Redefining Health Podcast

Redefining Health Podcast, hosted by Victoria Yates.

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230: How to stop struggling with comparison

230: How to stop struggling with comparison

Comparison. It's something we've all struggled with at one time or another.

Today I want to share some thoughts with you to help you stop struggling with comparison. Because, you see... comparison isn't what makes us feel all "icky" inside. It's what we make the comparison MEAN about OURSELVES that doesn't feel good and impacts how we show up in the world.

Listen to this week's episode to learn how to break free from negative comparison in your life and be able to show up more confidently every day.

If you're tired of dieting and are looking for a new approach, you're ready for peace with food AND to feel your healthiest self, you're in the right place! This podcast is where you'll learn how to navigate what it looks like to pursue health without the "all or nothing" of dieting, heal your relationship with food, and re-learn how to eat intuitively so you can eat with confidence. 

Connect with Victoria at or on Instagram and Threads @nondiet_rn

And to talk about working with Victoria 1:1, book a free consult HERE.

229: Healing your metabolism after dieting

229: Healing your metabolism after dieting

One of the side effects of dieting is a slower metabolism. When we diet, our bodies don't know the difference between dieting and starvation. And they go into "protect" mode to keep us alive. So, a few things happen in our bodies... one of them being lowering our metabolism.

This may show up as you hitting a weight loss plateau. Or gaining the weight that you just lost after dieting right back.

So today I want to answer the question... can we heal our metabolism after dieting?

And the answer is YES!

We'll talk all about how in this episode.

Other episodes you may like:

Ep 150 The Diet Cycle

Ep 163-165: Intuitive Eating Series

If you're tired of dieting and are looking for a new approach, you're ready for peace with food AND to feel your healthiest self, you're in the right place! This podcast is where you'll learn how to navigate what it looks like to pursue health without the "all or nothing" of dieting, heal your relationship with food, and re-learn how to eat intuitively so you can eat with confidence. 

Connect with Victoria at or on Instagram and Threads @nondiet_rn

And to talk about working with Victoria 1:1, book a free consult HERE.

228: How to have cookies in your pantry without them constantly

228: How to have cookies in your pantry without them constantly "calling your name"

"Those cookies are constatnly calling my name"

"I could never buy those chips... I'd eat the whole bag"

Does it ever feel like this for you with food?

In today's episode I want to help you get to the place where you can...

Keep these foods in your house without feeling like you have zero control around them.

Buy the food and feel confident having them in the house without eating the whole thing in one sitting.

Episodes referenced in this episode:

Ep 109: Are you addicted to sugar?

Ep 167: Intuitive Eating Principle Number 3: Make Peace with food

If you're tired of dieting and are looking for a new approach, you're ready for peace with food AND to feel your healthiest self, you're in the right place! This podcast is where you'll learn how to navigate what it looks like to pursue health without the "all or nothing" of dieting, heal your relationship with food, and re-learn how to eat intuitively so you can eat with confidence. 

Connect with Victoria at or on Instagram and Threads @nondiet_rn

And to talk about working with Victoria 1:1, book a free consult HERE.

227: How to feel confident in your body this summer

227: How to feel confident in your body this summer

What if this could be the summer you wore the shorts, unapologetically? What if this summer you could get in the water and not hide up on the beach under all your clothes? What would it be like to go through the summer and actually feel confident in your body?

In this week's episode I'm walking you through how to feel more confident in your body this summer. It comes down to two things... shifting your mindset AND taking actions that care for your body.

Let's unpack this together.

If you're tired of dieting and are looking for a new approach, you're ready for peace with food AND to feel your healthiest self, you're in the right place! This podcast is where you'll learn how to navigate what it looks like to pursue health without the "all or nothing" of dieting, heal your relationship with food, and re-learn how to eat intuitively so you can eat with confidence. 

Sign up for the FREE Love Your Summer Body Challenge (June 3-7th, 2024) Click HERE

Connect with Victoria at or on Instagram @nondiet_rn

And to talk about working with Victoria 1:1, book a free consult HERE.

226: Prioritizing your health in busy seasons

226: Prioritizing your health in busy seasons

It can feel hard to still prioritize your health and keep up your healthy habits when things get busy. It's easy to let your health slip to the back burner and be "all or nothing".

So, today on the podcast I want to share with you some tips for how to keep prioritizing your health even in busy seasons. 

If you're tired of dieting and are looking for a new approach, you're ready for peace with food AND to feel your healthiest self, you're in the right place! This podcast is where you'll learn how to navigate what it looks like to pursue health without the "all or nothing" of dieting, heal your relationship with food, and re-learn how to eat intuitively so you can eat with confidence. 

Connect with Victoria at or on Instagram @nondiet_rn

And to talk about working with Victoria 1:1, book a free consult HERE.

225: 2 Questions to Help You Eat More INTENTIONALLY

225: 2 Questions to Help You Eat More INTENTIONALLY

What if eating could feel more INTENTIONAL?

As in, on purpose, your decision.

How often have you eaten something and you're like "you know... I didn't even want that" or "I knew I was full but I kept eating".

In this episode, I want to share with you 2 questions to ask yourself to become a more intentional eater.

And how to get to a place where every eating decision you make feels on purpose. Your decision. 

If you're tired of dieting and are looking for a new approach, you're ready for peace with food AND to feel your healthiest self, you're in the right place! This podcast is where you'll learn how to navigate what it looks like to pursue health without the "all or nothing" of dieting, heal your relationship with food, and re-learn how to eat intuitively so you can eat with confidence. 

Connect with Victoria at or on Instagram @nondiet_rn

And to talk about working with Victoria 1:1, book a free consult HERE.

How to eat intuitively with Celiac, how to know you’re getting enough macronutrients, & how to stop stress eating?

How to eat intuitively with Celiac, how to know you’re getting enough macronutrients, & how to stop stress eating?

How do you know you're getting enough protein, fat, fiber, carbs if you're not counting or tracking and just eating intuitively?

How do you eat intuitively when you have Celiac or another medical condition that requires that you restrict certain foods or food groups?

How do you stop overeating and stress eating?

Man, these are such great questions!

This week on the podcast I'm answering your questions in a Q& A episode.


You'll learn:

- What I recommend for making sure you're getting well balanced nutrition (it can be simpler than you think!)

- A mindset shift that will help you not feel restricted or like you're missing out if you need to avoid certain foods for health reasons

-The real reason for stress eating (and other emotional eating) and practical tips for how to cope with hard emotions in a healthy way


If you're tired of dieting and are looking for a new approach, you're ready for peace with food AND to feel your healthiest self, you're in the right place! This podcast is where you'll learn how to navigate what it looks like to pursue health without the "all or nothing" of dieting, heal your relationship with food, and re-learn how to eat intuitively so you can eat with confidence. 

Connect with Victoria at or on Instagram @nondiet_rn

And to talk about working with Victoria 1:1, book a free consult HERE.

223: Blood sugar health best practices (and NO, you don't have to cut or restrict carbs or sugars) with Layne Vanlieshout

223: Blood sugar health best practices (and NO, you don't have to cut or restrict carbs or sugars) with Layne Vanlieshout

Do you struggle with knowing how to balance your blood sugar? Has your doctor maybe told you that you are pre-diabetic or diabetic and you're not sure how to eat to keep your blood sugar levels in a healthy range? Or maybe you are wanting to be pro-active and take care of your blood sugar levels now, before they become an issue.

This week on the podcast I am so excited to bring on my friend Layne. Layne is a functional health practioner specializing in helping driven millennial women boost energy, balance moods, and decrease stress without prescription meds so that you can reclaim vitality and confidence. She has over a decade of experience in the health and wellness space, was formely a nurse practioner, and now has been helping women in her private practice with gut and hormone health as the means for helping her clients have more energy, less stress, and live their best lives.

Today on the podcast we talk about...

- Common misconceptions about blood sugar health
- How does mis-balanced blood sugar show up for people? 
- Blood sugar health best practices
- How do you recommend your clients approach dietary changes like this without becoming rigid and obsessive and feeling restricted... and on that same note, how to be consistent 
Connect with Layne at
If you're tired of dieting and are looking for a new approach, you're ready for peace with food AND to feel your healthiest self, you're in the right place! This podcast is where you'll learn how to navigate what it looks like to pursue health without the "all or nothing" of dieting, heal your relationship with food, and re-learn how to eat intuitively so you can eat with confidence. 
Connect with Victoria at or on Instagram @nondiet_rn
And to talk about working with Victoria 1:1, book a free consult HERE.
222: When your doctor prescribes weight loss, is coffee before breakfast bad for you, and how to eat intuitively on vacation

222: When your doctor prescribes weight loss, is coffee before breakfast bad for you, and how to eat intuitively on vacation

For today's episode, I'm answering your questions. I reached out to my community on Instagram to ask you what questions you wanted me to answer and talk about in this week's episode. 

You'll hear:

What to do when your doctor tells you you need to lose weight because of abnormal lab findings, the lense I take with a non-diet approach, and how you can still work on healing your relationship with food and your body and be free from dieting while working towards improving your health in this way.

The impacts of caffeine on hunger cues and cortisol and how to enjoy your coffee in the morning without the negative effects.

How to eat intuitively on vacation.


If you're tired of dieting and are looking for a new approach, you're ready for peace with food AND to feel your healthiest self, you're in the right place! This podcast is where you'll learn how to navigate what it looks like to pursue health without the "all or nothing" of dieting, heal your relationship with food, and re-learn how to eat intuitively so you can eat with confidence. 

Connect with Victoria at or on Instagram @nondiet_rn

And to talk about working with Victoria 1:1, book a free consult HERE.

Bio of Redefining Health Podcast

Redefining Health Podcast, hosted by Victoria Yates, RN-BSN, health coach, and certified intuitive eating counselor. 
With a passion for redefining what healthy truly means, Victoria guides listeners on a journey towards intuitive eating, body acceptance, and overall well-being.

In each episode, Victoria shares valuable insights and practical tips on how to break free from the dieting mindset and develop a healthier relationship with food and your body. 
By exploring the principles of intuitive eating, she helps listeners understand the root causes of their complex relationship with food and provides guidance on how to navigate the path toward a more balanced and intuitive approach to eating.

Through her expertise as a registered nurse, health coach, and intuitive eating counselor, Victoria empowers her audience to practice health without obsession and prioritize their mental and emotional well-being.

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