Latasha James

Latasha James: Founder & Creative Director at James + Park Creative.

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To The Top: Inspirational Career Advice

Bio of Latasha James

Latasha James is an accomplished online educator and content creator who has made significant contributions to the digital realm. As the Founder and Creative Director of James + Park Creative since March 2017, she has been instrumental in helping businesses build powerful digital brands through her expertise in social media marketing, digital course creation, e-learning content development, and video marketing. Located in the Greater Detroit Area, Latasha's passion for creating larger-than-life digital experiences has driven her success over the past six years.

Additionally, Latasha is the Founder and Content Creator of Online Business Launch Lab, a venture she embarked on in April 2011. For over 12 years, she has been dedicated to guiding and supporting individuals in launching their online businesses. With a combination of freelance social media marketing, podcasting, video creation, and digital marketing strategy, Latasha has established herself as an award-winning professional in the industry.

Outside of her professional endeavors, Latasha James enjoys indulging in her love for coffee, exploring new destinations through travel, and actively engaging with the communities she calls home in Detroit and Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Influence of Latasha James

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