Global Product Management Talk

The Global Product Management Talk, hosted by ProdMgmtTalk.

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499: How to implement a 2-hour design sprint to solve complex problems

499: How to implement a 2-hour design sprint to solve complex problems

Global Product Management Talk is pleased to bring you the next episode of... Product Mastery Now with host Chad McAllister, PhD. The podcast is all about helping people involved in innovation and managing products become more successful, grow their careers, and STANDOUT from their peers. About the Episode:  We’ve talked before about design sprints with John Zeratsky, who co-created a way to solve big problems at Google in just 5 days, resulting in the popular 5-day design sprint. What if you don’t have 5 days, but 2 hours? It turns out you can still solve a lot of complex problems in a 2 hour design sprint if you know how. Think about that — being able to confidently solve complex problems with a team in only 2 hours instead of days. To tell us how to gain have that confidence, Teresa Cain is with us. She is the bestselling author of Solving Problems in 2 Hours: How to Brainstorm and Create Solutions with Two Hour Design Sprints, whose first edition became an instant hit among tech teams worldwide. The all new edition, which includes new AI tools, is now available. She is currently the Director of Product Management, User Experience and Design for TreviPay, a leader in global billing and invoicing. She is also the founder of Lucid Startup Consulting, a training firm focused on research, strategy, and vision for product managers, UX teams, businesses and entrepreneurs. 
498: Real-world use of product life cycle management – with John Rovnan

498: Real-world use of product life cycle management – with John Rovnan

Global Product Management Talk is pleased to bring you the next episode of... Product Mastery Now with host Chad McAllister, PhD. The podcast is all about helping people involved in innovation and managing products become more successful, grow their careers, and STANDOUT from their peers. About the Episode:  Product lifecycle management is key to successful product development and innovation. This article explores the stages of a product’s life, from launch to retirement, and how they differ across industries and product types. Here are the main takeaways: The classic product lifecycle stages are introduction, growth, maturity, decline, and retirement.For software and SaaS products, development and lifecycle management often overlap.Ongoing customer feedback is vital throughout the product’s life.Teamwork across different departments is crucial for effective lifecycle management.Strategies need to be adapted for different types of products and industries.Innovation is key to extending and improving the product lifecycle. Understanding these ideas and using them well can help product managers handle the complexities of product lifecycle management and drive innovation in their companies.
497: Mastering product management strategy – with Andreas Maihoefer

497: Mastering product management strategy – with Andreas Maihoefer

Global Product Management Talk is pleased to bring you the next episode of... Product Mastery Now with host Chad McAllister, PhD. The podcast is all about helping people involved in innovation and managing products become more successful, grow their careers, and STANDOUT from their peers. About the Episode:  Want to level up your product management game? This guide dives into the world of product strategy, sharing insights from expert Andreas Maihoefer. We’ll explore key tools like the House of Strategy, which shows how different levels of strategy fit together, and the VRIO analysis, which helps you spot your competitive edge. You’ll learn how to define your business’s core and why planning is crucial, even if plans change. Whether you’re new to product management or looking to sharpen your skills, this article will help you think more strategically and create products your customers will love.
Navigating career changes and personal growth as a product manager

Navigating career changes and personal growth as a product manager

Global Product Management Talk is pleased to bring you the next episode of... Product Mastery Now with host Chad McAllister, PhD. The podcast is all about helping people involved in innovation and managing products become more successful, grow their careers, and STANDOUT from their peers. About the Episode:  In this episode, former Google product management director Tom Leung shares his experiences with recent tech industry layoffs and offers valuable advice for product managers facing career changes. Key takeaways include: Seeing layoffs as chances for personal and professional growthEmbracing a “gap year” mindset to explore new experiences and skillsFocusing on solving big customer problems in product developmentAdapting to the changing job market for product managersBalancing innovation with practical value in the age of AI and new tech Product managers can use these insights to navigate career shifts, boost their skills, and approach product development with a fresh focus on customer needs and market demand.
495: The reframing secret to getting a product management job – with Mary Baird

495: The reframing secret to getting a product management job – with Mary Baird

Global Product Management Talk is pleased to bring you the next episode of... Product Mastery Now with host Chad McAllister, PhD. The podcast is all about helping people involved in innovation and managing products become more successful, grow their careers, and STANDOUT from their peers. About the Episode:  Transitioning from one career to another is full of challenges, especially when the two fields seem vastly different. However, as Mary Baird’s inspiring story shows, a successful pivot from nonprofit leadership to product management is not only possible but also incredibly rewarding. In this article, we’ll explore Mary’s journey, the strategies she used to reframe her experience, and the valuable lessons she learned along the way.
494: Developing Skills in Product Management and Leadership

494: Developing Skills in Product Management and Leadership

Global Product Management Talk is pleased to bring you the next episode of... Product Mastery Now with host Chad McAllister, PhD. The podcast is all about helping people involved in innovation and managing products become more successful, grow their careers, and STANDOUT from their peers. About the Episode:  In this episode, I share insights on developing essential skills for product management and leadership. I explain how mastering the seven knowledge areas of product management outlined by the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) can help product managers elevate their careers and create products that customers love. I explore the key objectives and challenges faced by product managers and offer both easy-to-implement and harder-to-implement takeaways to enhance product management practices. By focusing on customer-centric product development, strategic alignment, portfolio management, project selection, and product life cycle management, product managers can sharpen their skills and drive successful product innovation.
493: Perfecting Product Culture and Teams

493: Perfecting Product Culture and Teams

Global Product Management Talk is pleased to bring you the next episode of... Product Mastery Now with host Chad McAllister, PhD. The podcast is all about helping people involved in innovation and managing products become more successful, grow their careers, and STANDOUT from their peers. About the Episode:  In this episode, I dive into the seventh knowledge area of product mastery: culture and teams. We explore the importance of fostering an innovation culture, understanding team dynamics, and navigating product teams’ common challenges. Key takeaways include: The impact of organizational culture and climate on product successFactors that contribute to a thriving innovation cultureCharacteristics of high-performing product teamsStrategies for resolving conflicts and promoting collaborationThe importance of strategic alignment, engagement, and empowerment in product teams I also provide practical tips for assessing and improving your team’s performance, as well as resources for continued learning and growth in product management and product development.
492: Mastering Market Research

492: Mastering Market Research

Global Product Management Talk is pleased to bring you the next episode of... Product Mastery Now with host Chad McAllister, PhD. The podcast is all about helping people involved in innovation and managing products become more successful, grow their careers, and STANDOUT from their peers. About the Episode:  Market research is essential for product managers to make informed business decisions and to create products customers love. Common market research methods include focus groups, interviews, ethnographic research, customer site visits, and social media. Each has advantages and disadvantages. Using multiple methods provides a more complete and insightful picture of customer needs. Qualitative research uncovers deep insights, while quantitative research offers statistical confidence. The goal is to understand the target market, identify unmet needs, and inform product design and marketing. Successful companies leverage market research to drive innovation and revenue growth.
491: Product Design & Development

491: Product Design & Development

Global Product Management Talk is pleased to bring you the next episode of... Product Mastery Now with host Chad McAllister, PhD. The podcast is all about helping people involved in innovation and managing products become more successful, grow their careers, and STANDOUT from their peers. About the Episode: This article explores the crucial role of product design in product management, focusing on ideation and concept design tools. It covers various ideation techniques such as SCAMPER, brainstorming, mind mapping, storyboarding, brainwriting, Six Thinking Hats, Delphi, ethnography, Day in the Life, empathy analysis, personas, and customer journey maps. The article also delves into concept design, discussing the Kano Method for classifying product requirements and identifying customer perceptions. By understanding and applying these tools, product managers can create customer-centric products that drive satisfaction, differentiation, and competitive advantage.

Bio of Global Product Management Talk

The Global Product Management Talk, hosted by ProdMgmtTalk, is a platform dedicated to advancing the practice of product management and promoting product excellence. Through engaging discussions, the podcast explores various aspects of product development, including customer development, user experience, innovation, design, marketing, and scaling.

Founded by Cindy F. Solomon, a renowned product management expert, the podcast brings together thought leaders from Silicon Valley and beyond to share their insights and expertise. The discussions revolve around the art, craft, and discipline required to create products that add value and contribute to the success of businesses.

In addition to hosting original content, the Global Product Management Talk also syndicates "The Everyday Innovator" podcast with Chad McAllister, further expanding the range of topics and perspectives covered.

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