Podcasting Success Secrets

"Podcasting Success Secrets" hosted by Hector Santiesteban.

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The Hidden Challenges of Podcasting with Trent Anderson

The Hidden Challenges of Podcasting with Trent Anderson

We welcome Trent Anderson who is the head of growth and strategy at Podchaser. He discusses his journey into the podcasting industry, sharing valuable lessons from his experiences with branded shows and his time at Podchaser. Trent talks about the challenges of podcast discovery, the importance of claiming your podcast profile, and how Podchaser Pro can benefit podcasters, particularly those with niche audiences. He also touches on the value of audience engagement, community building, and innovative ways to monetize podcasts beyond traditional advertising methods. This episode is packed with practical advice for all you podcasters out there, no matter what stage of the podcasting journey you’re in.


  • 00:00:00 - Welcome to Podcasting Success Secrets!
  • 00:00:19 - Introducing Our Special Guest: Trent Anderson from Podchaser
  • 00:00:48 - Trent's Humble Beginnings in Podcasting
  • 00:01:30 - Lessons Learned from Early Podcasting Failures
  • 00:03:07 - The Story Behind Podchaser's Creation
  • 00:05:40 - Amazing Features and Benefits of Podchaser
  • 00:07:30 - How Podchaser Became the Ultimate Discovery Engine
  • 00:11:49 - Unlocking Monetization for Niche Podcasts
  • 00:17:08 - Strategies to Boost Engagement and Growth
  • 00:21:13 - Claim Your Podchaser Profile: Why It Matters
  • 00:25:30 - Final Thoughts and Goodbyes

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Why YouTube Matters More Than Ever with Evan Carmichael

Why YouTube Matters More Than Ever with Evan Carmichael

Evan Carmichael is here to talk about the changing world of podcasting and the impact of YouTube. Evan shares his journey from YouTube pioneer to podcasting advocate, explaining how adding video can significantly increase your podcast's reach and engagement. He offers practical tips on transitioning to video and personal insights on maintaining passion and authenticity. Whether you're an experienced podcaster or just getting started, this conversation offers a fresh perspective on using YouTube to amplify your voice and connect with a broader audience. Tune in to gain valuable insights from one of the industry's most innovative minds.


  • 00:00:00 - Meet Evan Carmichael: Podcasting and YouTube Guru
  • 00:00:53 - How Podcasting Has Changed: Adding Video to the Mix
  • 00:02:20 - Why YouTube is a Game-Changer for Podcasters
  • 00:04:25 - Crafting Content That Hits Home
  • 00:05:20 - The Evolution of a Content Creator: Evan’s Journey
  • 00:09:17 - Key Tactics for Thriving on Both Podcasts and YouTube
  • 00:11:15 - Crafting Effective Titles and Thumbnails
  • 00:12:30 - The Importance of Consistent Content Creation
  • 00:13:45 - Overcoming the Fear of Imperfection
  • 00:14:50 - Lessons Learned from Over a Decade on YouTube
  • 00:16:05 - Balancing Strategy with Passion
  • 00:17:20 - Building an Authentic Connection with Your Audience
  • 00:19:51 - Connect with Evan Carmichael & Final Thoughts

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(Part 3) On the Edge Crossover: Plugging Into Podcasts with Hector

(Part 3) On the Edge Crossover: Plugging Into Podcasts with Hector

This is the conclusion to the three-part series with Scott Groves! They are taking a leap into the heart of innovation, where ideas spark and possibilities are limitless. Hector and Scott discuss the intricate dance between emerging technologies and the ever-evolving human experience, shedding light on how these advancements are reshaping our world. From the whispers of AI to the roar of space exploration, each topic is a thread in the tapestry of tomorrow. Tune in as they have conversations about the mysteries of the future, one breakthrough at a time, and discover how the dreams of today become the reality of tomorrow. This episode is a journey not just through technology, but through the potential of human ingenuity.


  • 00:00:00 - Welcome to the Podcasting Success Secrets Finale with Scott Groves
  • 00:01:00 - Diving into AI: From Chat GPT to Dolly
  • 00:02:10 - The Evolution of Technology in Podcasting
  • 00:05:55 - Exploring the Impact of AI on Jobs and Creativity
  • 00:08:42 - Navigating the AI Landscape: Opportunities and Ethics
  • 00:11:50 - The Power of YouTube for Business Growth
  • 00:16:55 - The Future of Coaching and Services in the AI Era
  • 00:20:30 - Embracing AI: Transforming the Service Industry
  • 00:24:57 - Closing Thoughts and Looking Ahead

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(Part 2) On the Edge Crossover: Plugging Into Podcasts with Hector

(Part 2) On the Edge Crossover: Plugging Into Podcasts with Hector

This episode is part two of the discussion with Scott Groves - husband, father, podcast host of ‘On the Edge’, loan officer, coach, and author.You’ll learn about the transformative world of AI-driven podcast production. Tools like Descript are reshaping the landscape! Exploring the fusion of technology and creativity, this discussion will reveal to you how artificial intelligence is not only streamlining the editing process but also enhancing the artistic expression of podcast creators. Through expert insights and real-world applications, this episode reveals the future of podcasting—a space where technology amplifies human creativity, enabling podcasters to produce high-quality content more efficiently. Tune in to discover how these cutting-edge tools can elevate your podcasting experience!


  • 00:00:00 Unveiling the Magic of AI in Podcast Production
  • 00:00:55 AI at the Helm: The Future of Editing
  • 00:02:07 Beyond Cutting and Splicing: AI's Creative Contributions
  • 00:04:19 Harnessing AI for Enhanced Audio Quality
  • 00:06:48 AI and the Personal Touch in Podcasting
  • 00:08:15 Creative Freedoms: The Impact of AI on Podcast Storytelling
  • 00:10:04 The Seamless Blend: Integrating AI with Traditional Techniques
  • 00:12:00 Real Voices, Refined by AI: Enhancing Podcast Authenticity
  • 00:13:31 The Ethics of AI in Podcast Production
  • 00:15:45 AI Limitations and Challenges: A Realistic Perspective
  • 00:18:20 Innovative Horizons: Emerging AI Tools for Podcasters
  • 00:20:55 Audience Engagement: AI-Enhanced Analytics and Feedback
  • 00:23:40 Looking Ahead: The Evolutionary Path of Podcast Technology
  • 00:25:14 Future Forecasts: AI’s Role in Next-Gen Podcasting
  • 00:31:22 Q&A: Your AI Questions Answered

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On the Edge Crossover: Plugging Into Podcasts with Hector

On the Edge Crossover: Plugging Into Podcasts with Hector

Hector steps into the spotlight not as a technical wizard but as a seasoned podcaster with rich insights into the world of podcasting. This discussion delves deep into the practical challenges and creative solutions that are part of today's podcasting landscape. Hector shares his personal journey and the nuanced realities he's encountered in the industry, offering invaluable advice for those new to podcasting or looking to enhance their existing shows. From overcoming technical hurdles without being a tech expert to leveraging podcasts for meaningful audience engagement, this episode is a treasure trove of strategies aimed at empowering podcasters at all levels. Whether you're a media student, a budding content creator, or a seasoned producer, Hector's experiences provide a solid foundation for understanding and navigating the evolving world of podcast media.


  • 00:00:00 - Welcome: Introducing Today's Insights on Podcast Production
  • 00:00:21 - Tech Meets Tales: The Convergence of Podcasting and AI
  • 00:01:18 - Off the Mic: Personal Reflections on Parenting and Growth
  • 00:05:59 - Behind the Scenes: The Technical Side of Making a Podcast
  • 00:08:24 - Viral Voices: Understanding Social Media Dynamics
  • 00:19:45 - Books as Bridges: Enhancing Business Through Podcasts
  • 00:20:28 - Creative Currencies: The Truth About Monetizing Your Art
  • 00:21:50 - Business Beats: Networking and Growth via Podcasting
  • 00:22:58 - Leading Thoughts: Influencing Industry Through Ideas
  • 00:29:53 - Trust Talks: The Role of Influence in Modern Media
  • 00:36:20 - Authenticity On Air: Sharing Personal Journeys
  • 00:39:40 - Mastering Media: Strategic Content Creation for Entrepreneurs

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Charting the Podcasting Path: Growth, Grit, and Grace with Amplafy Media

Charting the Podcasting Path: Growth, Grit, and Grace with Amplafy Media

Tune in to this episode to hear Hector Santiesteban, Kevin Cook, and Paige Elmore from Amplafy Media have a conversation about the intricate world of podcasting. From the humble beginnings of grappling with the challenges of starting a new show to the triumphant assembly of a team that propels the podcast to new heights, the conversation offers a goldmine of insights. You will discover the crucial balance of focusing on growth, embracing the journey, and the power of being yourself. The team's candid sharing of personal stories, from dealing with internet trolls to the profound impact of community and connections, offers both encouragement and practical advice for podcasters at any stage of their journey. This episode not only charts the evolution of a podcast but also serves as a beacon for anyone aspiring to make their mark in the podcasting universe, highlighting the importance of vision, resilience, and the courage to evolve.


  • 00:00:00 - Kickoff with "Podcasting Success Secrets"
  • 00:01:00 - Meet the Stars Behind Amplafy Media
  • 00:02:47 - Personal Journeys: Triumphs & Trials in Podcasting
  • 00:06:52 - Shaping Your Unique Podcast: Do's and Don'ts
  • 00:10:45 - Navigating Challenges: Overcoming Trolls and Building Community
  • 00:14:51 - The Crucial Role of Purpose in Your Podcasting Venture
  • 00:19:02 - Inspirational Tales from the Podcasting Realm
  • 00:23:16 - Wrapping Up: Insights & Ways to Connect with Us

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The B2B Podcasting Playbook: From Start to Success with Nathan Anibaba

The B2B Podcasting Playbook: From Start to Success with Nathan Anibaba

Nathan Anibaba is an executive from a leading B2B podcasting production company and today we’re having a conversation spanning from the challenges and triumphs of podcasting to the unparalleled power of authentic engagement in building connections with hard-to-reach decision-makers. Nathan is talking to us about innovative strategies for podcast content that resonates, highlighting the importance of authenticity, the impact of ads on listener experience, and the evolving formats in the podcasting world. Whether you're a business owner looking to leverage podcasting as your primary marketing vehicle or an enthusiast eager to refine your content creation skills, this episode offers valuable insights into creating a podcast that not only reaches but significantly impacts its intended audience.


  • 00:00:00 - Meet Our Guest: Nathan Anibaba, Podcasting Executive
  • 00:01:55 - Leveraging Podcasts for Brand and Business Expansion
  • 00:02:40 - Crafting a Winning Podcast Strategy
  • 00:03:57 - Why Podcasts Are a Game-Changer in B2B Marketing
  • 00:05:05 - Success Story: A Podcast That Redefined a Business
  • 00:06:57 - The Crucial Role of Genuine Engagement in Podcasts
  • 00:14:32 - Rethinking Advertising Within Podcasts
  • 00:21:09 - Exploring the Future: Exciting New Formats in Podcasting
  • 00:23:04 - Wrap-Up: Thoughts and How to Connect with Nathan

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Discipline & Desire in Podcasting with Britney Crosson

Discipline & Desire in Podcasting with Britney Crosson

Britney Crosson shares her invaluable insights on achieving podcasting success through unwavering discipline and a profound desire to connect with audiences globally. Britney takes us into the intricacies of leveraging social media marketing to enhance show visibility and engagement, underlining the significance of consistency in content creation. Her journey from a passion-driven creator to a disciplined podcast host exemplifies the power of dedication and strategic online presence. This episode serves as a comprehensive guide for aspiring podcasters looking to navigate the challenges of digital content creation while maintaining a genuine connection with their audience.


  • 00:00:00 - Welcoming Britney Crosson: The Mind Behind Fun Love Media
  • 00:01:03 - Britney's Podcasting Odyssey: From Passion to Profession
  • 00:03:07 - Unveiling the Secret: Dedication in the Podcasting World
  • 00:06:15 - Consistency: The Backbone of Successful Podcasting
  • 00:08:21 - Elevating Your Voice: The Art of Personal Branding
  • 00:12:46 - Amplifying Your Podcast: Strategies for Social Media Triumph
  • 00:14:44 - Debunking Myths: Navigating Social Media with Ease
  • 00:18:36 - Crafting Connections: Storytelling in Digital Marketing
  • 00:22:23 - Engaging Your Audience: The Essence of Value-Driven Content
  • 00:28:16 - Britney's Blueprint for Podcasting Brilliance
  • 00:29:22 - Wrapping Up: Key Takeaways and Britney's Final Insights

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Breaking the Code: How Kira Dineen Uses Podcasting to Explore Genetics

Breaking the Code: How Kira Dineen Uses Podcasting to Explore Genetics

Kira Dineen, the seasoned podcaster behind "DNA Today," shares her fascinating journey from a high schooler fascinated by podcasts to becoming a professional in the field. Kira talks about her experiences of overcoming failures, the lessons learned along the way, and how she strategically used her podcast as a stepping stone into a career in genetics. With over a decade of podcasting under her belt, Kira offers invaluable advice on growing and managing a podcast, engaging with audiences, and the evolving nature of podcasting technology and content. This episode is a treasure trove of inspiration and practical tips for both novice and seasoned podcasters alike, highlighting the importance of resilience, creativity, and genuine connection in crafting successful podcasts.


  • 00:00:00 - Meet Kira Dineen: From Podcast Fan to Pro
  • 00:01:19 - The Origin Story of "DNA Today"
  • 00:03:31 - Networking: The Hidden Gem of Podcasting
  • 00:09:00 - Content Strategy: Before You Hit Record
  • 00:19:13 - "DNA Today": The Evolution of a Podcast
  • 00:22:51 - Insider Tips for Independent Podcasters
  • 00:25:39 - Wrapping Up: Connect with Us

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Bio of Podcasting Success Secrets

"Podcasting Success Secrets" with host Hector Santiesteban is a valuable resource for individuals looking to elevate their podcasting endeavors. 

This podcast is designed to provide listeners with the necessary systems, strategies, and support to not only create a successful podcast but also take it to new heights.

Covering a wide range of topics related to podcasting, including recording, editing, publishing, and promotion, "Podcasting Success Secrets" serves as a comprehensive guide for both beginners and seasoned podcasters. 

Hector brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the show, ensuring that listeners gain valuable insights into the world of podcasting.

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