The Flipping 50 Show

The Flipping 50 Show, hosted by Debra Atkinson.

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12 Strength Training Mistakes in Menopause Robbing Your Results

12 Strength Training Mistakes in Menopause Robbing Your Results

Most commonly the challenge is gaining lean muscle. Doing all the things but can’t seem to gain muscle? Then tune in and go through this like a check list of 12 strength training mistakes in menopause that could be the reason.

It just takes one. But if there are multiple, it’s compounded and in this case, not interest but penalty!

Join us at Metabolism Makeover 2.0 to support your journey avoiding the 12 strength training mistakes in menopause.

  1. Overworking Small Muscle Groups [00:02:20]

You need fewer of these small muscle group-focused exercises in your routine if you prioritize the major muscles like chest (pectoralis) and back (trapezius and Latissimus Dorsi). If the secondary (biceps and triceps) muscles are going to get a workout most of the time, these will rob you of time and energy that is better spent on major muscles if you aren’t getting in the adequate volume there.

  1. Skipping the Warmup [00:06:40]

Nearly a decade ago, I began sharing the fact that if you skip the warmup, you also miss an opportunity to increase total energy expenditure during a workout. It’s not only about injury prevention. There’s an increased blood circulation, improved energy expenditure, mobility and you can work closer to your capacity. If fitness and longevity are truly goals, “exercising” is not the same as working at your capacity and safely, sanely raising the roof on your fitness level so that age doesn’t automatically result in slowing down or gaining weight.

  1. Not Resting Between Sets Long Enough Before [00:13:10]

Rapidly moving from one exercise to the next, was yesterday. The “metabolic conditioning workouts” are a nice anomaly, a change in pace.

Rest between sets of strength training. Reach complete muscle fatigue or within 2 reps of it. If you do HIIT, separate the sessions so you get the best benefit from it and from strength. If you are not getting stronger, not increasing muscle, and these are your goals (in order, perhaps to improve body fat % ultimately), it’s a “how” you’re doing it problem.

Plan Your Routine to Avoid 12 Strength Training Mistakes in Menopause

  1. No Organized Plan [00:17:30]

You either default to using what’s available at the gym or doing the same exercises in the same sequence every time. If you’re not careful you won’t change the stimulus (by changing the sequence and sets/rep combination) and may also not be getting enough sets per muscle group in each week.

It doesn’t mean that all sets for a muscle group must be all the same exercise. A super set of 6 different exercises for the triceps works. The next workout you may just do 3 and you’re still covered… if you planned it that way.

  1. Not Sleeping Enough or Not Changing the Workout When You Don’t Sleep [00:20:50]

The sleep you get will determine the benefit you get from exercise. If you don’t prioritize, your workouts will suffer too. You’re also at risk for injury, not only because your body isn’t fully doing the repair job or releasing testosterone and growth hormone in deep cycles of sleep as it should, but because coordination suffers.

  1. Treating Soreness or Worn Out an Indication of “Good Workout” [00:22:40]

When you work muscles, it’s normal to feel sore, even if you’re extremely fit. Some muscles like quads and glutes are used to a lot of activity and tend to get sore less often.

But there are two genes associated with soreness and you may either be predisposed to be sore or not. It’s not a good indication of whether you worked hard enough. If you reached muscle fatigue or came close, you gave the muscle enough stimulus.

The first sign of poor recovery was soreness after workouts, the second was reduced performance during workouts.

12 Strength Training Mistakes in Menopause to Avoid and Nurture Your Body

  1. Dependence on Supplements and Negating Balanced Whole Food Meals. [00:27:00]

If you’re all too willing to jump to EAAs, or BCAAs but won’t eat regular meals that result in satiety, chances are your lack of micro and macronutrients will catch up with you. “Food first”, then allow supplements to take you the rest of the way.

I don’t like to “count” calories on a regular basis but a snapshot is very helpful for checking in. Often for knowing when you’re eating too little.

  1. Taking Too Much Advice (or Too Little From Too Many People) [00:30:20]

It often takes even gurus a while to come around.

You have to love Vonda Wright and Mary Haver sharing their own menopause journeys. We need more women like them. They’re open about not knowing what they didn’t know about menopause, as physicians and women.

You have at your fingertips access to women who learned the hard way, so you don’t have to. Just don’t jump in the middle. You need an onramp.

  1. Ignoring Nutrition Needs. [00:32:30]

The talk is “calorie deficit.” Yet, 80% of women in our community under-eat for their mere existence (resting metabolic rate) and then try to put their foot on the accelerator for exercise causing a bigger caloric deficit. Then they stay there for years, under-fed and under-fueled (processed food, diet food), the metabolism will come to a halt, along, potentially with adrenal and thyroid function.

Figure your calorie needs. Use an app to track your actual intake for 3-5 days.

12 Strength Training Mistakes in Menopause That Hinder Your Progress

  1. Thinking Small, Skinny, or Numbers That Don’t Matter Instead of That Do [00:36:20]

Your size and your weight on the scale do not tell the story of your fitness and health. Though they might hint at your likelihood of sarcopenia and osteoporosis, fall and fracture risk.

When women focus on weight or size they sacrifice muscle. When they lose muscle, they lose strength, longevity and independence. A woman who has her ideal weight or size is constantly thinking about it and a step away from a fall or fracture. A fracture that results in bedrest, weakness and loss of more muscle. The beginning of the end. Those falls are not devastating just because of the breaks, but because of brain bleeds or other internal damage.

  1. Too Heavy to Start [00:38:20]

The first 6-8 weeks, and up to 12, of a resistance training program, the benefits are due to the neural connection. That isn’t rushed by going heavy.

But loads too great for your ligaments, tendons and joints or muscles can cause weakness, undue soreness, and a weak foundation leading to injury.

We, in the fitness industry, need to be more careful. We have sometimes lost our way in regard to where to START, and how and at what pace to PROGRESS.

  1. You Add Something But Don’t Remove Something Else [00:40:30]

I’ve experienced this temptation myself. When I started training for triathlons at 40, I was compelled to figure out how to run even while I was adding biking or swimming to my schedule.

I soon realized I was sabotaging the quality of every workout and just putting those “junk miles.” A woman will lose muscle because of the added stress, inability to recover.

That’s an extreme example, but if you’re adding and never subtracting/replacing, you’re probably going to experience similar results.

References for the 12 Strength Training Mistakes in Menopause:

For dropping in the references.. Ideally just the single line link.. Vs long for the podcasts and posts - however if the research is really: within last 10 years, features female subjects.. Then it should be added to the research document. Nothing else should ever be used in our content.

#1 Cheng AJ, Jude B, Lanner JT. Intramuscular mechanisms of overtraining. Redox Biol. 2020 Aug;35:101480. doi: 10.1016/j.redox.2020.101480. Epub 2020 Feb 26. PMID: 32179050; PMCID: PMC7284919.

#2 Afonso J, Brito J, Abade E, Rendeiro-Pinho G, Baptista I, Figueiredo P, Nakamura FY. Revisiting the 'Whys' and 'Hows' of the Warm-Up: Are We Asking the Right Questions? Sports Med. 2024 Jan;54(1):23-30. doi: 10.1007/s40279-023-01908-y. Epub 2023 Sep 2. PMID: 37658965; PMCID: PMC10798919.

#3 some experiments%20have%20a demonstrated,be%20safer%20and%20more%20reliable

#4 Hughes SL, Seymour RB, Campbell RT, Whitelaw N, Bazzarre T. Best-practice physical activity programs for older adults: findings from the national impact study. Am J Public Health. 2009 Feb;99(2):362-8. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2007.131466. Epub 2008 Dec 4. PMID: 19059858; PMCID: PMC2622796

#4 Brickwood KJ, Ahuja KDK, Watson G, O'Brien JA, Williams AD. Effects of Activity Tracker Use With Health Professional Support or Telephone Counseling on Maintenance of Physical Activity and Health Outcomes in Older Adults: Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2021 Jan 5;9(1):e18686. doi: 10.2196/18686. PMID: 33399541; PMCID: PMC7815450.


#6 Romero-Parra N, Maestre-Cascales C, Marín-Jiménez N, Rael B, Alfaro-Magallanes VM, Cupeiro R, Peinado AB. Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage in Postmenopausal Well-Trained Women. Sports Health. 2021 Nov-Dec;13(6):613-621. doi: 10.1177/19417381211014134. Epub 2021 May 27. PMID: 34039086; PMCID: PMC8558998.


#7 & #9 Erdélyi A, Pálfi E, Tűű L, Nas K, Szűcs Z, Török M, Jakab A, Várbíró S. The Importance of Nutrition in Menopause and Perimenopause-A Review. Nutrients. 2023 Dec 21;16(1):27. doi: 10.3390/nu16010027. PMID: 38201856; PMCID: PMC10780928.

#7 Lentjes MAH. The balance between food and dietary supplements in the general population. Proc Nutr Soc. 2019 Feb;78(1):97-109. doi: 10.1017/S0029665118002525. Epub 2018 Oct 30. PMID: 30375305; PMCID: PMC6366563

#10 Martinez, B.P., Batista, A.K.M.S., Gomes, I.B. et al. Frequency of sarcopenia and associated factors among hospitalized elderly patients. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 16, 108 (2015).

#10 Sakuma, Kunihiro, Yamaguchi, Akihiko, Sarcopenic Obesity and Endocrinal Adaptation with Age, International Journal of Endocrinology, 2013, 204164, 12 pages, 2013.

#11 Kraemer WJ, Ratamess NA. Fundamentals of resistance training: progression and exercise prescription. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2004 Apr;36(4):674-88. doi: 10.1249/01.mss.0000121945.36635.61. PMID: 15064596

#12 Caplin A, Chen FS, Beauchamp MR, Puterman E. The effects of exercise intensity on the cortisol response to a subsequent acute psychosocial stressor. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2021 Sep;131:105336. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2021.105336. Epub 2021 Jun 18. PMID: 34175558.

#12 Woods NF, Mitchell ES, Smith-Dijulio K. Cortisol levels during the menopausal transition and early postmenopause: observations from the Seattle Midlife Women's Health Study. Menopause. 2009 Jul-Aug;16(4):708-18. doi: 10.1097/gme.0b013e318198d6b2. PMID: 19322116; PMCID: PMC2749064. laboratory studies of hot,in our earlier report5.


5 Day Flip:

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What You Don't Know About Hormone Tests (Wish I'd Known Sooner!)

What You Don't Know About Hormone Tests (Wish I'd Known Sooner!)

In this special episode, you get to join me in a doctor’s appointment and lm tell you… what you don’t know about hormone tests could be the difference in feeling 10x better and aging better too! 

If you don’t know about hormone tests that there are not only different test, but different ways to interpret them from norms to optimal….if you don’t know that some doctors don’t know all test and couldn’t order them if they did because they don’t know how to interpret them… then you’re in for a treat…. And education! 

My Guest:

Dr. Sharon Stills is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor providing comprehensive health care, therapeutic and diagnostic services to patients worldwide. She combines her conventional medical training, data-driven science, cutting-edge diagnostic tools and a deep knowledge of natural healing to effectively identify and treat health concerns ranging from allergies to end stage cancer, and everything in between

Questions We Answer in This Episode:

  • Why do a Wet Urine Test? [00:02:18]

  • What are Metabolites? Why do they matter when it comes to your hormones? [00:04:35]

  • How does Estrogen impact your body and what can you do to keep them in balance? [00:04:41]

  • Why is Testosterone important to women? How can you support healthy levels? [00:27:01]

  • What does DHEA do and how can you optimize it? [00:29:17]

  • How can you accurately Cortisol? What does it mean for your stress levels? [00:37:01]

  • How can you boost Oxytocin naturally? [00:38:37]

  • How does Thyroid affect your metabolism, energy, and mood? What can you do to balance it? [00:43:17]

Connect with Dr. Sharon: 

On Social:

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Protect Your Vision in Midlife and Beyond

Protect Your Vision in Midlife and Beyond

Can you improve your eyesight and protect your vision in midlife? Vision health goes far beyond eyesight and the ability to see the golf ball or the small print on the supplement bottle.

Aging doesn’t mean dimming sight; it’s possible to preserve and improve vision with the right knowledge and tools. Did you know you can slow the aging effects on your eyes? Stay tuned to learn how to protect your vision in midlife!

My Guest:

Dr. Bryce Appelbaum is a pioneer in neuro-optometry passionate about unlocking life’s potential through vision. His expertise includes reorganizing the visual brain post-concussion to return to learn and return to life, remediating visual developmental delays interfering with reading and learning, and enhancing visual skills to elevate sports performance. You may have seen him on the podcast circuit as a recent guest on MindBodyGreen, Chris Kresser’s Revolution Health Radio, and Cynthia Thurlow's Everyday Wellness.

Questions We Answer in This Episode:

- What is the difference between eyesight and vision? [00:04:15]
- What do women in midlife need to know about their vision? [00:07:15]
- What are the key things you should be doing if you want to maintain your vision as you age? [00:11:55]
- Is it possible to reverse the effects of aging on your vision? [00:13:05]
- What is the screen pandemic and how is it contributing towards the global decline in vision? [00:26:05]

Connect with Dr. Bryce:

Enjoy $200 discount when using this link

On Social:




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How to Exercise with High or Low Cortisol in Menopause

How to Exercise with High or Low Cortisol in Menopause

With either high or low cortisol in menopause, the way you exercise has to change. Yet, this is a  gap in fitness education for trainers, instructors and coaches who don’t get training specific to women in menopause.

So, whether you’re here for yourself or here as a coach or trainer who does now or wants to coach women in midlife and beyond, this episode is for you.

In this episode, I talk about the impact of exercise intensity on cortisol and how cortisol is used for the energy to do exercise, cortisol changes that occur in menopause, and what’s really wrong with the way we can interpret the signs of high or low cortisol… all so you can avoid making mistakes that might make you worse, or prevent you from ever having an issue in the first place.

Questions We Cover in This Episode:

  • Why are high or low cortisol in menopause so prevalent? [00:04:00]
  • What’s the difference between someone “apparently healthy” and high or low cortisol? [00:04:30]
  • How would you test to know? [00:11:30]
  • Without testing what does abnormal cortisol feel like? [00:13:50]
  • How does exercise impact cortisol levels? [00:16:30]
  • What mistakes do women (and trainers & coaches) make with exercise recommendations? [00:28:10]

Looking at Exercise Science for High or Low Cortisol in Menopause

Low-intensity exercise may decrease cortisol levels or keep them steady.

Prolonged activity, however, can cause cortisol to rise.

Moderate to high-intensity exercise increases cortisol. Prolonged “aerobic” exercise at higher intensities can significantly elevate cortisol concentrations. At about 45 minutes, to less than an hour, cortisol begins to rise significantly above resting levels and then not have the corresponding fall that is beneficial for us.

This elevated cortisol response can occur even with exercises you’ve done for years. With declining estrogen, life itself becomes more stressful. For women engaging in long endurance activities without proper fuel, recovery, or adjustments, results may stall—or even backfire..

This doesn’t mean giving up long runs or rides forever but prioritizing muscle, bone, and brain health temporarily.


Elevated cortisol is indicative of muscle catabolism, increasing the loss of lean muscle tissue. This is a significant health concern for the growing elderly population. The rate of cortisol production changes as we age and has differing responses to exercise intensities in males and females.

Cortisol production is correlated with exercise intensity and duration but does not increase the same across all exercise intensities. Higher exercise intensities and duration appear to be the main contributing factors that influence the production of cortisol, increasing the potential for muscle catabolism and muscle loss.

The longer the duration, or the higher the intensity, and certainly both combined, the greater the increase in cortisol. Other factors like heat, humidity, intake of carbohydrate and hydration can impact cortisol levels. Last, of course the higher the conditioning level you have the less of a stress response (cortisol rise) you’re going to have to the same level of duration or intensity in a deconditioned level.

That is, the stress response will occur sooner for the deconditioned than later.

Low Cortisol Solutions When Dealing with High or Low Cortisol in Menopause

With low cortisol levels (adrenal stress), overtraining is the biggest risk. Small exercise snacks, lower intensity exercise is the first step. Gradually adding in resistance training in short sessions to support blood sugar stabilization is the goal. Monitor to be sure you don’t go backward.

Keep in mind cortisol and adrenaline are needed to support intense exercise. Your body doesn’t currently have it, so high intensity workouts like intervals and metabolic conditioning (bootcamp style) are not favorable for you. You won’t benefit from them right now.

Low intensity and low volume resistance training would mean lower rep ranges and higher number of sets (3-5) with a few compound exercises. You’re going to skip old school advice for 8-10 exercises for each muscle group.

High Cortisol Solutions when Dealing with High or Low Cortisol in Menopause

Short interval sessions or metabolic conditioning can be effective, but be mindful to keep them short. Start with 1 session and add a second only if it’s improving, not draining your energy. These sessions may help reduce cortisol, but going too long, even if it feels good, can backfire. Neurotransmitters may push you to continue, but elevated cortisol and adrenal fatigue will eventually catch up.

High cortisol breaks down muscle, so strength training is essential. Use heavier weights and increase your rest time (by using balance exercises, stretches or core) to make the most of your time.

The HPA-Axis issue, that is adrenal fatigue, needs time away from longer duration and high intensity workouts to allow the brain and adrenals to start communicating effectively again. It doesn’t have to be permanent.

Train earlier in the day, balancing sleep and exercise, especially if work adds stress. Overworking, lack of movement, or poor stress management may have contributed to current challenges. Use weekends wisely – skip long workouts and focus on a solid strength session one day and yoga or walking the next. Prioritize earlier sessions that don’t require an alarm clock for optimal recovery and hormonal balance.

Signs You’re Recovering from High or Low Cortisol in Menopause

Check Your Appetite: You should have one, but not cravings especially, soon after meals. Appetite can be sluggish with low cortisol and either high or low with high cortisol.

Your Energy level: Should be stable throughout the day. For low energy getting up, maca can be a natural support for your own system to self-regulate. It’s an herb most women can take, however check if you have had breast cancer, there are some contraindications and a medical advisory board you can check with. I found this super helpful and within a week of taking this felt better back in early 2020.

Sleep Should Improve: Whether you struggle to fall asleep, stay asleep or simply are not waking rested, this should begin to improve. (That is, if you’re doing your job to prioritize sleep).

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References :

Hackney AC, Walz EA. Hormonal adaptation and the stress of exercise training: the role of glucocorticoids. Trends Sport Sci. 2013;20(4):165-171. PMID: 29882537; PMCID: PMC5988244.

The Effects of Different Exercise Intensities and Modalities on Cortisol Production in Healthy Individuals: A Review. (2021). Journal of Exercise and Nutrition, 4(4).

Daily Rituals That Regulate Your Nervous System

Daily Rituals That Regulate Your Nervous System

Know the daily rituals that regulate your nervous system to calm inflammation and slow the effects of aging!

My Guest:

Dr. Monisha Bhanote, MD, ABOIM, FCAP, ACCM, is a quintuple board-certified physician and founder of WELLKULÅ. She blends ancient wisdom with mind-body medicine, advocating for #CellCare as self-care. As an international speaker, best-selling author, and wellness expert, she educates on cellular health and nervous system regulation.

Dr. Bhanote’s expertise in longevity, Ayurveda, plant-based nutrition, mindfulness, and digestive health shapes her Longevity Retreats and best-selling book, The Anatomy of Wellbeing, which offers practices to embrace your body’s unique design and revitalize your health at the cellular level.

Questions We Answer in This Episode:

  • What is the importance of the 'gut-brain connection' for women? [00:07:05]
  • How does nervous system dysregulation impact gut health, vitality and longevity? [00:10:45]
  • What is the 'gut-skin axis,' and how does gut health and nervous system balance influence skin’s appearance and inner beauty?[00:14:22]
  • How do chronic stress and nervous imbalances accelerate aging, and what strategies support longevity?[00:14:58]
  • How does stress contribute to inflammation and how can we manage it?[00:15:28]
  • What daily rituals regulate the nervous system, improve gut health, and promote internal beauty and vitality?[00:31:13]

Connect with Dr. Monisha:

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Midlife Strength Training Myths Busted with Jennifer Kirsch

Midlife Strength Training Myths Busted with Jennifer Kirsch

Pay attention! If you’re hearing “lift heavy” shouted from the roof tops and feel the fear of injury or simply inability to comply…. THIS IS YOUR EPISODE!

Consider your midlife strength training myths busted. Strength training should be non-negotiable for midlife women, yet still believe in long-existing myths related to them.

By the end of this episode, you will identify and consider any current midlife strength training myths busted!

My Guest:

Jennifer Kirsch is a personal trainer and nutrition coach specializing in helping women 50+ build strength, confidence, and consistency through simple, effective workouts. With nearly 30 years of experience, she’s passionate about empowering women to feel their best at every stage of life.

When did doctors all of a sudden become experts in menopause exercise?

-Jennifer Kirsch

Questions We Answer in This Episode:

  • What are the most common misconceptions about strength training for midlife women, and why do they persist? [00:10:00]
  • Why is strength training essential for women in their 50s and beyond, especially for mobility, flexibility, and quality of life? [00:22:30]
  • How do moderate rep ranges benefit women in menopause, and how does this differ from other fitness advice? [00:24:30]
  • What advice would you give to women who feel overwhelmed or intimidated by starting strength training later in life? [00:31:50]
  • How can women overcome challenges like time, limited equipment, or lack of experience? [00:33:30]
  • What’s one simple action to start building strength, mobility, and balance today? [00:35:50]

“It is most definitely the Menopause Gold Rush.”

Connect with Jennifer:

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True Core Confidence: Revolutionizing Pelvic Floor Fitness After 40

True Core Confidence: Revolutionizing Pelvic Floor Fitness After 40

Tune in to this episode as we redefine core strength. It's time to break the silence and take charge. Pelvic Floor Fitness After 40 is a game-changer.

Questions We Answer in This Episode:

  • What is the pelvic floor, and why is it essential for overall health, especially as we age?
  • What is the Cooch Ball, and how does it differ from traditional pelvic floor exercises?
  • What are common myths about pelvic floor health you'd like to debunk?
  • How does pelvic floor fitness relate to core strength, and why is this connection important?
  • Are pelvic floor issues inevitable with age? What can women do to prevent or address them?
  • How does mindset impact pelvic floor health, and what mental shifts can improve pelvic fitness?
  • What simple exercises or habits can listeners use to maintain or improve pelvic floor health?
  • How can improved pelvic floor fitness enhance confidence, intimacy, and overall well-being?

Connect with Jana:

On Social:





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It’s Not Too Late to Overcome Gut Issues in Midlife

It’s Not Too Late to Overcome Gut Issues in Midlife

To overcome gut issues in midlife, start with understanding how your gut health impacts every part of your well-being. Conditions like SIBO, or Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, can feel overwhelming, but they don’t have to define your quality of life.

If you’ve ever wondered how to overcome gut issues and feel your best, this episode holds the answers.

My Guest:

Shivan Sarna is the author of the Amazon Bestseller Healing SIBO, a TV host, and the creator of the SIBO SOS® Summits and Community, the Digestion SOS™ documentary series, the Gut & Microbiome Rescue Summit, the Liver and Gallbladder Rescue Summit, the Lymphatic Rescue Summit, the Dental Health Connection Summit, the Fascia and Chronic Pain Rescue Summit, and Chronic Condition Research.

After a lifetime of struggling with health issues, Shivan made it her mission to share information with others who are struggling. Her personal mantra is “SOS: Save Our Selves.” And that's what she has helped thousands of people do!

Questions We Answer in This Episode:

  • Tell me about your health journey and what brought you to where you are today. [00:04:46]
  • What exactly is SIBO and why is it important to recognize, diagnose correctly and treat correctly? [00:10:14]
  • What are some of the root causes of SIBO and how do you address this? [00:24:28]
  • What suggestions do you have to help people’s mindsets overcome chronic conditions? [00:30:07]

Connect withShivan:

Join the Summit:

On Social:



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Events or Affiliate partnership we're promoting in this episode:

Menopause summit - Will provide affiliate URL directly.

(Message from Shivan)


Our Bodies Ourselves (book)

Is Coffee Good or Bad for Midlife Woman’s Gut and Metabolism?

Is Coffee Good or Bad for Midlife Woman’s Gut and Metabolism?

Are you drinking coffee and wondering if coffee is good or bad for midlife?

Coffee drinkers, pay attention. In this episode, America’s happy gut doctor shares the pros and cons of coffee. Know the benefits without sabotaging your gut health or adrenals.

Do not miss this to know if coffee is good or bad for midlife?

My Guest:

Dr. Vincent Pedre, Medical Director of Pedre Integrative Health, Founder of Dr. Pedre Wellness, and CEO of Happy Gut Life. He is a Functional Medicine-Certified Practitioner with a NYC-based concierge practice and bestselling author of two gut-health books. His latest, The GutSMART Protocol, includes a 14-day personalized gut-healing plan. His newest offering, Happy Gut Coffee, is a clean, toxin-free coffee that you can trust to keep your gut happy.

Questions We Answer in This Episode:

  • Is coffee good or bad for the midlife woman’s gut? What are the pros and cons? 00:08:35
  • What are microplastics, and how do they enter the human body, particularly the gut? 00:10:45
  • How do you prefer your coffee? What’s your prep? 00:12:05
  • How do you doctor your coffee up? 00:17:25
  • What is the difference between caffeinated vs decaf coffee? 00:27:45
  • How much coffee does it take to get benefits vs how much is too much? 00:34:05

Connect with Dr. Vincent:

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Bio of The Flipping 50 Show

Generation Iron Podcast, hosted by Vlad Yudin, offers a unique and in-depth look into the world of bodybuilding, fitness, combat sports, and strength sports. With a focus on bringing listeners exclusive interviews with top athletes and sports personalities, the podcast provides an insider's perspective and honest conversations that go beyond stock answers.

Vlad Yudin, known for his work as a filmmaker in the fitness industry, brings his expertise and passion to the podcast, allowing listeners to gain exclusive access to the minds of renowned athletes. 

Expect engaging and candid discussions that go beyond surface-level content. With no BS and a commitment to providing genuine and authentic conversations, the podcast dives deep into the strength sports world, unveiling personal journeys, challenges, triumphs, and the mindset required to excel in these disciplines.

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