The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast, hosted by Shannon Crow.

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379: Chakras with Indu Arora

379: Chakras with Indu Arora

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

379: Chakras with Indu Arora



Chakras are a part of yoga, but a lot of us in the yoga world are not familiar with it. We may feel uncomfortable discussing chakras or may have a very limited understanding. In this episode, Indu Arora shares her expertise and insights about chakras.


Indu Arora is the founder and Director of Yog Sadhna. She is a yoga and Ayurveda teacher, mentor, and author, based out of the USA. Indu has been sharing simple, effective, practical, and grounded ways of living life through Yoga, Yoga Therapy, Meditation, and Ayurveda since 1999. She also offers in-person and virtual training sessions that focus on a holistic approach where body and mind are integrated with the inner Self.


Indu explains what chakras are, how they are related to yoga, the different texts in the yoga tradition that talk about chakras, and how we can access this information. Indu also clears up some common misconceptions about the chakras, and shares her personal experience in learning about and experiencing chakras. If you feel like teaching chakras is challenging, Indu has some tips on how we can make chakras more accessible and beginner-friendly, and so much more.


Key Takeaways:

[3:10] Shannon gives a shout-out to sponsors, OfferingTree and Shannon's 20-hour Yoga for Pelvic Health Training.

[5:35] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Indu Arora.

[9:06] How should we pronounce the word "chakras"?

[9:58] What are chakras?

[13:26] Indu explains a little bit more about where the idea of color and qualities of chakras comes from.

[18:42] What are some texts to learn more about chakras?

[25:50] How would Indu explain chakras to someone completely new to the idea?

[30:21] Shannon pops in to share some big news from OfferingTree.

[32:28] Shannon and Indu discuss why teaching or sharing about the chakras can feel like a challenge. Indu explains another way to visualize the chakras.

[41:18] How has learning about or experiencing chakras impacted Indu's life and yoga practice?

[51:39] Learn more from Indu on her Instagram, her website, and her trainings.

[55:55] Shannon shares her biggest takeaways from this episode.

[57:35] Hang out with Shannon in real-time in Pelvic Health Professionals.

[58:55] Shannon gives a personal update about an incident that occurred a few weeks ago.




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree, and Yoga for Pelvic Health 20-hr Online Training with Shannon Crow.


Quotes from this episode:

"Because what happens is when we learn one thing a certain way, we also get fixated by that certain way."


"Don't use knowledge just for verbal karate. Let there be a reason you have learned things a certain way."


"It's so important... to keep our mind open that there is more and we don't need to know everything that is more, but we need to keep space for more."


"One of the most important teachings in yoga is vairagya, let go, detach. So you have to have the courage to let go because there is more."


"The goal of yoga is yoga. Let's not forget that."

378: Embodied Leadership with Sumaya K. Owens

378: Embodied Leadership with Sumaya K. Owens

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

378: Embodied Leadership with Sumaya K. Owens



Being a leader is challenging. From making tough decisions to guiding others, it demands a lot from us and it can be difficult to make the right choices. As yoga teachers, how can we ethically show up as leaders while also being aware of our own power and privilege? Sumaya K. Owens shares their insights.


Sumaya K. Owens is the founder of Present Moment Media where they help uplift the voices of changemakers by using content marketing as a tool for social & cultural impact. Sumaya has nearly 20 years of professional experience in the health and wellness field and is a trauma-informed yoga teacher and ayurvedic health coach. They currently teach weekly virtual yoga classes for Burmese students living in a military coup in Bago, Myanmar, as well as offer workshops, trainings, and retreats on mindfulness, stress management, and trauma-informed practices for business and nonprofit leaders. As a community leader, Sumaya serves as the DEI Co-Chai for the local chapter of AIGA Asheville, and the lead organizer for the Embodied Leadership Meetup in Asheville.


In this episode, Sumaya explains what embodied leadership means, why it is so important for leaders to check in with their bodies when making decisions, and some tools to integrate this into our leadership playbooks. Sumaya also talks about how to show up for hard conversations and how to balance speaking up for causes we care about while being mindful of the impact we have on our followers and students. Shannon and Sumaya also discuss the need for a supportive community and community care, particularly in these divisive and polarizing times.


Key Takeaways:

[3:16] Shannon gives a shout out of thanks to sponsors OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.

[5:52] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Sumaya K. Owens.

[8:05] What does Sumaya do and who do they do it for?

[9:13] How did Sumaya get into their line of work?

[11:00] What does embodied leadership mean?

[12:22] Working in the health and wellness space doesn't necessarily mean that the job is relaxing or stress-free. Sumaya explains why it is important for leaders to check in with their physical bodies when making big decisions.

[17:09] What advice does Sumaya have for leaders who might feel like they are struggling to be embodied leaders?

[20:25] What does it mean to have privilege and power?

[24:01] What defines a leader?

[25:52] Shannon reflects that the yoga world has been largely silent in the face of many injustices happening around the world, most noticeably with regards to Palestine. What are Sumaya's thoughts on this? 

[31:40] We may not be able to stay up to date with all the injustices and news events that are taking place around the world, but we can hold space for one another with compassion and love.

[34:43] How can yoga teachers balance wanting to keep their posts on social media positive and helpful, while still sharing about causes they care about that may be triggering or upsetting to others?

[39:03] Shannon pops in to share some exciting news from OfferingTree.

[41:26] What is lacking in the conversation around embodied leadership in the yoga world?

[46:21] What are some of Sumaya's favorite resources to learn about nonviolent communication?

[48:40] What advice does Sumaya have for yoga teachers who may be thinking about starting a support group for other yoga teachers and entrepreneurs in their area to learn about and practice embodied leadership?

[51:32] How can we get into a more embodied state when it comes to making big decisions in our businesses?\

[55:12] Find out more about Sumaya and their work on social media and join their Facebook group.

[59:05] Sumaya shares a few concluding thoughts about community care.

[61:07] Shannon shares her biggest takeaways from this conversation with Sumaya.

[62:40] Shannon talks about some of the guest expert calls in Pelvic Health Professionals




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree, Summer Biz Camp, and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

"Embodied leadership is the practice of turning your attention towards the physical body and sensations while in a position of power or privilege."


"As a leader, I am in a position of power. I am in a position of privilege and it is my responsibility to be incredibly aware of how I'm using that for the benefit of others."


"Every yoga teacher is a leader. ... The whole context of being a teacher means that your students are looking to you for guidance, they're looking to you for support, and that puts you in a position of power."


"As embodied leaders, it's also a responsibility to show up in the community and be calm and compassionate and caring, human beings who take care of each other and know how to have hard conversations without lashing out at each other, without blaming each other."


"What feels really important to me is that as yoga teachers and as leaders that we have values and that we know what they are and that we stand up for what we believe in and especially if it's something that's really aligned with our brand or our organization, our vision for the business or nonprofit that we run."


"One of the best things that we can do as leaders is know when we don't have all the answers and ask for help because that means we'll be more effective in the work that we're doing."


377: Cultivating Contentment with Mary Flaherty

377: Cultivating Contentment with Mary Flaherty

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

377: Cultivating Contentment with Mary Flaherty



Amid so many negative things currently happening in the world, it can feel challenging to remain positive and be content with ourselves and our lives. How do we cultivate contentment? Is it possible? Is it important? What are some scientifically proven strategies we can adopt to navigate the ups and downs of life? Mary Flaherty shares more.


Mary Flaherty has over 30 years of experience as a psychologist and is a highly experienced university lecturer and curriculum developer. She has worked in Australia, Japan, Ireland, and the U.K and is also a researcher with published findings reported in TIME magazine. Her specific fields of interest include positive psychology, sleep, stress and anxiety management, meditation/mindfulness, and yoga. Mary has also been a yoga teacher for over 20 years.


In this episode, Mary shares more about her background, why she started studying contentment, and how it is different from happiness. She also talks about her new book "Keys to Contentment - from Science, Monks and My Mother", sharing practical tips about how to be content and manage challenging situations. Mary explains some aspects of how the brain works that might help us when life is hard and highlights why being positive is so important. 


Key Takeaways:

[2:30] Stand a chance to win one of two copies of Mary Flaherty's book in this episode's giveaway!

[3:40] Shannon gives a shout-out of thanks to sponsors OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.

[5:42] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Mary Flaherty.

[10:18] What inspired Mary to write a book about contentment and the science behind it?

[13:47] Why did Mary decide to include her mother in talking about the keys to contentment?

[21:53] What are some scientifically proven strategies that help with contentment?

[35:53] Shannon pops in with a message about OfferingTree.

[37:56] How do we find Santosha in these challenging times we are living through? How do we balance being positive and grateful while holding space for what's happening to others around us?

[42:20] Mary highlights why it is so important for us to become aware of our cognitive biases.

[46:00] What is our role as yoga teachers when our students share with us the struggles they are facing?

[52:54] What are some other things Mary hopes people would know about leading a more contented life?

[63:03] Shannon and Mary discuss how useful it can be to slow down and notice the details of life.

[65:08] Get your copy of Mary's book on Amazon, Kindle, Audible, and iTunes. Connect with her on Instagram as well.

[66:08] What is one small thing you can try if you feel like you are far from reaching contentment?

[67:16] Shannon reflects on her conversation with Mary.

[71:22] Shannon shares about some of the guest expert calls available in Pelvic Health Professionals.

[74:05] Shannon relates an experience she had recently that has been weighing on her.




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree, Summer Biz Camp, and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

"Contentment really is the idea of internal balance."


"Contentment is sustainable again through the storms of life, it endures in difficulty."


"Nurture those social connections because they really will help us to be more content, to be less anxious, to be happier."


"The only way we can counteract cruelty is not with cruelty. It's with care."


"Yoga is a wonderful tool, especially when life offers us very challenging circumstances."


376: Collective Care Over Individualistic Self-Care with Muna Shakour

376: Collective Care Over Individualistic Self-Care with Muna Shakour

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

376: Collective Care Over Individualistic Self-Care with Muna Shakour



The massacre and genocide of Palestinians in Gaza have been going on for months now, and other genocide emergencies are simultaneously taking place around the world. Yet, many (especially in the health and wellness industry), still refuse to speak up, choosing instead to prioritize their safety and comfort over the need for liberation and freedom for all oppressed people. Muna Shakour shares her perspective as a Palestinian with family in the West Bank about shifting from focusing on self-care to looking at collective care.


Muna Shakour is a personal development coach who accidentally became an activist after the events in Gaza started. Her coaching practice has evolved over the years, from a Parenting Coach for parents of children 8 years and younger to coaching small business owners and coaches on how to grow their businesses and personal brands online to attract their ideal clients. Muna also offers corporate training focused on self-reflection and developing soft skills for leadership. Since October 7, Muna has been actively speaking out against the atrocities happening in Gaza and Palestine, sharing information and drawing attention to the situation there.


Muna talks about her work before October 7, 2023 and how she gets nervous about talking about her “work” now. She highlights the relationship we have with all people, the earth, and all creatures, and why we need to focus on caring for the collective “we” instead of focusing solely on self-care for “me”. Muna shares very honestly about the emotions she is experiencing and how that influences her decisions in who to connect with, hire, and support. She also offers some suggestions about how to navigate working for a company that won’t allow you to speak up and how to continue running your online business alongside speaking up for peace and justice.


Key Takeaways:

[3:29] Shannon gives a shout-out of thanks to sponsors OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.

[6:02] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Muna Shakour.

[10:35] What does Muna do and who does she do it for? She shares more about her professional journey and how she "accidentally" became an activist.

[21:04] Shannon and Muna discuss what it has been like for them to encounter people in the wellness world who say they don't have the capacity to care about everything, especially when they have been increasingly involved in social justice movements in the past few years.

[28:35] A lot of us have been feeling a lot of anger and grief. We need to find productive ways to channel that energy.

[31:23] How can we be more careful with who we choose to work with and where we give our money to ensure that our values are aligned?

[37:48] Shannon pops in to share a little bit about OfferingTree.

[40:06] What are Muna's thoughts on when someone says something online that is harmful or hurtful, but it's because they still have some learning to do?

[44:39] Muna shares a little about what it's like being a Palestinian and having to avoid mentioning her identity for various reasons.

[47:09] We can use our privilege to start speaking up about Palestine and exercise our empathy to imagine what must be like for Palestinians.

[53:19] In the health and wellness space, a lot of people try hard not to post political things. Shannon and Muna discuss how they're changing people's minds about this stance.

[58:11] Muna shares her dream of people mobilizing en masse to demand change.

[63:33] Palestine has become a measure of what we will stand for and what we will not allow.

[66:44] What would Muna say to a yoga teacher who has not spoken up till now and is wondering how to do so now?

[73:33] We have to speak out even louder because we have privilege and clout that others don't.

[80:40] Shannon shares some of her reflections from this conversation with Muna.

[81:59] Shannon talks about some of the upcoming events in Pelvic Health Professionals and upcoming episodes of the podcast.




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree, Summer Biz Camp, and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

"Because the focus was so much on the self, we lost that feeling of community and the good of the collective versus the individual."


"There's always a relationship between us and nature and the universe and earth and the world and people."


"This is the future. The future is you're not following just for the advice. You're following the person, their personal brand, of course, with all of the marketing, but the values of this person and it needs to shine through."


"I imagine if I'm a mom there, how would I want people on the outside to be?"


"My personal opinion is you can still do work and talk about Palestine and they can even both be done at the same time."


"What will you stand for and what will you not allow?"


"This whole idea of the separateness is what's hurting us all. We have to remember that we are connected and relationships are the most important thing."


375: Why Marketing is Different Now with Tristan Katz & Brooke Monaghan

375: Why Marketing is Different Now with Tristan Katz & Brooke Monaghan

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

375: Why Marketing is Different Now with Tristan Katz & Brooke Monaghan



How do we market our work in times of collective distress and unrest? How can we show up for our business, our audience, and ourselves in a way that is aligned with our values? Two incredible entrepreneurs in the online space share more about how to navigate being a business owner in our current context - Brooke Monaghan and Tristan Katz.


Brooke Monaghan is the founder of Fruition Growth Network, a collaborative platform providing accessible, quality support to self-employed folks and bringing people together to find power in community. Brooke acts as a trusted advisor to founders and leaders who value impact, integrity, and relationships and are on a mission to set things straight in their industry. Her work focuses on the intersection of wellbeing and bottom line, guiding do-gooder lifestyle business owners to intentionally design profitable businesses around their values and their desired lifestyle.


Tristan Katz is a writer, educator, digital strategist, and equity-inclusion facilitator. They specialize in content marketing strategies for justice-focused leaders and queer-trans Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging (DEIB) training and consulting. Tristan’s intention is to share this work with an anti-oppression and intersectional lens. Tristan was named one of Yoga Journal’s 2021 Game Changers and he is proud to have spent several years serving on the Board of Directors at Accessible Yoga before the non-profit dissolved in early 2024.


Brooke and Tristan explain how marketing has changed since the early days of online business and why values matter so much to customers now. They also address using AI in marketing, how to change our strategies when it comes to marketing, and why following a cookie-cutter marketing plan probably isn’t going to work for your yoga business – as well as what you can do instead.


Key Takeaways:

[3:04] Shannon gives a shout-out of thanks to sponsors OfferingTree, Summer Biz Camp, and Pelvic Health Professionals.

[7:05] Shannon introduces her guests for this episode - Tristan Katz and Brooke Monaghan.

[10:54] What do Tristan and Brooke do and who do they do it for?

[14:44] Tristan and Brooke have a podcast together - be sure to check out Reimagining Online Business.

[15:58] A lot of yoga teachers are feeling like they don't know how to market to students in the current environment. Brooke shares some of the trends in marketing in 2024.

[20:44] Tristan reflects on how new the internet is in the human experience and how that influences and impacts us as business owners and humans.

[28:06] Brooke explains that many of us in the online business space have lost sight of doing business with people. Strategies that work for more established business owners may not work for us.

[31:50] Tristan contextualizes Brooke's perspective for how it could apply to yoga teachers.

[36:00] Shannon pops in with a message about OfferingTree.

[37:46] What are some ways to really connect with people in our audience? Brooke suggests experimenting with being real with your audience and tuning into your intuition.

[42:02] Tristan brings up the fact that all businesses are struggling right now, and marketing to people is simply not as easy as it used to be.

[45:51] It's a lot easier to be consistent when you're not trying to force yourself to do it the right way and you're allowing yourself to show up and be real.

[46:47] We can pay attention to trends, but in a loose, non-attached way, and instead try to make them our own or put our own spin on them.

[48:31] Shannon and Brooke reflect on how they feel being marketed to, as consumers.

[49:49] Tristan highlights how important it is now for yoga teachers to find their niche - find what really sets them apart from others

[52:47] Shannon talks about how she is showing up in her business, talking both about topics related to running a yoga business but also what is currently going on in the world.

[54:09] Marketing assets can be useful, but we also need content that has a finger on the pulse on how your audience is feeling or what they are experiencing..

[56:01] What advice do Brooke and Tristan have for yoga teachers when it feels like they just can't show up?

[62:00] Don't gaslight yourself into thinking you should figure out a way to do something when you don't have the capacity to do it or have the money to invest.

[64:46] Learn more about how to repurpose content and get access to other trainings and workshops on the Fruition Growth Network.

[65:57] When people are trying to sell you strategies or pathways to success, we have to be discerning.

[70:14] Brooke and Tristan share some final closing thoughts.

[72:12] Shannon shares her reflections from this conversation with Brooke and Tristan.

[80:13] Shannon talks about the latest call in the Pelvic Health Professionals membership site that you can listen to and some upcoming calls.




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree, Summer Biz Camp, and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

"Consumers right now are looking to see companies' values to make their buying decisions." - Brooke


"For those of us who are values-led business owners, right now is an opportunity to lead with that more than ever." - Brooke


"We have to overcome the fear of speaking because we have to show up as humans in our work to reach humans who are tired of the internet." - Tristan


"The most strategic thing that you can do right now is think critically about who your people are." - Brooke


"If I'm grieving and angry or whatever it is, I'm sure other people are probably too. How can we bring that approach into our businesses and our marketing?" - Tristan


"We are in a moment of experimentation and trying to figure things out." - Brooke


"It's a lot easier to be consistent when you're not trying to force yourself to do it the right way and you're allowing yourself to show up and be real." - Brooke


"What I'm saying is we do need marketing assets. We also need so much more than marketing assets." - Tristan


374: Teaching Yoga to Busy Parents with Naomi Gottlieb-Miller

374: Teaching Yoga to Busy Parents with Naomi Gottlieb-Miller

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

374: Teaching Yoga to Busy Parents with Naomi Gottlieb-Miller



How can busy parents find time for yoga in the midst of all the things they are juggling? How can yoga teachers make yoga more accessible to parents who are facing time scarcity? Naomi Gottlieb-Miller shares how her yoga practice changed when she became a parent and how she now uses this knowledge to share yoga with other parents.


Naomi is a mover, a maker, and a mom of 3 kids. She has been teaching yoga and movement since 2005 and is known for classes that are creative, playful, and strong. Naomi specializes in teaching short classes that pack a punch, making sure you can easily squeeze your daily movement into whatever pockets in your day you happen to have. On her website, Naomi offers classes that are 5 to 30 minutes to ensure busy parents (and anyone else short of time) can incorporate movement into their day, no matter what.


Naomi opens up about how her yoga practice changed drastically when she became a parent, and how that inspired her to teach much shorter classes online which can be just as good or even better than longer yoga classes! She shares how she has found success in her yoga business offering shorter classes, and highlights the importance of removing barriers that keep people from coming to yoga. Shannon and Naomi also discuss how we don’t all have the same amount of time, the high expectations we put on ourselves as parents and as yoga teachers, the double standards society sometimes puts on parents, and more.


Whether you are a parent who struggles to find time for your movement practice on top of your hectic schedule or you work with parents who tell you they don’t have time for yoga, this is a great episode.


Key Takeaways:

[0:37] Shannon introduces the topic for this episode - yoga and parenthood.

[3:43] This episode is sponsored by OfferingTree, Summer Biz Camp, and Pelvic Health Professionals.

[7:20] Claire Holloway, a member of Pelvic Health Professionals, shares a little about her experience in the membership.

[10:11] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Naomi Gottlieb-Miller.

[12:26] What does Naomi do and who does she do it for?

[18:15] Shannon reflects on her own parenting journey and how time felt scarce for her when her children were young.

[20:42] It can be hard for moms or parents to shake off societal expectations.

[26:39] What is Naomi's advice to yoga teachers who are struggling to find time for their own practice, and what can that self-practice look like?

[32:21] Naomi offers a 5-minute practice for an entire month.

[34:06] Taking away expectations and limiting your daily practice can make it feel more accessible.

[34:38] Shannon pops in to share a little about OfferingTree.

[36:09] What is one thing a busy parent or parent with an overstimulated nervous system could do to get started?

[40:04] What are some of Naomi's recommendations for people who are feeling low on energy and need motivation?

[46:07] How does Naomi charge for her classes, considering that they are relatively short?

[49:13] Naomi highlights that longer classes can be a barrier for many parents who simply don't have the time or resources to make that commitment.

[52:21] Shannon and Naomi discuss why people might feel hesitant about shorter classes.

[58:28] Get in touch with Naomi and learn more from her via her website and social media channels.

[59:32] Shannon reflects on how Naomi has been showing up and speaking up for peace in these difficult times, and her own process of dealing with grief after witnessing horrific news from Gaza.

[66:14] Shannon shares some details of upcoming calls inside Pelvic Health Professionals.




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree, Summer Biz Camp, and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

"Whatever I am doing for myself to move is good. It does not have to be 60 minutes or 30 minutes or even 10 minutes. It can be really short. And if that makes my body feel good, that is enough."


"Another thing that can be so hard actually, is that if our expectations for our practice are really high, ...we're never going to get anything done."


"Why are we putting value judgments on the length of time?"


"Your home practice does not need to look like the classes that you teach. Your home practice should look like what you need."


"We just need to reframe what we think is necessary for both home practice and what we teach."


"Motivation is fickle."


"We want to assign so much more power to yoga and to movement because we want things to be miracle fixes."


"I don't necessarily think that a 15-minute practice means that you're rushing things."


373: Yoga Philosophy for Parenthood with Claire Holloway

373: Yoga Philosophy for Parenthood with Claire Holloway

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

373: Yoga Philosophy for Parenthood with Claire Holloway



How can yoga philosophy support people in their parenthood or caregiving journey? Are the ancient yogic teachings still applicable to modern life? Claire Holloway shares insights about how we can tap into the wisdom of yoga philosophy to guide our actions as we navigate this phase of life.


Claire is the founder of The Centre of Bright Beginnings. She offers yoga, corrective exercise, and educational support for those embarking upon or moving through the journey of matresence – conception, pregnancy, postpartum, and parenting. Her work supports not only those identifying as mothers but also parents, caregivers, and parents-to-be. She studies and shares yoga through the lens of her personal experiences of becoming and being a mother.


In this episode, Claire reflects on her own postpartum journey and the challenges she faced that led her to do the work she does now. She breaks down how we can apply the teachings of ancient yoga philosophy to life today as parents, and shares practical tips on integrating yoga philosophy into our day-to-day activities. Claire also shares how we can moderate our energy as parents when so much of it goes to our children, how to avoid comparing ourselves with the “perfect parents” on social media, the many decisions that are connected to parenting and birthing, and more.


This is such a rich discussion for anyone who is a parent, future parent, caregiver, or if you support or know parents in your life.


Key Takeaways:

[0:06] This episode is about how yoga philosophy can support you as a parent or in some other capacity as a caregiver.

[3:41] This episode is sponsored by OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals - and Shannon has some big news about Pelvic Health Professionals.

[9:11] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Claire Holloway.

[13:25] What is the work that Claire does and who does she do it for?

[17:02] What was Claire's postpartum journey like and what inspired her to focus on this time with parents?

[21:44] Things have changed a lot since yoga philosophy was written. How does it still apply to parenting today?

[25:44] How does Claire start to bring in yoga philosophy when talking to brand new parents?

[30:57] With social media, it is easy to compare ourselves to others and feel like we're not living a perfect life or being perfect parents. Shannon and Claire discuss how yoga philosophy can support us in those times.

[37:22] What other parts of yoga philosophy have supported Claire in her own parenting journey?

[41:09] What are some of the challenges new parents are facing now?

[48:15] Shannon and Claire discuss tapas and how that can show up in parenting.

[50:52] Birth trauma can be a big part of the parenting experience. How does Claire help people navigate that?

[55:46] Many new parents deal with a sense of isolation, even more so when they feel they are not living up to societal ideals. Claire speaks a little to this point.

[57:27] Learn more about Claire and her work via her website.

[61:03] Shannon reflects on her biggest takeaways from this conversation with Claire.

[62:47] Shannon shares some of the upcoming calls inside Pelvic Health Professionals, as well as how things are changing with the membership.

[67:12] Link - Shulamit episode

[68:18] Link - Claire's post



Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

"It's just highlighting that there never is pro-balance and that we can stop beating ourselves up for not actually achieving much... Even that simple awareness can bring more compassion to ourselves. "


"The more out of control things feel, the more we cling to whatever we feel that we can control."


"One of the really underlying themes is about um taking the right action as opposed to stopping and not acting because of the fear."


"Yoga is about the opposite of that, about coming back from separation and isolation towards connection and community and unity."


372: Grow a Private Yoga Business with Dominique Gauthier

372: Grow a Private Yoga Business with Dominique Gauthier

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

372: Grow a Private Yoga Business with Dominique Gauthier 



Wondering how you can teach more one-on-one yoga? Curious if it is possible to turn 1:1 yoga classes into a full time business? Teaching yoga 1:1 and growing a yoga business teaching private yoga classes is not something that is covered in yoga teacher trainings but is so important! Dominique Gauthier shares how she has built a successful yoga business with 1:1; sessions.


Dominique is a highly skilled and passionate yoga teacher, personal trainer, core & pelvic floor specialist. She is the owner of Body Mind Fitness based in London (Lambeth) Ontario. Dominique is dedicated to helping clients of all ages and fitness levels achieve their health and wellness goals, with a comprehensive approach to fitness that focuses on building strength, increasing flexibility, and improving overall health and well-being. She is a certified Core and Pelvic Floor Specialist, helping clients overcome common issues related to core and pelvic floor dysfunction, and works with clients in-person and virtually in private sessions and personalized small group classes for clients all over the world.


Dominique explains how she is able to make a living teaching only yoga. She shares how she advertises online to get new students, what her schedule is like, and how she teaches both in-person and online private yoga. Dominique also highlights how she managed the transition and why moving from teaching group classes to private yoga is not a quick shift. If you’ve been wanting to add more 1:1 yoga classes to your schedule, this episode is for you.


Key Takeaways:

[0:06] Shannon introduces her topic for this episode - teaching 1:1 yoga.

[3:58] Shannon introduces herself and gives a shout out to the podcast sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.

[8:42] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Dominique Gauthier.

[12:27] What does Dominique do and who does she do it for?

[15:28] Dominique shares more about how teaching one-on-one yoga is her main source of income.

[17:04] What was Dominique's process of marketing when she made the transition from teaching group classes to focusing on 1:1 classes?

[21:43] Dominique still offers consultation calls to potential students who might be interested in her services.

[24:24] Does Dominique teach 1:1 online or in person?

[24:48] Dominique explains how she structures working with 1:1 student, from the time they book a consultation call.

[27:38] If you're looking for an all-in-one software option, OfferingTree is the solution!

[30:36] Shannon and Dominique discuss the pricing of her 1:1 classes.

[31:11] What is Dominique's advice for a yoga teacher who is looking to make the switch to teaching more 1:1 yoga in their business?

[34:23] Dominique and Shannon share some inspiring anecdotes about why they do they work that they do.

[36:15] How does Dominique manage scheduling her 1:1 yoga sessions?

[39:21] There are ebbs and flows and busy periods and slow periods, even with teaching 1:1 yoga. Dominique reflects on how she manages these ups and downs in her yoga business.

[41:03] Find out more about Dominique and her work at her website and on social media.

[42:23] Shannon shares her biggest takeaways from this conversation with Dominique.

[44:58] Shannon shares a review from a member of Pelvic Health Professionals.

[46:52] Check out the upcoming live calls in Pelvic Health Professionals.




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

"I really shied away from the idea of talking about 1 to 1 services and possibly part of that was a little bit of imposter syndrome."


"I find that especially as an entrepreneur, people want to know who you are as a person and that way they might trust you."


"For the most part, I try to give them that face-to-face, putting a face to a name. And I think it shows that you're going the extra mile for them."

371: Organizing a Yoga Retreat with Checka Antifonario

371: Organizing a Yoga Retreat with Checka Antifonario

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

371: Organizing a Yoga Retreat with Checka Antifonario



Have you thought about hosting a yoga retreat for a day, a week-end or longer? Retreats are a great way for yoga teachers to provide a new, more immersive experience to their students but planning and executing a yoga retreat can be challenging. Checka Antifonario shares her thoughts as an experienced retreat planner and host. 


Checka Antifonario is the founder of Yogaway, and she has been guiding yoga and mindfulness classes, workshops and retreats since 2008. She is deeply committed to maintaining a welcoming, inclusive, and grounded space for practice and community. When Checka is not teaching near home or online through her digital platform Anyday Yogaway, she journeys throughout the United States and abroad, leading weekend and week-long retreats. Checka also supports yoga teachers through her mentorship program for new or evolving Yoga teachers, as well as an in-depth retreat planner training. Off of the mat, she is passionate about being in nature and spending time with her dogs, goats and family!


Checka shares insights about the fundamentals of planning and organizing a yoga retreat. She gives tips on how to choose a venue for the retreat, the ideal group size, and things to consider when pricing the retreat. Checka also offers an insider view of how to organize a retreat schedule as well as how to build community among the participants of the retreat. If you have been contemplating hosting a retreat but aren’t sure how to get started, this episode is for you.


Key Takeaways:

[3:23] This episode is made possible by OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.

[5:25] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Checka Antifonario.

[9:54] What does Checka do and who does she do it for?

[12:06] What is step 1 when it comes to planning a retreat?

[16:19] What are some tips Checka would give to a yoga teacher who needs to clarify their driving force for hosting a retreat?

[20:10] How long should a retreat be, especially for the first retreat that you host?

[23:42] What are some elements we might consider when planning the retreat schedule?

[27:07] What kind of group size should we be aiming for? What should the ratio of leaders or teachers to people attending the retreat be like?\

[30:09] Shannon pops in with a quick tip about how OfferingTree can support you in hosting retreats in your community or around the world!

[32:12] Checka and Shannon discuss pricing for retreats. There can be a big difference in costs between hosting your retreat at a retreat center vs self-hosting a retreat!\

[38:07] Checka shares some of her experience in terms of managing logistics, coordinating with retreat centers, and handling insurance.

[40:41] What are some hiccups that we could run into while planning and hosting a retreat?

[46:30] How can we form community and connections while we are on a retreat?

[52:14] Learn more about hosting yoga retreats from Checka by connecting with her via her website or on social media.

[53:04] Checka shares some final thoughts for yoga teachers who are feeling inspired to plan a retreat.

[55:36] Shannon shares her biggest takeaways from this conversation with Checka about hosting retreats.

[59:00] Shannon shares a review about the yoga series with Tyler Arnason in Pelvic Health Professionals.

[60:18] Check out all the different yoga series available in Pelvic Health Professionals with a free month of membership!

[62:27] Shannon shares some final reflections about yoga and social justice.




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

"Just finding your own most authentic way toward building community because that's really the foundational piece that will make offering and running retreats so much less intimidating [and] a little smoother when you get to that process."


"What is your mission with the retreat?"


"Where I'm going to pour my passion and love and energy is where things are going to thrive, and with retreats, I think that's really, really true."


"Group size is very important because I do believe it affects the dynamic of things quite a bit."

Bio of The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast, hosted by Shannon Crow, provides a valuable platform for yoga teachers to come together, learn, and find inspiration. Recognizing the unique challenges faced by yoga teachers, Shannon aims to bridge the gap between the yoga training experience and the business side of being a yoga teacher.

Often, after completing yoga teacher training, many teachers feel like they're navigating the business world alone. The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast aims to address this gap by delving into the questions, challenges, and topics that are often overlooked in traditional yoga teacher training. While philosophy and anatomy are important aspects of teaching yoga, the podcast focuses on the business aspects that are crucial for success in the field.

Through interviews with experienced yoga teachers and professionals from various backgrounds, The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast covers a wide range of topics relevant to yoga teachers.

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