Mark Divine

Mark Divine: Navy SEAL officer, founder of SEALFIT & Unbeatable Mind.

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The Global Leadership Podcast

Bio of Mark Divine

Mark Divine is an accomplished expert in human performance, particularly in the areas of mental toughness, leadership, and physical readiness. His extensive experience and expertise stem from his background as a Navy SEAL officer and his development of an integral warrior-leader model. This model has been tested on numerous special operations candidates worldwide, resulting in an impressive success rate of over 90% for those seeking to join the SEALs.

Mark is the founder and leader of several highly successful enterprises, including SEALFIT, which focuses on physical and mental training, and Unbeatable Mind, LLC, which offers executive mastery development programs. He has also played a key role in the development of and USCrossFit. Additionally, he co-founded the Coronado Brewing Company in Coronado, CA.

One of Mark's notable achievements was the development of SEALFIT based on the Navy's SEAL candidate Mentoring program.

Influence of Mark Divine

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Mark Divine's podcast Appearances

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