Calming the Chaos

Calming the Chaos is a podcast hosted by Tracy Kenela.

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Are you Stuck in Your Life? Here's some Help with Lindsey Carnick

Are you Stuck in Your Life? Here's some Help with Lindsey Carnick

Calming the Chaos Podcast Guest:

Lindsey Carnick, LCSW, MSW, MA

Onward Psychological Services

Lindsey works with people who are sick of settling for less than they deserve from life.

People who are “Stuck”

In this interview, we talk about the different ways people can feel “Stuck” in their lives, especially around this time of year…February…after our New Years Resolutions have either failed or fallen flat and we’re feeling discouraged and even hopeless.

Lindsey and I are two Licensed Mental Health Counselors who talk about ways for you to get unstuck and experience joy and peace in your life. You’ll want to tune in if you’re feeling stuck with any of these issues:

Projects and Social Media

Living Independently from Parents

Finding Love and Relationships

Career, jobs, finance

Chronic Pain

Contact Lindsey at:

#stuckinlife #findingfreedom #anxietyanddepression

Chaos and Crisis - Welcome to 2025

Chaos and Crisis - Welcome to 2025

This is a Catch up on the Chaos that has happened in the first month of 2025, and also a flashback to one of my first podcasts in 2020 that gives some tips about how to handle chaos that are still true today.

Catch up on Trump's Executive Orders (to date) Here:

Check out Captain Steeeve, who does a great job explaining some reasons for plane crashes:

Here is the full version of my 2020 podcast "New Years Fears" on iTunes / Apple Podcasts:

My Favorite Astrologers:

Rosie Finn

Joe Theodore


Cam White

Ho’oponopono Practice - Listen to me teach it here:

Radical Acceptance – Marsha Linehan

#trump #california #drone

Could My Child Commit a Crime? Interview with Dr. Robert Saul

Could My Child Commit a Crime? Interview with Dr. Robert Saul

Dr. Robert Saul is a Medical Doctor / Pediatrician, Author and Speaker. He has been guiding the physical, behavioral and mental care of children for over 44 years. His area of expertise is in parenting, specifically in providing help for parents in raising their children to be good citizens, after the Columbine High School Shooting in 1999.

Dr. Saul wants to improve our communities, and advocate for our children. Dr. Saul is the author of many books on children and parenting, including “My Children’s Children: Raising Young Citizens in the Age of Columbine,” and “Conscious Parenting.”

Dr. Saul was a guest on Calming the Chaos podcast before the Oxford High School shooting in November of 2021, and after the shooting on 12/6/2021. This shooting convicted Ethan Crumbley (age 15) shooting students and others at Oxford High School. It also convicted his parents James and Jennifer Crumbley of involuntary manslaughter in 2024.

Here is a link to our discussion in 2021:

In this most recent podcast episode, recorded in September of 2024, Dr. Saul is back to discuss what parents can do to prevent their children from being a part in mass / school shootings. This comes now that James and Jennifer Crumbley were both tried and convicted separately on 4 counts of involuntary manslaughter after their son did a mass shooting at Oxford High School in November of2021.

As usual, Dr. Saul offers his wisdom about parenting to our audience, and how we can all be better citizens.

**Could my child do that Article Link: **

Contact Dr. Saul:


Links to books and other written materials

A Great Interview with Dr. Saul is here:

c. Social Media Links

a. Facebook – / mychildrenschildren; / allaboutchildren2017; / consciousparentingpat

b. Twitter –

c. LinkedIn –

d. Instagram –

e. YouTube – / robertsaulmd

#crime #children #school

Calm Holiday Chaos!

Calm Holiday Chaos!

Are you a person who struggles with food, eating and / or body image and finds yourself anxious, nervous or stressed out about the upcoming Thanksgiving or Christmas Holidays?

In this episode, I review podcast episodes from 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 where I have conversations with experts who help you calm your Holiday chaos. With us we have:

2020: Stacy Schilter-Pisano, M.A., LMFT, Site Manager of The Emily Program in Olympia, Washington

2021: Tracy does Mindful Eating (Solo Episode)

2022: Dr. Anita Johnston, one of the founding mothers of Eating Disorders Treatment programs, most notably Ai Pono in Hawaii. She is also the author of the internationally acclaimed book “Eating in the Light of the Moon.” Anita helps us understand the connection between chaos and disordered eating behaviors.

2023: Nicole Christina, LCSW, specializes in working with people who struggle with food, eating and body image. Last year, she offered her insights about how we can get through the holidays with her tips and tools.

Original Podcast Episode Links:

Stacy Schilter-Pisano

Tracy’s Mindful Eating

Dr. Anita Johnston

Nicole Christina

I hope this helps! Take care, and Happy Holidays, Everyone!

#thanksgiving #mentalhealthawareness #eatingdisorders

Chaos in America with Phyllis Leavitt

Chaos in America with Phyllis Leavitt

Nervous about today’s Election? We help you calm your chaos about the election with Licensed Mental Health Therapist and Author Phyllis Leavitt. She discusses the Psychology and Mental Health of America on the eve of the 2024 Election.

Phyllis seeks to understand America, the system we are in, and how the psychology of America can be viewed from a Family Systems perspective. The problems of America are discussed, as well as possible solutions we can employ within ourselves to help heal from violence and divisiveness.

Phyllis Leavitt has a Masters’ Degree in Psychology and Counseling from Antioch University. She co-directed the Parents United sexual abuse treatment program in Santa Fe, New Mexico for two years and then went into private practice full time. Phyllis has treated children, families, couples, and individual adults for 34 years, and has worked extensively with abuse and dysfunctional family dynamics, their aftermath, and some of the most important elements for healing.

She has two previous books, A Light in the Darkness and Into the Fire. Her latest book, America in Therapy: A New Approach to Hope and Healing for a Nation in Crisis, published by Morgan James Publishing, explores the roots of divisiveness and violence in America from a psychological point of view, with the goal of bringing the best of what heals relationships and restores us to safety, into national conversation. Phyllis lives with her husband in Taos, NM and is now focusing on writing and speaking.

Check out Phyllis and her work here at

Social Media Links:

Book on Amazon — “America in Therapy: A New Approach to Hope and Healing for a Nation in Crisis”

On Barnes and Noble;jsessionid=50ED3B222E94FE08658574C1D7FE5161.prodny_store01-atgap01?ean=9781636983363

Free PDF — The Six Secrets to Repairing Relationships After Conflict

Ask Me to Speak at your conference or other event

#election #trump #kamalaharris

What Should We Do? Part 2 of Politics 2024 with Ramsey Zimmerman

What Should We Do? Part 2 of Politics 2024 with Ramsey Zimmerman

What Should We Do? Political Chaos in The USA |Interview with Ramsey Zimmerman

I. Intro to the topic: Political issues that are causing Americans chaos … and what we might be able to do about that within ourselves and others.

II. Intro to Ramsey: To help us sort this out, we have Ramsey Zimmerman, host of the Podcast “What’s Worthwhile,” to talk about the topics on our minds as Americans as we go into the upcoming Presidential Election in November, 2024.

Today, we will be talking about the issues that most Americans feel are worthwhile to consider politically as we prepare to vote.

Ramsey and I have been friends for over a decade, and so our talk today with be civil…and…at sometimes we may agree or disagree on where we stand on these issues. It should be fun and maybe get a bit chaotic, so hang on, and let’s welcome Ramsey to Calming the Chaos Podcast.

III. Ramsey is on screen and introduces himself to Calming the Chaos Podcast audience

IV. Political Issues to Discuss That are Contributing to the Chaos – What are they? Why are they agents of Chaos? Why are they divisive and upsetting? How can we Calm the Chaos within ourselves related to these issues? How can we work within communities to Calm the Chaos?

• War / Foreign Policy (money, safety and relationships)

• Foreign Wars: Necessity – Cost – Escalation – Right & Wrong – Good vs Evil

• Homeland: Terrorism – Unrest – Domestic Needs – Attacks on U.S.

• Healthcare (wellbeing)

• Conventional: Costs – Availability – Specialized – Manage Symptoms

• Holistic Health: Root Causes – Body as a Whole – Cures – Beyond pharma and surgery

V. Recap: Some things to keep in mind:

1. Think things through

2. Seek different perspectives

3. Vary your social media consumption

4. Be genuinely curious with other people

5. Be sympathetic and empathetic

6. Try to validate others

7. Be open-minded

8. Consider you may be wrong

9. Have tough conversations

10. Honor and thank others for their conversations

11. Find your voice

12. Hear what others have to say

13. Connect with each other more

14. Manage your emotions while you are doing all of this!

Ramsey’s Bio: Ramsey is a husband and a father to two college-aged kids. Ramsey worked in the Sustainable Energy space for nearly 30 years, but recently has pivoted towards Health and Wellness. He has been asking “What’s Worthwhile?” in his podcast most of this year, and has decided that his answer is … Building Mind, Body and Spirit Wellness. He is now a full time student, studying Holistic Health and Nutritional Therapy.


Social Media Links:The What’s Worthwhile podcast is found on iTunes, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon and iHeart Radio.

What Should We Do? Politics 2024 with Ramsey Zimmerman

What Should We Do? Politics 2024 with Ramsey Zimmerman

I. Intro to the topic: Political issues that are causing Americans chaos … and what we might be able to do about that within ourselves and others.

II. Intro to Ramsey: To help us sort this out, we have Ramsey Zimmerman, host of the Podcast “What’s Worthwhile,” to talk about the topics on our minds as Americans as we go into the upcoming Presidential Election in November, 2024.

Today, we will be talking about the issues that most Americans feel are worthwhile to consider politically as we prepare to vote.

Ramsey and I have been friends for over a decade, and so our talk today with be civil…and…at sometimes we may agree or disagree on where we stand on these issues. It should be fun and maybe get a bit chaotic, so hang on, and let’s welcome Ramsey to Calming the Chaos Podcast.

III. Ramsey is on screen and introduces himself to Calming the Chaos Podcast audience

IV. Political Issues to Discuss That are Contributing to the Chaos – What are they? Why are they agents of Chaos? Why are they divisive and upsetting? How can we Calm the Chaos within ourselves related to these issues? How can we work within communities to Calm the Chaos?

I. The Economy (our money)

• Purchasing Power: Inflation – Wages – Savings – Credit – Interest Rates

• Business: Jobs – Ownership – Main Street vs Wall Street – Buying Online

II. The Border / Immigration (safety)

• Border: Crossings – Cartels – Drugs – Human Trafficking - Assistance/Enabling

• Immigration: Culture Clashes – Crime – Entitlements – Displacement (wages, jobs)

Visit Ramsey's podcast at or on iTunes, Apple, Spotify, Amazon and other podcasting websites.

Stay Tuned for Part II

#election #politics #trump #kamalaharris

Avoiding Romantic Relationships

Avoiding Romantic Relationships

Why Are Young People Avoiding Committed Romantic Relationships? – Interview with Jack Kammer

Intro: According to a report from the Pew Research Center, a random sampling of nearly 5,000 adults in the U.S., showed that 50 percent of single people are not interested in committed romantic relationships, and are not even interested in dating. Another 10 percent want nothing more than casual dates. This trend has been true for at least the past 15 Years

Here to help us understand this trend is Jack Kammer, who has a passion of helping people see and understand the connection between gender issues and some of America’s social problems. Jack has talked about issues between the sexes on radio, publications, podcasts and in person. He’s even appeared before both houses in Congress! His book called “Good Will Toward Men attempts to help us understand the breakdown is between men and women, and what to bring a balance of power between the sexes. Today, we hope to have an honest conversation about why young people are avoiding committed romantic relationships, and to help them feel more comfortable and safe about pursuing committed, romantic relationships in the future.

I. This is the chaos: Half of single people don’t want a relationship, or even to date!


• It’s not necessarily that men and women don’t want to be in relationship. Men and women don’t want to be in a certain KIND of relationship

• What does commitment by a man to a woman look like? What does commitment by a woman to a man look like?

• Equality in a relationship as an example: “Who should pay for the first date?”

• Many men DO want an equal relationship…and…what does that look like and what are the expectations?

II. Tracy

• Most of the people who present themselves for psychotherapy are dissatisfied with their relationships

III. Jack – A Message to the Pew People (Researchers)

• “They are not capturing what is on men’s minds”

• Timestamp 7:37 Jack’s mission: To try and articulate in a friendly way the male perspective, and to try and help people understand the male perspective.

• INCELs (Involuntary Celibate) and MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) are commonly associated with anger, which is a secondary emotion. “There’s probably something they felt before they felt angry.”

• Call to action: For men to put into words what they feel and discuss it in a friendly way, to women who are wiling to discuss it in a friendly way.

Timestamp 9:45: “It makes perfect sense why men don’t want relationship because the idea of a relationship has been so distorted. Men don’t want the trouble with a “relationship,” and would rather have the freedom to not be in a relationship. However….most men want to be loved, valued and appreciated. So they DO want relationships!

• Tracy: “What questions should the Pew Center have asked on the survey?”

• Jack: “Would you like to have a happy, committed relationship with a woman who loves you?”

The social media algorithm: When they want men to click, they show horrible visions of women. When they want women to click, they show horrible visions of men.

• Tracy: What about a relationship that is physically and emotionally and “Safe

• Jack: Better to say to be in a relationship where you feel appreciated and understood. Jack’s Dating App Questions, concerning work-life balance

Men want more!

INCELs – 18:24 “Involuntarily Celibate” (See Elliot Rodger) He killed 6 people, 2 women and 4 men in Isla Vista California on 5/23/14. “I don’t think he does a good job of representing men who want to get laid.”

Video: Dramatization on INCELs (See full video at

• Jack: “I’m not sure Elliot Rodger is the best example of an INCEL.” “He was a sick, sick person.”

• Tracy: “What do you think the couple could have done...

What is Recovery? September is Recovery Month

What is Recovery? September is Recovery Month

September is Recovery Month!

Let’s let recovery last all year


SAMHSA: National Recovery Month. More information at

SAMHSA: Suicide Prevention and Crisis Management:

Call or text 988

Email 988 to chat

Please call your local crisis clinic or emergency room if you are in crisis! If you need help, email me at and I can find you some resources

Film Links:

SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) Video

Life on Third and Pike - @BrandonBuckingham

Mental Health Crisis Video – Detroit 4

Suicide Prevention Video - Psych Hub

Take care out there!

Bio of Calming the Chaos

Calming the Chaos is a podcast hosted by Tracy Kenela, a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, dedicated to exploring various approaches and techniques to find inner peace and tranquility in a chaotic world. Tracy engages in conversations with professionals from diverse backgrounds and locations, seeking different perspectives and insights to help individuals, including herself, navigate the challenges of life.

In each episode, listeners can expect to discover a wealth of information, tips, tools, and resources sourced from various schools of thought. Tracy presents this valuable content in a fun and entertaining manner, making the journey toward a more peaceful and enjoyable life engaging and accessible.

The podcast covers a wide range of topics and features guests who specialize in different areas, allowing for a comprehensive exploration of strategies for finding calm amidst chaos.

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