Stories and Strategies for Public Relations and Marketing

"Stories and Strategies for Public Relations and Marketing," hosted by Doug Downs.

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Top Instagram Trends in 2024

Top Instagram Trends in 2024

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Instagram Reels has become critical for brand promotion. Of all the things you can do on IG (Stories, Posts, Carousels…), Reels is number one.

SocialInsider studied this recently and found brands have increased their use of reels by 40% compared to the previous year because they’re more engaging than single images or carousels. Brands should have a consistent calendar for creating reels, but also use other content formats like carousels to reach their goals on Instagram.

And, as in any PR campaign, it’s important to understand your audience and tailor content to their preferences.

The “Reel” success for brands just might be in creating smaller, niche communities for more effective engagement.

Listen For
3:38 Why Reels is Number One on Instagram and How Brands have responded
6:30 The Importance of a Content Mix
9:18 Understanding Your Audience
12:00 Why You Need to Get Their Attention in Three Seconds

Guest: Adina Jipa, Founder and CMO Social Insider
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As Communications Director, What’s Your Next Step for the Democrats? Or Republicans?

As Communications Director, What’s Your Next Step for the Democrats? Or Republicans?

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The debate was a disaster.

In this episode, we look at the chaotic political showdown between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, exploring the “What Now” for each party.

Janet Brown is an extremely well-respected pollster in Canada with NO political affiliation to either US party. We talk about what she would do if she was in charge of communications strategy for the Democrats and the Republicans.

Listen For
6:38 The Need to Focus on Donors
8:40 Utilize Private Meetings for Recovery
14:06 Emulate Ronald Reagan’s “Morning in America” Campaign
21:32 How to Monitor Grassroots Indicators

Guest: Janet Brown
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Why Public Relations Shouldn’t Abandon Controversial Industries

Why Public Relations Shouldn’t Abandon Controversial Industries

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The UN Secretary-General António Guterres's has made a controversial suggestion that public relations professionals should sever ties with fossil fuel companies. While his comments are aimed at combating climate change, they overlook the crucial role PR pros play in driving innovation and transparency within these companies. 

By disengaging, PR experts could inadvertently hinder progress towards net-zero goals, as their expertise is vital in communicating and facilitating the transformative changes necessary for a sustainable future. 

But this raises another question – when should we say no to working with a company?

Listen For
4:02 Understanding the Influence of Public Relations
4:40 The Role of Public Relations in Environmental Progress
6:10 Ethics vs Morality in Public Relations
17:45 Driving Positive Change

Guest: Stuart Bruce
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Throwback Thursday - The ORID Method for Structured Conversation

Throwback Thursday - The ORID Method for Structured Conversation

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This is a Replay from Episode 73 which first published in October 2022.

You know how this feels. You’re called into a meeting on something important where a decision or action must be determined. But in the meeting, everyone takes turns making different points (presumably so they feel they’ve contributed to the meeting in front of their superior), the conversation goes wayward and when it comes time to making the decision, everyone’s confused or (worse) misled. This is typically the point where the most senior person in the room then makes decisions, essentially based on what they thought before they entered the room, and the meeting has been a waste of time.

It just doesn’t have to be this way. 

The ORID method (Objective, Reflective, Interpretive, Decisional) traces its origins to a person named Joseph Matthews, a US army Chaplin who had just come home from World War Two. When he returned to his university professorship, he was consumed with the need to help people process the events of their lives – to help people build meaning from their own trials. 

Matthews met an art professor who showed him that any encounter with art involves a trialogue – or three-way conversation – between the art, the artist, and the observer. The Professor explained:   

"First you have to take the work of art seriously by observing carefully what's there, and what's not. Then you must look seriously at what is going on inside of you as you observe the art to see how you are reacting, what repels you? What delights you? You have to peel back layers of awareness so that you can begin to ask what it means to you. Art, the professor explained, is like listening. You must work to create your own meaning from an artwork, or a conversation.” 

Matthews recalled his exposure to phenomenology - the study of phenomena and brought to mind readings of Soren Kierkegaard. Matthews used this structure to create, what was called the art form conversation, and what facilitators affectionately call the focused conversation method. The idea is a structured conversation that helps participants develop their thinking in a logical manner but following a natural human process for focused communication. Logic and facts are introduced first, then emotion is welcomed, followed by interpretation, and then a decision or resolution to the thinking process. 

In this episode we talk with Robin Parsons, a seasoned professional facilitator who uses the ORID method all the time. 

Listen For
5:09 Definition and Role of a Facilitator
7:38 The ORID Method Explained
10:03 The Importance of Reflective Thinking
17:42 The Challenges with Surveys in Capturing Full Thinking Processes

Guest: Robin Parsons, MBA, CPF, CTF
Parsons Dialogue Ltd.

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Shifting Leadership Communication from Command to Curiosity

Shifting Leadership Communication from Command to Curiosity

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Leadership, and leadership communication, is evolving. The rules from even just five years ago (pre COVID) have shifted. In this episode Paige Williams shares how we can transform communication and leadership effectiveness by asking the right questions and staying rooted in curiosity.

These are strategies that can enhance creativity, engagement, and resilience in your team, whether you’re leading a small group or a large organization.

Listen For
5:22 The Importance of Asking the Right Questions
7:09 Modern Leadership and the Ecosystem
10:14 Holding Plans Lightly
18:29 Positive Deviance

Guest: Paige Williams, Ph.D. Organisational Behaviour
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Books by Dr Paige
The Leaders’ Ecosystem
What Does Good Look Like?
Own It!
Becoming Antifragile
Your Leadership Blueprint
Surviving to Thriving

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How Digital Media is Redefining Consumer Behavior

How Digital Media is Redefining Consumer Behavior

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Awareness is likely the most compelling element of purchase decisions.

Hunter, a top consumer marketing communications firm says its studies show the power of awareness in purchase decisions. It’s also critical to have a multi-channel strategy that can capture your audience’s attention and drive them to action.

And there’s a surprising amount of strength to in-store communication and word of mouth shaping consumer behavior.

In this episode… what makes us buy.

Listen for:
5:53 Key Insights from the Diagnostic Phase of the Hunter Study
8:26 The Importance of a Multichannel Strategy
10:59 The Surprising Dominance of In-Person Communication
19:35 Demographic Tendencies of Their Influence on Communication Channels

Guest: Heddy DeMaria
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Does the C-Suite Still Not Understand Public Relations?

Does the C-Suite Still Not Understand Public Relations?

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In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, effective communication is more crucial than ever for organizations aiming to maintain a positive public image. Public relations (PR) advisors play a vital role in shaping these communications, ensuring that messages align with company values, respond appropriately to crises, and enhance the brand's reputation.

However, a recurring issue is the reluctance of senior executives to heed the advice of their PR professionals. This disconnect can have significant repercussions for both the executive and the organization.

Why don’t they get us?

Listen For:
3:57 Senior Execs Who Misstep then Double Down
5:03 Importance of Media Training for Execs
7:44 Executive-Level Overconfidence
10:36 Effective Collaboration Between Executives and PR Teams

Guest: Michelle Garrett
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Michelle’s new book B2B PR That Gets Results 

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Embracing AI as a Stakeholder in Public Relations

Embracing AI as a Stakeholder in Public Relations

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Here’s a different perspective. What if we didn’t regard AI as a technology? What if we thought of it as a stakeholder?

AI has the power to influence and even revolutionize industries from sustainable development to climate intervention. At the same time, we know the risks involve navigating ethical complexities and misinformation.

Maybe we need to expand our perspective beyond this tool we’re learning to use, and accept it as a complex voice we need to influence for the greater good.

Guest: Rupert Younger, Founder and Director of the Oxford University Centre for Corporate Reputation
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Rupert’s original article in Oxford Answers
The reputation game: the art of changing how people see you

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Throwback Thursday - The Ethics of AI in PR

Throwback Thursday - The Ethics of AI in PR

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This episode was originally published September 13, 2020 but it's just as relevant today as then. Easily one of the most thoughtful episodes we've ever done.

"Society is changing... there's a new elite emerging and those elite have huge amounts of power."
Professor Anne Gregory, Ph.D., BA, FRSA, HonFCIPR, Huddersfield University,

"The problem with algorithms is they... discriminate almost by design. They're missing on diversity and inclusion, so you have to get in there as PR people."
Jean Valin, BA, BA (Hons), APR, FCPRS, HonFCIPR, Valin Strategic Communications,
The Artificial Intelligence in Public Relations panel was founded in 2018. It’s a global volunteer committee, developed through the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) comprising senior communications professionals and leading PR academics and researchers. Recently CIPR and the Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS) partnered to publish the AI in Ethics Guide which seeks to improve ethical decision-making of algorithms and other automated tools to avoid harmful impacts on individuals.

To access the Ethics Guide to Artificial Intelligence in PR:
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Bio of Stories and Strategies for Public Relations and Marketing

"Stories and Strategies for Public Relations and Marketing," hosted by Doug Downs, is a podcast that explores the world of communication and its role in shaping our daily lives. In today's interconnected world, effective communication is essential for success, and this podcast delves into the various facets of public relations and marketing that contribute to effective communication strategies.

Through insightful conversations and interviews, the podcast delves into topics such as marketing, public relations, government relations, media relations, crisis management, stakeholder engagement, advertising, and strategic communications. The host, Doug Downs, provides valuable insights and practical advice for professionals working in these fields, as well as for individuals who hire communication experts.

From crafting compelling press releases to leveraging social media campaigns, from managing crises to engaging stakeholders, the podcast covers a wide range of communication-related topics.

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