Leadership Re-Imagined

"Leadership Re-Imagined" podcast is hosted by Dr. Jane Lovas.

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Leadership Re-Imagined with Navid Nazemian

Leadership Re-Imagined with Navid Nazemian

Join me in a conversation with Navid Nazemian, Executive Transition Coach, PCC (ICF).

Navid helps leaders and their teams accelerate and successfully transition into new roles. He is the author of Mastering Executive Transitions - The Definitive Guide, a #1 international bestseller on amazon.

[LRI S4 E1]

[LRI S4 E1] "Technology, the Future, Innovation and Leadership" with Dr. Cori Lathan

She is a technology entrepreneur who has invented robots for kids with disabilities, virtual reality technology for the space station, and wearable sensors for training surgeons and soldiers.  She is also the author of “Inventing the Future, Stories from a Techno-Optimist.”
Connect with Dr. Lathan at corilathan@gmail.com and on linkedIn.

""Living and Leading in Alignment" with Jamin Heppell

Today I’d like to welcome Jamin Heppell. 

The co-creator and leadership coach of Mountains and Marathons, a revolutionary leadership development company that focuses on holistic transformation and completes each program with an epic physical challenge, such as running a marathon or climbing a mountain in iconic locations around the world.


Jamin’s clients have included senior executives of Fortune 500 companies, leaders of international non-profits, founders of multi-million dollar start-ups, leaders in Network Marketing companies, ex-military, industry leaders in real-estate, stay-at-home Mum’s and everyone in between.

Connect with Jamin at jaminandjen@mountainsandmarathons.world or on LinkedIn.


"Moving into Leadership" with Claudia Miller

Today I’d like to welcome Claudia Miller.

Claudia is a sought-after Career Coach for Women In Tech and she's helped her clients land fulfilling jobs at a senior level. She also partners with companies and organizations in identifying rising stars within their organizations and providing strategic insights and support in developing a leadership and talent pipeline with a focus on Women and Women of Color.

Claudia Miller is a sought-after Career Coach and she's helped her clients land fulfilling jobs in less than 90-days all while getting on average a 54% increase in salary. ($30k-$140k). 


Due to her efforts and her work with Top Fortune 500 Clients and having been featured multiple times in Forbes, MSNBC and Thrive Global - Business Insider put her in their global list of Top Innovative Career Coaches. 


Free Giveaway:

$10k Salary Negotiation Script: https://keap.page/fxp705/10k-salary-negotiation-script.html

[LRI S3 #30]

[LRI S3 #30] "Grow your Business like Weeds with Stu Heinecke

Join me with Stu Heinecke, bestselling business author, marketer and WSJ cartoonist. His first book, How to Get a Meeting with Anyone, was named one of the top 64 sales books of all time. His latest, How to Grow Your Business Like a Weed, lays out a complete model for explosive business growth, based on the strategies, attributes and tools weeds use to grow, expand, dominate and defend their turf. A twice-nominated hall of fame marketer and Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center author-in-residence, he was named the “Father of Contact Marketing” by the AMA.


He lives on a beautiful island in Washington State.

You can connect with Stu via LinkedIn or at stuheinecke@gmail.com

"Being your Best Self" with Susan Mackenty Brady

Join me today with Susan Mackenty Brady as we discuss how to be your Best Self and why it's important.

Susan is the Deloitte Ellen Gabriel Chair for Women and Leadership at Simmons University and the first Chief Executive Officer of The Simmons University Institute for Inclusive Leadership. www.inclusiveleadership.com. The Institute develops the mindset and skills of leaders at all stages of life so they can foster gender parity and cultures of inclusion.

As a relationship expert, leadership wellbeing coach, author, and speaker, Susan educates leaders and executives globally on fostering self-awareness for optimal leadership. Susan advises executive teams on how to work together effectively and create inclusion and gender parity in organizations. She is passionate about working with women at all levels of organizational leadership to fully realize—and manifest—their leadership potential.

Featured on ABC’s Good Morning America, Susan is the author of the forthcoming Arrive & Thrive: 7 Essential Practices of Women Navigating Leadership (McGraw-Hill, April 2022), The Inclusive Leader's Playbook (Simmons University), Mastering Your Inner Critic and 7 Other High Hurdles to Advancement: How the Best Women Leaders Practice Self-Awareness to Change What Really Matters (McGraw-Hill), and The 30-Second Guide to Coaching Your Inner Critic. A celebrated speaker, Susan has keynoted or consulted at over 500 organizations around the world.

Prior to joining Simmons, Susan was Executive Vice President for a global leadership development consulting and training firm. She founded the Women in Leadership Institute™ and launched the firm’s global practice on Advancing Women Leaders and Inclusive Leadership, and led the field research behind the 7 Leadership Hurdles Women Leaders Face in the Workforce™. Dedicated to inclusively and collaboratively inspiring every girl to realize her full potential, Susan serves as emertus board member of the not-for-profit Strong Women, Strong Girls.

You can connect with Susan on LinkedIn or email at susan.brady@simmons.edu

"Creating Psychological Safety as a Leader" with Melanie Yencken

As we continue celebrating Women's History Month I’d like to welcome Melanie Yencken.

Melanie is UX Director in the Google Search Team. In her past roles she has built and led UX teams globally at Startups, Schibsted and eBay.


Melanie previously founded Rise Network (Prev: LondonTechLadies) a women’s network providing events on soft skill development, striving to develop and inspire women to move up the career ladder and create more gender diversity in the upper levels of management.

You can connect with her at melanie@melanieyencken.com or on LinkedIn.

"Creating a Culture of Performance" with Carol Schultz

Today I’d like to welcome Carol Schultz.

Carol is the founder and CEO of Vertical Elevation, where she is a talent equity and leadership advisory expert. Recognized for her proficiency in corporate leadership, she's spent three decades helping executives gain clarity in their careers, make bold leadership moves, and create cultures of performance. Schultz and her team have helped hundreds of companies—from seed stage pre-initial public offerings to publicly traded companies—transform their organizations and create sustainable, talent-centric cultures that run at maximum efficiency.

She's the host of the popular podcast Authentically Successful and author of the new book Powered By People: How Talent-Centric Organizations Master Recruitment, Retention, and Revenue (and How to Build One) (June 7, 2022).

You can connect with Carol at carol@verticalelevation.com or on LinkedIn.

"Yes! You can Innovate. The Six‘I’s® of Innovation" with Natalie Turner

Join us as we celebrate Women's History Month with Natalie Turner, co-founder of The Entheo Network, an innovation and lifestyle company with Carl Hinds. They are the owners of several brands including The Six ‘I’s® Innovation (2009), Women who Lead (2013), Yes, You Can Innovate (2018), Music for the Soul (2020) and Natalie and Carl's respective personal brands.

Their core brand focus is inspiring and enabling people to innovate through The Six‘I’s® of Innovation, a comprehensive, integrated methodology that offers a human-centered approach to innovation, blending design thinking with organizational development, and a unique proprietary innovation strengths profile for individuals and teams. Its purpose is to provide a consistent framework

for measuring innovation skills and capabilities, and an actionable process for developing an innovative and productive working culture. The Six ‘I’s® has been used in a variety of organizations across the world including the Singapore

Government, Cisco Systems, LEO Pharma Asia, GSK and Danone.

You can connect with Natalie at natalie.turner@entheo.com or on LinkedIn

Bio of Leadership Re-Imagined

"Leadership Re-Imagined" is a podcast hosted by Dr. Jane Lovas, a visionary thought leader, author, and speaker. In this podcast, Dr. Jane invites leaders to engage in powerful and enjoyable conversations to explore new possibilities and re-imagine their approach to leadership.

At a pivotal point in our leadership journey, we have the opportunity to shape a new future rather than being passive recipients of external forces. By actively participating in the conversation, we can create a powerful vision for our companies and inspire our employees and stakeholders to join us on this transformative journey.

Dr. Jane, through her expertise and experience, partners with CEOs and leaders to help them cultivate a clear and shared vision. By challenging traditional notions of leadership, she encourages leaders to explore innovative strategies, rethink their perspectives, and embrace new ways of leading.

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