BNI4Success Podcasts

The BNI4Success Podcast, hosted by Cys Bronner.

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BNI Decoded with Cys Bronner and Dave Rittenhouse - Shedding the Negative Attitude Player - Podcast 59

BNI Decoded with Cys Bronner and Dave Rittenhouse - Shedding the Negative Attitude Player - Podcast 59

"Addition by Subtraction" is a phrase used by business leaders and coaches to mean that sometimes your team can actually get better by shedding some people or practices that inhibit the growth or success of a business, sports team or BNI Chapter.

Consider how the "Addition-by-Subtraction" concept might be beneficial for you and your chapter.

Today we discuss seven instances to explore when "Addition by Subtraction" might add up favorably for your chapter. 

Adapted from an article by Jeff Janssen – Janssen Sports Leaders Center… it is an excellent article

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BNI4Success Podcasts

The Voice of BNI Greater Los Angeles; Where we’ll talk about referral networking that works!

10 Tips to get the most out of your investment in BNI - Podcast 57

10 Tips to get the most out of your investment in BNI - Podcast 57

10 Tips to get the most out of your investment in BNI

Are you looking to maximize the potential of your BNI membership? Join us on this exclusive podcast series hosted by none other than BNI Executive Director, Cys Bronner. With decades of experience in building successful networking communities, Cys shares invaluable insights and strategies to supercharge your BNI journey.

 In this episode, Cys dives deep into the core principles of effective networking within your BNI chapter, unveiling 10 actionable tips designed to elevate your experience and drive tangible results. Whether you're a seasoned BNI member or just starting out, these tips are guaranteed to transform your networking game.

BNI4Success Podcasts

The Voice of BNI Greater Los Angeles; Where we’ll talk about referral networking that works!

5 Money Making Activities in BNI - Podcast 56

5 Money Making Activities in BNI - Podcast 56

Five Money Making Activities at BNI 

What if I told you that there is a formula to chapter and member success? BNI Executive Director and CRO (Chief Referral Officer), Cys Bronner, knows that in BNI we know which activities to rinse and repeat for success, both for the member and the chapter. These activities are not difficult or new, but each of the 5 are truly money-making activities.

BNI4Success Podcasts

The Voice of BNI Greater Los Angeles; Where we’ll talk about referral networking that works!

Grow Your Community Grow Your Network

Grow Your Community Grow Your Network

Grow Your Community, Grow your Network

Each week at BNI4Success, we'll talk about referral networking networks. We'll discuss networking tips, strategies and action steps that are designed to help entrepreneurs and businesses work together to create quality referral business and explore new opportunities.

Hi, I’m Cys Bronner, Executive Director of BNI4Success, BNI’s Greater Los Angeles regions and today’s topic is Grow Your Community, Grow your Network.

Networking is a contact sport! Whoa – that sounds pretty aggressive, doesn’t it? 
But it came from Dr. Ivan Misner himself, so it must be true, right? 

And it is – it’s all in the way you hear it and the way you apply it. 

For me, it’s taking off the bib and putting on the apron – and no, that doesn’t mean being a housewife and cleaning up after people, it means getting involved. 

Effective networking begins in the community. We have BNI community all around us, we call them chapters. 

But that is finite – we want MORE don’t we? We want to expand our networks; we want it all.  

First you have to be visible in the greater community around you.  You have to get out there and connect with people – what better way to plant those seeds, to be a farmer instead of a hunter than by giving. 

As business leaders in the community, we have a responsibility to give back, to give to organizations like the ones we have here at our power breakfast with us. Give – it’s so much a part of who we are in BNI that’s it’s our main philosophy, in fact you can all say it with me. Our main philosophy, Giver’s Gain. 

The grass isn’t greener where you plant it, the grass is greener where you water it. I have an assignment for everyone here today.

Assignment: Your assignment today involves identifying two local events or community initiatives that align with your chapter's values and objectives. Or your business's values and objectives. Make a plan for your chapter members to attend, to participate, or even sponsor these events. It could be a local charity run, a business fair, or a community clean-up.

Create a strategy to leverage social media to showcase your chapter's involvement in these events. Capture photos, share stories, engage with the community online. Use platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to not only document your participation but also to connect with other businesses and potential referral partners.

Get up, get creative, and get involved in your community. Your business can help make the world a little bit better!

Remember, the key is to authentically integrate your BNI chapter into the community, establishing it as a valuable and contributing member. That not only enhances your chapter's reputation but also opens up new networking opportunities within the local business landscape.

Get out there, get involved, and watch yourself AND your BNI chapter flourish!

Thanks for joining us this week on BNI podcasts 4 success. Make sure to visit our website, BNI4Success or where you can subscribe to the show at Apple podcasts, Spotify, and Google podcasts so you'll never miss a show! Our networking success ask this week is that you tell a friend about BNI4Success!

BNI4Success Podcasts

The Voice of BNI Greater Los Angeles; Where we’ll talk about referral networking that works!

BNI Decoded with Cys Bronner: Fill The Room

BNI Decoded with Cys Bronner: Fill The Room

Each week at BNI4Success, we'll talk about referral networking networks. We'll discuss networking tips, strategies and action steps that are designed to help entrepreneurs and businesses work together to create quality referral business and explore new opportunities.

Planning the Timeline:
Break down the timeline leading up to the speaking day
Include preparation, promotion, and follow-up activities


  • Positively impact business growth for both the presenter and the chapter
  • Increased referrals, visibility, and credibility
  • Increased diversity, collaboration, and a positive atmosphere within the group
  • Break down the timeline leading up to the speaking day
  • Never miss a chance to promote your social media accounts!
  • Collect feedback, express gratitude, and leverage the momentum for continued growth

In networking: The more memorable (positive and helpful) you are, the better the results. 

Questions? Feel free to call BNI Executive Director Cys Bronner 866-889-3466 or visit
Her motto: BNI, Making word of mouth marketing work for you

Click for more information or to join a BNI chapter in the Los Angeles area

BNI4Success Podcasts

The Voice of BNI Greater Los Angeles; Where we’ll talk about referral networking that works!

BNI Decoded with Cys Bronner - Networking Up

BNI Decoded with Cys Bronner - Networking Up

Each week at BNI4Success, we'll talk about referral networking networks. We'll discuss networking tips, strategies and action steps that are designed to help entrepreneurs and businesses work together to create quality referral business and explore new opportunities.

BNI4Success Podcasts

The Voice of BNI Greater Los Angeles; Where we’ll talk about referral networking that works!

Role of BNI Chapter Events/ Training/PR Coordinator

Role of BNI Chapter Events/ Training/PR Coordinator

Hullo, I’m Cys Bronner, BNI Executive Director, CRO and the Constant Social Media Networker.

We all know that events are the life blood of any organization, but do we know the power of those events and trainings can have in a BNI Chapter?

Today, I'm going to share with you how you can play your role as Events/Training/PR Coordinator of your BNI chapter. To you and the professionals in your business unit, this role is incredibly important and critical.

Do you believe that leaders are learners? Yes, or no?

That's the reason in BNI we have close to some 15 to 20 varieties of short mini workshops and trainings. We are continuously helping our members to understand their business. They understand how to even explain their business to their fellow members so that they can generate lots of referrals.  That, right there, is the reason every chapter has a very important coordinator called the Events/Training/PR Coordinator.

If you this is your role as a BNI Coordinator, or your vision for next steps as a Leader, I’ve some suggestions for you that have come from various sources, including an amazing BNI Leader, Murali Sundaram of BNI Chennai.

Let’s talk about some simple ideas today and see which you can implement, helping all your members to attend trainings.

We know that it's important that every member including the new members attend BNI’s Member Success Program within the first thirty to sixty days of Membership or renewing membership. So please, start tracking your members whether they have attended MSP within the first critical days of starting their membership journey and keeping it fresh throughout.  After that, it’s a sure win for everyone, if every member of your chapter attends at least one program session every quarter. That’s forward motion! Every quarter at least one training. 

But Murali’s excellent suggestion and recommendation are this: “Can we encourage our members to attend at least one workshop or a training at least once in 60 days?” 

You know what? I think we can, in fact, I’ve seen those members who are dedicated to making their membership work to their maximum ROI are the same ones who are already doing this. 

There are at least six different workshops members can attend in a year (every 60 days) – there’s actually more, if you really want. Which means, what we can do is very simple. Check out your regional calendar, talk to your Chapter President, your Chapter Leadership, or your Director Consultant. 

Having an excel spreadsheet with all the members name and all the varieties of workshops, member development, events and training programs at the top is fabulous, and all you need do, is maintain and work with it.

In fact, we are so committed to making this easy for our members that our regional team is working together to provide this to each chapter in the next few weeks with information for the upcoming year. With that, you can have a clear track record of which member attended which workshop on what day. That also helps you to talk to specific members and tell them, hey, you know, three months before you have attended a Success Program or Workshop, can you register for the next upcoming session? That’s number one.

Number two, talk to your Chapter Support Director or even the Regional Training Team. In our region, we have for you the current term’s event and training calendar in a tracking document to help you know what the various trainings are that's going to happen every month before it happens. With this, you can start marketing the training in your chapter meeting.

Our training team will help support you with a script for leveling up your marketing of every training progr

BNI4Success Podcasts

The Voice of BNI Greater Los Angeles; Where we’ll talk about referral networking that works!

BNI Decoded with Cys Bronner - Are You Networking or NOTworking

BNI Decoded with Cys Bronner - Are You Networking or NOTworking

Each week at BNI4Success, we'll talk about referral networking networks. We'll discuss networking tips, strategies and action steps that are designed to help entrepreneurs and businesses work together to create quality referral business and explore new opportunities.

BNI4Success Podcasts

The Voice of BNI Greater Los Angeles; Where we’ll talk about referral networking that works!

How Much? When To Have That Conversation

How Much? When To Have That Conversation

How Much? When To Have That Conversation 

Do you miss out on potential members because you don’t want to lose them by discussing cost? Or worse yet, they join and then feel you didn’t disclose everything?  

Cys Bronner, BNI Executive Director and CRO (Chief Referral Officer) shares with you the easy steps to an upfront business conversation by discussing how much at the very start of the application process. 

Visitor Hosts, you’re gonna love this! 

BNI4Success Podcasts

The Voice of BNI Greater Los Angeles; Where we’ll talk about referral networking that works!

Bio of BNI4Success Podcasts

BNI4Success Podcast, hosted by Cys Bronner, is a weekly show dedicated to exploring the world of referral networking and its effectiveness in building successful businesses. 

With a focus on providing practical insights and actionable strategies, this podcast serves as a valuable resource for entrepreneurs and businesses looking to harness the power of networking to generate quality referral business and explore new opportunities.

Throughout the podcast, Cys Bronner shares networking tips, strategies, and action steps that have been proven to work. By drawing on his extensive experience and expertise in the field, he provides listeners with valuable guidance on how to navigate the intricacies of referral networking and maximize its potential.

The podcast covers a wide range of topics related to networking, including building and nurturing relationships, effective communication, developing a strong personal brand, and leveraging networking events to create meaningful connections.

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