#222: 💡 Is your school’s professional development actually making an impact? Too often, PD is one-size-fits-all, inconvenient, and forgettable. In this episode of The Shake Up Learning Show, Kasey Bell shares best practices for blending online and face-to-face PD to create engaging, flexible, and effective professional learning experiences.
📢 What you’ll learn in this episode:
✅ Why traditional PD often fails—and how to fix it.
✅ How to use blended learning to support teacher growth year-round.
✅ How schools can leverage the ALL ACCESS Membership for unlimited, high-quality PD.
✅ Best practices for making PD more relevant, interactive, and teacher-driven.
✅ BONUS: Discover the AI Prompt Cheat Sheet for PD Facilitators, a free resource for ALL ACCESS members!
🏫 Want to give your entire school or district unlimited access to on-demand professional learning? Learn more about ALL ACCESS for Schools
📚 Don’t miss our upcoming book study! Join us inside ALL ACCESS for a 6-week discussion on The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt, starting March 5. Earn 3 PD hours while diving into this critical conversation on student well-being.
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Access the full show notes and blog post here
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