Seven Figure Consultant with Jessica Fearnley

Seven Figure Consultant Podcast is hosted by Jessica Fearnley.

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I want to hear from you!

I want to hear from you!

While we are off the air this Summer we would love to hear from you about what you love about the show, and how we can make it even better when we’re back later in the year. What episodes have you most enjoyed, what guests would you love us to feature. I would also love to know when and where you listen to the podcast! 

I have prepared a quick survey that will take 2-3 minutes for you to complete, and I would love it if you could take a moment to tell me your thoughts and feedback.

All you have to do is visit:

If you leave us your email you can be entered in a prize draw for a free Wealth Dynamics test token worth $97.

I would love to hear what you have to say. We have some pretty exciting plans in the mix already but it would be fantastic to hear from you so we can make this show the best podcast out there for 6 and 7 figure women consultants.

180: You Asked, Jessica Answers! - Q&A Roundup Episode - Creating Wealth

180: You Asked, Jessica Answers! - Q&A Roundup Episode - Creating Wealth

In this week’s Seven Figure Consultant Podcast episode, I wrap up our mini-series on creating wealth for women B2B consultants and thought leaders. I’m answering listener questions on key topics like business finance organisation, investment strategies, and setting profit targets. I also talk about the mindset shift required to move beyond just saving for a rainy day.

As I prepare to take a short break from the podcast to focus on my upcoming book, this episode stands as a valuable resource for women entrepreneurs seeking to create wealth and make a positive impact with their consulting business.



“I see consultant women making hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue each year, and it is a really unique niche of women entrepreneurs. A stat that I reference often here on the show is that 90% of women entrepreneurs don't make six figures, and only 2% get to seven figures. So it follows that of all the kinds of women entrepreneurs, if you're a woman consultant, you need to be thinking about what to do with your money, how to run your business when you have consistent revenue, building up reserves, all these kinds of things that 90% of women entrepreneurs never need to know about.”

"What opportunities are you letting pass you by because you don't feel like you should invest in your business? Growing your team, bringing in expertise, getting the coaching support that you need as the leader of the business, joining groups and networks that could really help expand your reach and increase sales."


Useful Links

Episode 174: Managing Your Wealth with Kaitlyn Carlson

Episode 175: Seven Figure Secrets - Getting the Right Financial Advice for Your Consulting Business

Episode 158: Take Your Firm From A Money Drought To 6-Figure Cash Flow, with Octavia Conner

Who Not How, By Dan Sullivan and Benjamin Hardy

Get in touch with Jessica to discuss your consulting business

The Seven Figures Club

Jessica’s LinkedIn

[Time Sensitive] - Exclusive Workshop TOMORROW

[Time Sensitive] - Exclusive Workshop TOMORROW you feeling burned out by your consulting business?

Are you at the low to mid 6 figures, and feeling like you can't see the path to 7 figures?

Come and join me for an exclusive live workshop TOMORROW Thursday 2nd May, where I'll be showing you how to transition your consulting business from a 6 figure business model built around exchanging time for money, to a 7 figure business model that creates more time freedom and sustainable growth.

It's called The Business Remodel - Growing Your Consulting Business from 6 to 7 Figures and we'll be covering:

  1. The Business Remodel that all 6 figure consulting businesses need to make in order to shift to 7 figures
  2. What it means to focus on value over volume and why this is a pivotal shift for consultants.
  3. How you can start to implement this right away and begin your consulting business remodel today.

We'll be going live at 3PM GMT | 10AM ET | 8AM MT. 

Register for free at

179: Client Showcase: Raising the Tide with Tara McDonagh

179: Client Showcase: Raising the Tide with Tara McDonagh

In this week’s episode of the Seven Figure Consultant Podcast, I had the pleasure of chatting with my wonderful client and seasoned corporate communications consultant, Tara McDonagh.

Tara shared her journey from agency work to leading corporate communications and eventually starting her own consulting business. We also discussed Tara’s ‘Raise the Tide’ group, which empowers women in communications to secure leadership roles and achieve significant career advancements. 

Her commitment to authenticity and strategic mindset has not only shaped her successful LinkedIn presence but also inspired many women to embrace their professional goals with confidence. It has been truly inspiring to witness Tara's impact on the field and the supportive community she's built!


In this episode: 

  • [00:00:21] Tara's journey in corporate communications, from agency to consulting, and her passion for advancing women in the field.
  • [00:01:43] The unexpected long-term professional relationship between Jessica and Tara and how it evolved.
  • [00:04:16] Tara's vision for the 'Raise the Tide' group and the impact it has had on advancing women in corporate communications.
  • [00:06:01] Tara's mission to empower women in corporate communications, challenge gender bias, and elevate their roles.
  • [00:13:08] The supportive and empowering environment within the 'Raise the Tide' group, fostering connections and reclaiming love for the communications field.
  • [00:15:14] Tara's approach to authenticity and mindset in building a strong and impactful LinkedIn presence.
  • [00:18:19] Being bold and brave on LinkedIn, attracting and repelling with content, and the impact of taking risks.
  • [00:24:08] Tara discusses the breakthroughs in mindset and the impact of working on mindset in her business journey.
  • [00:25:36] The development of openness and curiosity, leading to deeper fulfillment and growth.


Key Takeaways: 

  • Tara emphasised the importance of authenticity and staying true to your values, especially on social media platforms like LinkedIn. Her approach to LinkedIn is not just about tactical strategies but about embodying her vision and values in every post. This authenticity has garnered attention and rallied people around her message, proving that integrity in communication is paramount.
  • Tara’s journey highlights the importance of empowering women in corporate communications, actively supporting women's advancement to leadership roles, fostering a more inclusive and representative industry landscape.
  • In this episode, we delve into the significance of mindset shifts for professional growth. By addressing mindset barriers and fostering a growth mindset, you can overcome professional challenges more confidently, unlocking your full potential along the way.



“I have this mantra I use in Raise the Tide: We don't take the first no. And I think that's critical for women to hear.” - Tara McDonagh

“My vision is to advance this field of communications that we're in, that I absolutely love, and by advancing it, I mean getting an equal share of voice at the decision making table. … And to do that, we need to advance the women in this field because we're a field that's dominated by women, and yet women don't dominate leadership roles. 80% of CEOs at public relations agencies, the top agencies, are men.” - Tara McDonagh

“Everything I post, if it doesn't align with my values and it doesn't serve a purpose with my vision, then why am I doing it? Why am I posting it? How is it going to benefit anyone? So I look at my values and one of my values is integrity, for example. So that leads me to be more vocal on certain things that I know will attract certain people and repel others.” - Tara McDonagh

“I think sometimes we have to turn it up to 11 because the people who love it will love it even more, and the people who don't love it, it might annoy them quite a lot, but at the same time that will get them really focused on the fact that they are not open to your message. And I always think it's better to have people make that polar reaction. They either love it or they hate it. There's no in between because either way, it prompts them to take action.” - Jessica Fearnley


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Guest Bio

President and Chief Communications Strategist, Tara McDonagh, started Tara McDonagh Communications Inc. (TMC) out of frustration with a lack of awareness of Communications’ potential for impact on an organizations’ business goals.  Her communications consultant practice helps Communications leaders and their teams get out of triage-mode and elevate their reputation as critical business advisors while her coaching work elevates professionals in our field.  

Tara is armed with 25 years of experience in public relations, crisis communications, internal communications, and public affairs - leading Corporate Communications for some of the nation’s largest and most established brands.

As a thought-leader and change-agent in her industry, Tara is deeply focused on achieving her vision of a corporate world that not only invites, but expects, Communications leaders to act as trusted business advisors, complete with equal share of voice at the decision-making table. 

178: Seven Figure Secrets - Cashflow vs Revenue Growth - The Seven Figure Solution

178: Seven Figure Secrets - Cashflow vs Revenue Growth - The Seven Figure Solution

In this week’s bite-size Seven Figure Secrets episode, I’m talking about the importance of understanding cashflow and revenue growth, particularly in consulting businesses.

I'm excited to let you in on a seven figure secret that's been key to my revenue growth! We'll also dive into the critical role of pricing and how to ensure you're targeting the right audience for your services, as well as how women can assert their worth in financial dealings.



“Can you see that when everything is about cashflow each month it’s like it draws your eyes down to your feet and your immediate circumstances. Everything feels hand to mouth. You need to survive this month! But we want ‘thrival’, not just survival!”

“We need to have sight of cashflow and keep on top of it, but cashflow management will not usually be the thing that gets us to our next level. Keep your eyes on the prize. Bring in new revenue.”


Useful Links

VIP Strategy Intensive

Get in touch with Jessica to discuss your consulting business

Download the entire Seven Figure Consultant mini-season

Submit your questions for this season’s Q&A episode

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Jessica’s LinkedIn

177: Get Rich Without Being a Bitch with Vanessa Shaw

177: Get Rich Without Being a Bitch with Vanessa Shaw

In this week’s episode of the Seven Figure Consultant Podcast, I interview business coach and seven-figure business expert, Vanessa Shaw. 

We dive headfirst into the myriad of obstacles that we, as women, often encounter on our entrepreneurial journeys. We unpacked the nitty-gritty of financial hurdles, the weight of societal expectations, and the power of staying true to yourself.

Vanessa shares about her transition from stay-at-home mum to a thriving business coach, confronting gender biases and societal judgements along the way.

We also explored the need for women to be direct and set boundaries, the impact of peer judgement on success, and the importance of emotional intelligence in our professional lives. 


In this episode: 

  • [00:01:20] Vanessa discusses her mission to empower women and shares her personal journey in business coaching.
  • [00:04:30] The power of vulnerability and sharing personal stories to create connection with your audience and clients.
  • [00:05:41] Understanding your relationship with money and its impact on business success.
  • [00:07:32] Societal expectations and challenges faced by women in business, including the fear of being perceived negatively when achieving financial success.
  • [00:13:34] Collaboration and connecting with supportive individuals in the business coaching industry.
  • [00:14:44] Showing up authentically and empowering others without conforming to stereotypes or societal pressures.
  • [00:17:40] Setting financial goals, the fear of success, and the responsibility of wealth generation.
  • [00:20:29] Challenges faced by women when others notice their financial success, judgement, and comparison in professional circles.
  • [00:23:19] Emotional and psychological challenges related to financial success and shame around wealth.
  • [00:26:10] The importance of expanding identity, emotional intelligence, and self-awareness to avoid self-sabotage and achieve growth.
  • [00:27:30] The challenges of celebrating success in a culture that glorifies struggle, and the need to shift paradigms around wealth and accomplishment.
  • [00:30:50] A guide to addressing money blind spots and achieving financial success.


Key Takeaways: 

  • It’s important to recognise and break free from generational patterns, encouraging women to pursue entrepreneurial paths, challenge traditional roles, and serve as positive role models for future generations.
  • Our discussion highlights the challenges women face when they achieve success, including judgement, comparisons and the double bind of societal expectations. We talk about the importance of cultivating emotional intelligence, setting boundaries and staying true to yourself while navigating the complexities of success.
  • Jessica shared her experience of being advised to appear older to gain professional credibility, a testament to the gender biases that still pervade the business landscape. Authenticity, we agreed, is a cornerstone of success, albeit one that is frequently tested by the expectations and judgements placed upon us.



"There's this fear often that women have. I've totally noticed this. Like money will turn me into a horrible person. People won't like me anymore. I'll become this caricature of myself. I will become a bitch if I make a lot of money.” - Jessica Fearnley

“We need more examples and better examples of women that are financially empowered, doing great work in the world, paying it forward. And they're also fantastic role models as human beings.” - Vanessa Shaw

“One of the things with my group program, the Seven Figures Club, we just did a retreat to Barbados, we had a really wonderful time, but one of the things that people said in the room was ‘I can be my full self in here. I can say the things that I've done that are amazing’, because in so many situations outside of the room, in our normal lives, you can't really go to the school gate and be like, ‘oh, I did 75,000 in sales this month’ because people are like, ‘what on earth does that mean?’” - Jessica Fearnley

“The whole ‘get rich without being a bitch’ philosophy is so much about, yes, we can be rich in relationships, spiritually, in the work that we're doing, wealth and money is a big part of that, and be the best version of ourselves, because the reality is, energetically, when we're depleted, we're resentful, we're frustrated, overwhelmed, overworked, underpaid, all of those things, we don't bring our best self to the table.” - Vanessa Shaw


Useful Links


Remove Your Money Blindspots -

Vanessa’s Website -

Get Rich Without Being A Bitch Podcast

Connect with Vanessa on LinkedIn

Facebook - The Business Growth Academy


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Guest Bio:

Vanessa Shaw is on a mission to help more women end the emotional and financial roller coaster that so many face. Whether it's adding your next $100k in revenue, crossing the 7 figure mark or enjoying more time freedom in your business, she can help you turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality with proven strategies and systems that have helped hundreds of women. 

During COVID Vanessa and her team worked with over 83 businesses and helped them generate over $13 million in new business collectively in 100 days. Vanessa believes financial empowerment is the next level of freedom for women and is currently working on her new book Get Rich Without Being a Bitch.

176: Seven Figure Secrets - Money Mindset Beyond 500K

176: Seven Figure Secrets - Money Mindset Beyond 500K

In this week’s bite-size Seven Figure Secrets episode, I’m diving into the fascinating world of money mindset and wealth creation, especially tailored for us as women B2B consultants. 

I share my insights on the psychological hurdles we often encounter as we scale our businesses to that coveted seven-figure mark, such as imposter syndrome and the identity crises that can sneak up on us!

I believe that it’s crucial to seek internal validation rather than getting caught up in the chase for external success. I also talk about how to conquer the fear of money and open ourselves up to attracting abundance.



“Expect your mindset to bite when you get past the point of where you have previously been.  And I want us to really focus in on this from a money mindset perspective. When you get to around the 500K mark in your consulting business, don’t be surprised if your money mindset falls off a cliff.”

“Sometimes we are so invested in the version of ourselves who DOESN’T get there, who finds everything a struggle, who doesn’t feel like she’s going to make it, who can’t afford things, that we really battle against our new reality.”


Useful Links

The Seven Figures Club

Get in touch with Jessica to discuss your consulting business

Download the entire Seven Figure Consultant mini-season

Submit your questions for this season’s Q&A episode

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Jessica’s LinkedIn

175: Seven Figure Secrets - Getting the Right Financial Advice for Your Consulting Business

175: Seven Figure Secrets - Getting the Right Financial Advice for Your Consulting Business

In this week’s bite-size Seven Figure Secrets episode, I’m talking about getting the right financial advice as a woman B2B consultant and thought leader.

I’m a firm believer in cultivating a wealth mindset and the art of smart financial management in your journey to seven figures and beyond. Wealth isn't just about accumulating assets; it's about empowering ourselves to shape our lives.

In this episode, I share a bit of my personal journey, including the eye-opening moment when I realised having a financial advisor is not just helpful, but essential!



“I think we should allow ourselves to fall in love with the word and the concept of wealth. Because wealth is a powerful tool to wield. It gives women agency and a voice. It gives us opportunities, it allows us to change our material circumstances but also to create opportunities for others.”

“It is safe for us to create wealth in our businesses, because we can enlist the help of experts to equip us to know what to do with this money.”


Useful Links

The Seven Figures Club

Get in touch with Jessica to discuss your consulting business

Download the entire Seven Figure Consultant mini-season

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Jessica’s LinkedIn

174: Managing Your Wealth with Kaitlyn Carlson

174: Managing Your Wealth with Kaitlyn Carlson

This week’s episode is a re-release of an amazing interview with Kaitlyn Carlson, from the Seven Figure Consultant Podcast Archives. 

Kaitlyn is President and Founder of Theory Planning Partners, a boutique wealth management firm for women in business. In this episode, we talk all about managing your wealth. 

When you start creating wealth in your consulting business, you’ll likely find you have more money in your bank account than you ever had before! But do you know what you’re going to do with it? I don’t mean going on a shopping spree or buying a dream property, but how you will manage that wealth.

A sudden change in fortune can be destabilising. What can feel like a piece of the puzzle slotting into place can open up a new section of the board as you make decisions you haven’t had to make before.


In this episode:

  • The cultural discomfort around women and wealth
  • Managing quantities of money you may not have experienced before
  • Options your business gives you for building wealth
  • Developing a wealth mindset
  • What you need to do if your financial situation has changed 


Useful Links


Find out more about Kaitlyn at Theory Planning Partners and book a free 30 minute call

Connect with Kaitlyn on LinkedIn


Becoming Your Seven Figure Self Workshop

Get in touch with Jessica to discuss your consulting business

Download the entire Seven Figure Consultant mini-season

Submit your questions for this season’s Q&A episode

Jessica’s LinkedIn

Bio of Seven Figure Consultant with Jessica Fearnley

Seven Figure Consultant Podcast hosted by Jessica Fearnley, a renowned business coach and one of LinkedIn's Top Voices in 2019 for Entrepreneurship & Small Business. This podcast is designed to guide consultants on their journey from feeling overworked and overwhelmed to becoming thriving CEOs of their very own seven-figure enterprises.

Jessica firmly believes that consultants can increase their income while reducing their workload, as these two goals are interconnected. Unlike content that often caters to individuals solely in the corporate world or unconventional entrepreneurs with a penchant for colorful language and pajamas, Jessica recognizes that as a consultant, you occupy a unique space that combines both corporate and entrepreneurial aspects. 

Through engaging discussions and insightful interviews, Jessica and her guests are breaking new ground and creating a fresh perspective for consultants.

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