Super Mother Unleashed

Super Mother Unleashed is a podcast hosted by Soma Thakur.

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10 Ways To Engage Kids At Home During CoronaVirus Crisis : SMU10

10 Ways To Engage Kids At Home During CoronaVirus Crisis : SMU10

In this episode,I am covering the topic which I think everyone is facing in today’s life and it’s become new normal to all of us and it’s none other than Covid-19. I would like to request all my listeners to please listen and share your thought/views/feedback about today’s episode and if you have any topic on which you want me to cover on my Podcast please write to me


Tips To Overcome Speech Delay In Children : SMU09

Tips To Overcome Speech Delay In Children : SMU09

This episode I am talking about a very important topic which we mothers definitely feel for child when they don’t respond the way they should. None other than I am talking about Speech Delay in Child. Please listen my show and share your thought/views/feedback about today’s episode and if you have any topic on which you want me to cover on my Podcast please write to me at Regards,Soma Thakur

Healthy Homemade Snacks For Kids : SMU08

Healthy Homemade Snacks For Kids : SMU08

In today's episode I have come up with a very interesting topic for all lovely mothers which will help them overcome day today issues of serving healthy home cooked evening snacks.We all mothers are become more concern when it comes to kids healthy food, it can be main course or any kind of snacks.Please share your thought/views/feedback about today’s episode please write to me Regards,Soma Thakur

Celebrating World Music Day 21st June 2020!

Celebrating World Music Day 21st June 2020!

To all Music lovers here we are clebrating World Music Day 21st June 2020 and this song sang by me dedicated to Late Sushant Singh Rajput. Please listen and hope every one will love this song.

Frequently Asked Questions By Mothers : SMU07

Frequently Asked Questions By Mothers : SMU07

This show I talk about several questions which asked my mothers. So in this episode I will be reading these questions and will be providing  solutions to them. I would also like to request all my listeners to please share your thought/views/feedback about today’s episode and if you have any topic on which you want me to cover on my Podcast please write to me at Regards,Soma Thakur

How to Potty Train Your Child In One Week : SMU06

How to Potty Train Your Child In One Week : SMU06

In this episode I am going to cover the topic of Potty training of your baby. Every mother becomes worried when her baby cross 1 year and thinks how to start potty training process? So, in this episode I am covering how can we train our baby within 1 week. Do listen to this episode to learn and train your child. Regards,Soma Thakur


How To Boost Immunity In Child Naturally : SMU05

How To Boost Immunity In Child Naturally : SMU05

Are u one of those mothers who always think Why Does My Child fall sick often? Why my child often gets cold and Cough issues? Is there any immunity booster I can offer my baby? So please listen to this episode and find out how to boost child immunity naturally. Please write to me feedback on 

Regards, Soma Thakur

How To Handle Fussy Baby Eaters Or Picky Eaters : SMU04

How To Handle Fussy Baby Eaters Or Picky Eaters : SMU04

In this episode I will be covering how to handle fussy baby eaters, so please listen this episode and learn the different ways to overcome this problem. I would also like to request all my listeners to please share your thought/views/feedback about today’s episode and if you have any topic on which you want me to cover on my Podcast please write to me on 

Would love to receive your comments. Regards, Soma Thakur

Baby Food Ideas, Nutritional Food Tips and Home Made Recipes : SMU03

Baby Food Ideas, Nutritional Food Tips and Home Made Recipes : SMU03

In this episode I will cover baby food ideas, Nutritional food tips and Home made recipes for babies, suggestions to Boost Immunity of your little one and help you introduce food which can help your baby gain weight also. Regards, Soma Thakur

Bio of Super Mother Unleashed

Super Mother Unleashed is a podcast hosted by Soma Thakur, a renowned Mother Coach in India. The show focuses on the health and lifestyle of both children and mothers. Soma dives into various topics related to child and maternal health, offering valuable insights, practical tips, and empowering techniques to support struggling mothers.

Through Super Mother Unleashed, Soma addresses common challenges faced by mothers and provides guidance on topics such as healthy cooking, boosting immunity, and managing day-to-day issues. She aims to empower mothers by sharing natural home remedies, effective strategies, and behind-the-scenes information that can help them navigate their motherhood journey with confidence.

Soma's mission is to assist mothers in reaching new milestones and becoming the best versions of themselves.

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