk about the chapter in which she contributed to our new book.

Find out more here:

Robin describes a little about herself:
I am a professionally trained teacher and coach passionate about providing my clients with the best experience. As well as training, I have an in-depth understanding of the impacts of living with an Asperger's Profile and/or ADHD in a neurotypical world. My approach to coaching is client-centered and strength-based. I join with clients to work through obstacles and meet self-determined goals. For Neurodivergent adults, challenges are often rooted in neurological differences, which impact communication, executive function, and/or sensory regulation. As an experienced educator, I also understand learning disabilities, learning styles, accommodations, and a toolbox of strategies.
Coaching and education services complement a variety of other professional services. When needed, I easily collaborate with other professionals and family members.

I meet with clients via online video calls (worldwide). I also meet with clients in person, as agreed to be necessary and safe on a case-by-case basis.

Find her at:
Abuse, Divorce, Recovering from Marriage with Rev Iris Knapp

Abuse, Divorce, Recovering from Marriage with Rev Iris Knapp

While Dan usually joins me, I am solo today with Rev. Iris Knapp as we talk about abuse in the neurodiverse marriage. We cover Leslie Vernick's signs of repentance and why apologizing is difficult for people on the spectrum.

About our Guest, Rev. Iris Knapp
Women’s Life & Discernment Coach
Iris has over 50 years of ministry experience and is now a Life Coach. She was raised Jewish and came to know Jesus as Messiah in 1969 during the “Jesus Freak” revival.

She is certified with Light University, AIFC Australian Institute of Family Counseling, Ministerial Licensed with IAOG International Assemblies of God Fellowship, and ND Training with the International Association of ND Christian Couples. She has personal family ties to the autism spectrum. Her passion is to see women fulfill their potential in their God-given calling, and her heart is to lead women through restoration, growth, and purpose so that they can be all that God has created them to be.

Iris has contributed to a chapter of the book Uniquely Us. Follow the launch and how to order it at:

Want to work with Iris or join a group:

The article we mentioned about apologies is:
JTG - Now or Never

JTG - Now or Never

Dan Holmes, the Just the Guys host today with Perry, Jeremy, and Greg, discusses learning to get things with executive functioning differences. Sometimes, it is now or never!

Bio of NeuroDiverse Christian Couples

NeuroDiverse Christian Couples, a podcast by MHNRN, LLC, is dedicated to exploring the unique challenges faced by NeuroDiverse (AS/NT) Christian couples in the areas of communication and connection. Unlike typical couples, NeuroDiverse couples have specific dynamics and experiences that are often overlooked by therapists, clergy, and even within the Christian community. This podcast aims to shed light on these nuances and provide valuable insights and support.

NeuroDiverse couples not only navigate the complexities of their relationship but also often have children who are on the autism spectrum or have other differences. This podcast recognizes the specific issues that arise within the spectrum or special needs family systems and dedicates episodes to addressing those topics.

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