Nobody Told Me!

Nobody Told Me! is a podcast hosted by the dynamic mother-daughter duo, Jan Black and Laura Owens.

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Jim "The Rookie" Morris: ...things happen for a reason

We talk with Jim Morris, the athlete and motivational speaker who was the inspiration for the movie, "The Rookie", based on Jim’s book, "The Oldest Rookie: Big League Dreams from a Small Town Guy".  Jim’s journey has been called, “a testimony to the power of dreams and their ability to inspire and transform human life.” His website is
Ritual’s clinically-backed Essential For Women 18+ multivitamin has high-quality, traceable key ingredients in clean, bioavailable forms.  It’s gentle on an empty stomach with a minty essence that helps make taking your multi-vitamin enjoyable. Here's a special offer for our Nobody Told Me listeners! Get 25% off your first month at  Start Ritual or add Essential for Women 18+ to your subscription today!
Vishen Lakhiani: ...The Secret Spiritual Art Of Success

Vishen Lakhiani: ...The Secret Spiritual Art Of Success

We’re very excited to welcome author and entrepreneur Vishen Lakhiani to our show.  He’s the founder and CEO of Mindvalley, a personal growth education empire which is the world’s leading online personal growth education company with millions of students. Vishen is also a New York Times bestselling author, whose latest book is called, "The Buddha and The Badass: The Secret Spiritual Art of Succeeding at Work".  His website is
Ritual’s clinically-backed Essential For Women 18+ multivitamin has high-quality, traceable key ingredients in clean, bioavailable forms.  It’s gentle on an empty stomach with a minty essence that helps make taking your multi-vitamin enjoyable. Here's a special offer for our Nobody Told Me listeners! Get 25% off your first month at  Start Ritual or add Essential for Women 18+ to your subscription today!
Hope Edelman: ...that grieving your mother is a lifelong process

Hope Edelman: ...that grieving your mother is a lifelong process

This week, we've been focusing on mother-daughter relationships.  One of the toughest things that can be faced by a girl or a woman of any age is the loss of her mother. Our guest, Hope Edelman, is an expert in the field of early mother loss and mother-daughter relationships. She's written extensively on those topics and is the author of "Motherless Daughters" and "Motherless Mothers", among others.   You can learn more about Hope on her website:
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Marisa Bardach Ramel: ...the mother-daughter bond continues long after death

Marisa Bardach Ramel: ...the mother-daughter bond continues long after death

In the days leading up to Mother's Day, we share one of our most touching episodes yet! As a mother-daughter duo, we were thrilled to talk with Marisa Bardach Ramel. Marisa and her mother, Sally Bardach, wrote "The Goodbye Diaries" together. It’s an honest, heartfelt, touching glimpse into the relationship between a mother and daughter, when the mother is diagnosed with terminal cancer. In the book, Marisa and her mother write alternating chapters voicing their individual fears, frustrations and connection to each other. The Goodbye Diaries offers an eye-opening look into both sides of a terminal diagnosis—the one who will leave and the one who will be left behind.
Shopify is the all-in-one commerce platform that makes it simple for anyone to start, run and grow your own successful business. With Shopify, you’ll create an online store, discover new customers, and grow the following that keeps them coming back. Shopify makes getting paid simple, by instantly accepting every type of payment. With Shopify’s single dashboard, you can manage orders, shipping and payments from anywhere. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at
Natasha Gregson Wagner: ...that I would learn from my mom, Natalie Wood, long after her death

Natasha Gregson Wagner: ...that I would learn from my mom, Natalie Wood, long after her death

As we approach Mother's Day, we want to share with you our conversation with actress, author and filmmaker Natasha Gregson Wagner.  Natasha is the daughter of the late actress Natalie Wood and film producer Richard Gregson. She is the stepdaughter of actor Robert Wagner and the co-producer of the documentary called “Natalie Wood: What Remains Behind”.  Natasha is also the author of the book, “More Than Love: An Intimate Portrait of My Mother, Natalie Wood.”
Shopify is the all-in-one commerce platform that makes it simple for anyone to start, run and grow your own successful business. With Shopify, you’ll create an online store, discover new customers, and grow the following that keeps them coming back. Shopify makes getting paid simple, by instantly accepting every type of payment. With Shopify’s single dashboard, you can manage orders, shipping and payments from anywhere. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at
Maryanne O’Hara: ...that nothing is as important as love

Maryanne O’Hara: ...that nothing is as important as love

In this week leading up to Mother's Day, we're focusing on mothers and daughters.  You’ll love our guest on this episode, Maryanne O’Hara!  As a mother-daughter duo, we were gripped by her book, which is a memoir of her daughter Caitlin’s life and death after having cystic fibrosis for 31 years.  The book is called, 'Little Matches: A Memoir of Grief and Light'. In it, Maryanne navigates her own existence during and after an adulthood dedicated to Caitlin’s care, and chronicles what comes next when the worst finally happens.  Her website is
Shopify is the all-in-one commerce platform that makes it simple for anyone to start, run and grow your own successful business. With Shopify, you’ll create an online store, discover new customers, and grow the following that keeps them coming back. Shopify makes getting paid simple, by instantly accepting every type of payment. With Shopify’s single dashboard, you can manage orders, shipping and payments from anywhere. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at
Dr. Ed Tronick & Dr. Claudia Gold: ...the power of discord

Dr. Ed Tronick & Dr. Claudia Gold: ...the power of discord

Most relationships have their ups and downs, whether they’re between family members, friends or co-workers.  Most of us don’t like the down times because it’s uncomfortable to be feeling angry or disconnected from those we care about.  However, our guests, clinical psychologist Dr. Ed Tronick and pediatrician Dr. Claudia Gold, say conflicts in relationships are the keys to better relationships.   Doctors Tronick and Gold are the authors of the book,  "The Power of Discord: Why the Ups and Downs of Relationships are the Secret to Building Intimacy, Resilience, and Trust".  Their website is

Terri Cheney: ...that hiding a secret was worse than the secret itself

Terri Cheney: ...that hiding a secret was worse than the secret itself

If you’ve struggled with mental health issues or if you care about someone who has, then you’ll want to hear our guest on this episode, Terri Cheney.   You may know Terri from her New York Times bestselling book, "Manic: A Memoir", which depicted her life as an elite entertainment attorney suffering from bipolar disorder.     Terri’s latest book is called, "Modern Madness:  An Owner’s Manual".  It explores the struggles, stigmas, relationship dilemmas, treatments, and recovery techniques Terri and others have experienced in coping with mental health issues.

Dr. Kelli Harding: ...That You Can Live Longer By Being Kind

Dr. Kelli Harding: ...That You Can Live Longer By Being Kind

Find out about a new way to take charge of your own happiness and health. Our guest, Dr. Kelli Harding, says love, friendship, community, purpose and our environment can have a far greater impact on our health than anything that happens in the doctor’s office.  Dr. Harding is a Columbia University-trained, board certified psychiatrist who specializes in the interplay between mental and physical health. She’s the author of the book, "THE RABBIT EFFECT: Live Longer, Happier, and Healthier with the Groundbreaking Science of Kindness".  Her website is

Bio of Nobody Told Me!

Nobody Told Me! is a podcast hosted by the dynamic mother-daughter duo, Jan Black and Laura Owens. 

In their captivating discussions, Jan and Laura explore a wide range of topics, delving into diverse subjects such as building networks, embracing failure, finding hope after harrowing experiences like being kidnapped, and how principles derived from brain surgery can aid in navigating everyday challenges. 

Their interviews feature extraordinary individuals, shedding light on shared human experiences that unite us and the obstacles that catalyze our personal growth.

Jan's seasoned background in broadcast journalism perfectly complements Laura's unique millennial perspective, lending a distinctive flavor to Nobody Told Me!. 

Driven by a genuine passion to educate and empower, their pioneering platform provides profound insights into the strategies and secrets of individuals from all walks of life.

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