Chaos N' Cookies

"Chaos N' Cookies" hosted by Heather Greco.

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Good People with Gabriel Reilich and Lucia Knell | CNC211

Good People with Gabriel Reilich and Lucia Knell | CNC211

Today, we are joined by Gabriel Reilich, the Head of Content and Innovation at GOOD and Upworthy, and Lucia Knell, the Vice President of Upworthy, to chat about their newest book, Upworthy Good People. Published by National Geographic, this feel-good book contains 101 handpicked stories of human decency.

About the Guest:

GABRIEL REILICH is the head of content and innovation at GOOD & Upworthy. Devoted to his mission of spreading optimism, he believes the internet can be a force for good and is dedicated to leveraging it to amplify the best of humanity. Throughout his career, he has created content and crafted impact campaigns for numerous respected brands, nonprofits, and non-governmental organizations such as Google, GoFundMe, and the World Food Programme. He enjoys looking for cool rocks, listening to classic country music, and perfecting puns. A native of Los Angeles, he graduated with honors from UC Berkeley with a B.A. in political science. He lives in Los Angeles.

LUCIA KNELL is the Vice President of Upworthy, where she’s worked since 2014. She’s spent her career championing the belief that the internet can and should be used as a tool to unite us vs. stoke division. Her expertise in social media has garnered millions of engagements and catalyzed a movement to combat negativity online. An ardent advocate for mental health, she also believes in the power of taking breaks from the internet. Her work has been covered in the New York Times, Glamour, Vogue, Fast Company, and the mental health publication Made of Millions. Originally from New York, she is a proud cum laude graduate of Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio, with a B.A. in Spanish Literature. She is a dancer, choreographer, and FM radio enthusiast and enjoys cheering people on at marathons. She splits her time between Los Angeles and New York City.

About the Host:

Following the crumbs in the chaos is a full-time job as a Productivity Coach. As a busy mom of three and the founder of Chaos N’ Cookies, keeping moms from crumbling is my main objective. After gaining 10+ years of experience as a Director of Marketing helping build multiple 6 & 7-figure businesses for other women I’ve created the Chaos Control System to equip moms to overcome their own objections so they can live the life they want to live and start that business they have always wanted. The Family Playbook, or standard operating procedure, is the tool every mama needs to save time and stress-less when chaos ensues at home.

For new biz owners, I also help simplify systems on social media and other business platforms to automate processes to get their business up and running quickly and efficiently with how-tos and hands-on coaching. I have helped hundreds of women to be more productive and self-sufficient in their homes and businesses allowing them to reclaim control of the chaos....

Sober Love with Dr. Joseph Nowinski | CNC210

Sober Love with Dr. Joseph Nowinski | CNC210

Today, I’m joined by Dr. Joe Nowinski! Dr. Joe, a clinical psychologist, joined the podcast to discuss his new book, Sober Love: How to Quit Drinking as a Couple. Are you and your partner curious about sobriety or managing your drinking?  Dr. Joe breaks down what the book offers: practical advice and proven strategies to help couples end their relationship with alcohol—and redefine their relationship with each other.


About the Guest:

Joseph Nowinski, PhD, is an internationally recognized Clinical Psychologist and prolific author.  His newest book is Sober Love: How to Quit Drinking as a Couple.  This engaging guide offers strategies to help couples who drink together get sober together.  Stats show that people started drinking more heavily during the pandemic, and, likely, those habits haven’t abated. In particular, women’s drinking has risen substantially since Covid. Dr. Joseph currently resides in Connecticut. 

About the Host:

Following the crumbs in the chaos is a full-time job as a Productivity Coach. As a busy mom of three and the founder of Chaos N’ Cookies, keeping moms from crumbling is my main objective. After gaining 10+ years of experience as a Director of Marketing helping build multiple 6 & 7-figure businesses for other women I’ve created the Chaos Control System to equip moms to overcome their own objections so they can live the life they want to live and start that business they have always wanted. The Family Playbook, or standard operating procedure, is the tool every mama needs to save time and stress-less when chaos ensues at home.

For new biz owners, I also help simplify systems on social media and other business platforms to automate processes to get their business up and running quickly and efficiently with how-tos and hands-on coaching. I have helped hundreds of women to be more productive and self-sufficient in their homes and businesses allowing them to reclaim control of the chaos.

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Uncommon Prayer with Heidi Smith | CNC209

Uncommon Prayer with Heidi Smith | CNC209

Today, I’m joined by Heidi Smith! We are chatting about her book, The Uncommon Book of Prayer.  Heidi is an author, a psychosomatic therapist, and a flower essence practitioner. 

About the Guest:

Like so many others, author Heidi Smith found herself unmoored by a confluence of personal and professional trials during the peak of the COVID pandemic. While several familiar and sustaining allies fortified her throughout this time, the most lifesaving of all was a new element that bloomed in her spiritual practice: prayer.

Heidi Smith, MA, RH (AHG), is a psychosomatic therapist, registered herbalist, flower essence practitioner, and author of The Bloom Book. In her private practice, Moon & Bloom, Heidi collaborates with her clients to empower greater balance, actualization, and soul-level healing within themselves. She lives in Brooklyn, NY, with her partner and two cats.

About the Host:

Following the crumbs in the chaos is a full-time job as a Productivity Coach. As a busy mom of three and the founder of Chaos N’ Cookies, keeping moms from crumbling is my main objective. After gaining 10+ years of experience as a Director of Marketing helping build multiple 6 & 7-figure businesses for other women I’ve created the Chaos Control System to equip moms to overcome their own objections so they can live the life they want to live and start that business they have always wanted. The Family Playbook, or standard operating procedure, is the tool every mama needs to save time and stress-less when chaos ensues at home.

For new biz owners, I also help simplify systems on social media and other business platforms to automate processes to get their business up and running quickly and efficiently with how-tos and hands-on coaching. I have helped hundreds of women to be more productive and self-sufficient in their homes and businesses allowing them to reclaim control of the chaos.

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Sharing the World with The Bucket List Family’s Jessica Gee | CNC208

Sharing the World with The Bucket List Family’s Jessica Gee | CNC208

Welcome to 2025! As we step into the new year, we are joined by Jessica Gee from The Bucket List Family! We sat down to discuss her debut book in collaboration with National Geographic, Bucket List Family Travel, Share the World with Your Kids on 50 Adventures of a Lifetime. We chatted about the family's journey to creating the Bucket List Family community, their adventures, and what it is like traveling both state-side and around the world with kids! 

About the Guest:

Jessica Gee began the popular YouTube channel The Bucket List Family with her husband after planning to travel the world for five months with their two young children. Five years and another son later, they have visited 90 countries around the world and have 3 million Instagram followers and 1.5 million YouTube subscribers. After buying an 80-year-old bungalow in Hawaii, they now have a permanent base for their children and continue exploring new destinations as often as possible. Today, we are chatting about her latest project in collaboration with National Geographic, Bucket List Family Travel, Share the World with Your Kids on 50 Adventures of a Lifetime.

About the Host:

Following the crumbs in the chaos is a full-time job as a Productivity Coach. As a busy mom of three and the founder of Chaos N’ Cookies, keeping moms from crumbling is my main objective. After gaining 10+ years of experience as a Director of Marketing helping build multiple 6 & 7-figure businesses for other women I’ve created the Chaos Control System to equip moms to overcome their own objections so they can live the life they want to live and start that business they have always wanted. The Family Playbook, or standard operating procedure, is the tool every mama needs to save time and stress-less when chaos ensues at home.

For new biz owners, I also help simplify systems on social media and other business platforms to automate processes to get their business up and running quickly and efficiently with how-tos and hands-on coaching. I have helped hundreds of women to be more productive and self-sufficient in their homes and businesses allowing them to reclaim control of the chaos.

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Capturing the Holiday Memories with Vanessa Joy | CNC207

Capturing the Holiday Memories with Vanessa Joy | CNC207

Today, I’m joined by my dear friend, renowned photographer, and Canon Explorer of Light, Vanessa Joy! We are discussing holiday photos, using your phone to take the best personal photos, and much more. This is a must-listen-to episode as we roll into the holiday season while you capture all the memories! 

About the Guest:

Since 2002, Vanessa Joy has been photographing weddings, portraits, and corporate branding, primarily in the Austin, NJ, and NYC areas. She is a Canon Explorer of Light and is trusted by brands like Hilton Grand Vacations, Bravo, Profoto, Lexar, and more. Through online education and resources, she helps photographers elevate their craft.

About the Host:

Following the crumbs in the chaos is a full-time job as a Productivity Coach. As a busy mom of three and the founder of Chaos N’ Cookies, keeping moms from crumbling is my main objective. After gaining 10+ years of experience as a Director of Marketing helping build multiple 6 & 7-figure businesses for other women I’ve created the Chaos Control System to equip moms to overcome their own objections so they can live the life they want to live and start that business they have always wanted. The Family Playbook, or standard operating procedure, is the tool every mama needs to save time and stress-less when chaos ensues at home.

For new biz owners, I also help simplify systems on social media and other business platforms to automate processes to get their business up and running quickly and efficiently with how-tos and hands-on coaching. I have helped hundreds of women to be more productive and self-sufficient in their homes and businesses allowing them to reclaim control of the chaos.

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From College Prep to Acceptance with Dr. Pamela Ellis | CNC206

From College Prep to Acceptance with Dr. Pamela Ellis | CNC206

Today on the podcast, we are joined by Dr. Pamela Ellis to discuss all things navigating college admissions! With the deadlines for admission quickly approaching after the new year, we want to make sure that all our listeners and families have all the tips, tricks, and information surrounding college admission and acceptance! 

For our listeners, Dr. Ellis is providing her Confident College Blueprint FREE of charge! Contact her on LinkedIn at and mention BLUEPRINT25 for this exclusive offer! 

About the Guest:

Pamela is a highly sought-after speaker who empowers parents to guide their teens confidently into higher education.

Known as The Education Doctor®, Pamela Ellis, MBA, PhD, has helped over 30,000 families navigate college admissions, ensuring teens find the right fit without overspending.

An award-winning author of the best-seller "What to Know Before They Go: College Edition," Pamela founded Compass College Advisory, which has a 95% success rate in getting students into their top-choice colleges, securing an average of $75,000 in scholarships per student.

As a CEO and consultant, Dr. Pamela’s experience with the education system includes advising school districts, community organizations, and institutes of higher education. However, her experience as a mother of 3 young children going back to graduate school provided a unique understanding of how to juggle college, life, and being a parent. 

About the Host:

Following the crumbs in the chaos is a full-time job as a Productivity Coach. As a busy mom of three and the founder of Chaos N’ Cookies, keeping moms from crumbling is my main objective. After gaining 10+ years of experience as a Director of Marketing helping build multiple 6 & 7-figure businesses for other women I’ve created the Chaos Control System to equip moms to overcome their own objections so they can live the life they want to live and start that business they have always wanted. The Family Playbook, or standard operating procedure, is the tool every mama needs to save time and stress-less when chaos ensues at home.

For new biz owners, I also help simplify systems on social media and other business platforms to automate processes to get their business up and running quickly and efficiently with how-tos and hands-on coaching. I have helped hundreds of women to be more productive and self-sufficient in their homes and businesses allowing them to reclaim control of the chaos.

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Calling All Swifties with Annie Zaleski | CNC205

Calling All Swifties with Annie Zaleski | CNC205

Today on the podcast, we are joined by author Annie Zaleski! As an award-winning author, Annie has written books about several artists and has been featured in nationally accredited magazines. Today, she joined us to talk about her newest book, which covers all the ERAs of Taylor Swift. Don’t miss this conversation for sneak peeks of the book and insight into her next project!  

About the Guest:

Annie Zaleski is an award-winning music journalist and author based in Cleveland, Ohio. Her writing has appeared in Rolling Stone, the Guardian, Time, and the Los Angeles Times, and she has written books on artists including Lady Gaga, Pink, and Duran Duran. Annie leaves no stone unturned as she explores pop's greatest back catalog's inspiration, production, and legacy, delving into every era to tell the story of Taylor Swift's entire career through her music. Taylor Swift: The Stories Behind the Songs is the first complete look at the stories and songcraft behind the entire discography of the voice of a generation, Taylor Swift.  From her humble beginnings as a teenage country singer to her record-breaking Eras Tour, Taylor Swift’s career is incomparable both in her mastery over multiple genres and the pure scale of her fan base and success. By weaving effortlessly through country, rock, pop, indie, and folk music, Swift has created a style of her own.

About the Host:

Following the crumbs in the chaos is a full-time job as a Productivity Coach. As a busy mom of three and the founder of Chaos N’ Cookies, keeping moms from crumbling is my main objective. After gaining 10+ years of experience as a Director of Marketing helping build multiple 6 & 7-figure businesses for other women I’ve created the Chaos Control System to equip moms to overcome their own objections so they can live the life they want to live and start that business they have always wanted. The Family Playbook, or standard operating procedure, is the tool every mama needs to save time and stress-less when chaos ensues at home.

For new biz owners, I also help simplify systems on social media and other business platforms to automate processes to get their business up and running quickly and efficiently with how-tos and hands-on coaching. I have helped hundreds of women to be more productive and self-sufficient in their homes and businesses allowing them to reclaim control of the chaos.

Thanks for...

Celebrating The Dragon Master’s Series with Tracey West | CNC204

Celebrating The Dragon Master’s Series with Tracey West | CNC204

Today on the podcast, we are joined by author Tracey West! Celebrating 10 years of The Dragon Master Series, NYT’s best-selling author Tracey and Scholastics Branches are debuting The Epic Guide to Dragon Masters. We got to chat about the series as a whole, why dragons are so fascinating, and where the series is headed! 

About the Guest:

Tracey West is the author of the New York Times bestselling series Dragon Masters for Scholastic Branches. She has written over 400 books for children, including the Underdogs series, illustrated by Kyla May; the Pixie Tricks series, illustrated by Xavier Bonet; and the perennially popular Pokémon chapter books. She lives with her husband, adopted dogs, and chickens in the western Catskill mountains of New York State. 

About the Host:

Following the crumbs in the chaos is a full-time job as a Productivity Coach. As a busy mom of three and the founder of Chaos N’ Cookies, keeping moms from crumbling is my main objective. After gaining 10+ years of experience as a Director of Marketing helping build multiple 6 & 7-figure businesses for other women I’ve created the Chaos Control System to equip moms to overcome their own objections so they can live the life they want to live and start that business they have always wanted. The Family Playbook, or standard operating procedure, is the tool every mama needs to save time and stress-less when chaos ensues at home.

For new biz owners, I also help simplify systems on social media and other business platforms to automate processes to get their business up and running quickly and efficiently with how-tos and hands-on coaching. I have helped hundreds of women to be more productive and self-sufficient in their homes and businesses allowing them to reclaim control of the chaos.

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Ratings and reviews from our listeners are extremely valuable to us and greatly appreciated. They help our podcast rank higher on Apple Podcasts, which exposes our show to more awesome listeners like you. If you have a minute, please leave an honest review on Apple Podcasts.

Finding a Sweet Balance with Kash Rocheleau | CNC203

Finding a Sweet Balance with Kash Rocheleau | CNC203

Today on the podcast, we are joined by Kash Rocheleau, CEO of Icon Foods! We had an opportunity to talk about Kash’s current roles as CEO, mom, and wife. Finding the balance between being a full-time working mom and ensuring that the example she sets for her children and coworkers makes a difference in future generations and workplaces. 

About the Guest:

Kash Rocheleau serves as CEO of Icon Foods. She oversees the financial operations, reporting, and compliance of these organizations and drives their growth and profitability. She has a strong background in legal matters, such as acquisition negotiation, trademark applications, regulatory compliance, and contract drafting, which enables her to handle complex and diverse transactions and issues. She holds an MBA from Eastern Washington University, with a focus on accounting and finance, to further enhance her skills and knowledge in this field. She loves to be with her family, spend time outdoors, and golf in her free time. 

About the Host:

Following the crumbs in the chaos is a full-time job as a Productivity Coach. As a busy mom of three and the founder of Chaos N’ Cookies, keeping moms from crumbling is my main objective. After gaining 10+ years of experience as a Director of Marketing helping build multiple 6 & 7-figure businesses for other women I’ve created the Chaos Control System to equip moms to overcome their own objections so they can live the life they want to live and start that business they have always wanted. The Family Playbook, or standard operating procedure, is the tool every mama needs to save time and stress-less when chaos ensues at home.

For new biz owners, I also help simplify systems on social media and other business platforms to automate processes to get their business up and running quickly and efficiently with how-tos and hands-on coaching. I have helped hundreds of women to be more productive and self-sufficient in their homes and businesses allowing them to reclaim control of the chaos.

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Bio of Chaos N' Cookies

"Chaos N' Cookies" hosted by Heather Greco. In this podcast, Heather shares her experiences as a busy mom of three, offering a glimpse into the chaotic and exciting life she leads in Austin, Texas. With a passion for embracing the unconventional, Heather takes you on a journey filled with laughter, personal stories, and valuable insights.

Heather is not just a mom; she's also the CEO of C'N'C, her coaching business. As a certified coach for a premier virtual fitness and nutrition program, she helps others achieve a healthier lifestyle while balancing the demands of motherhood. 

Drawing from her background in Exercise Science and extensive experience training pro athletes, S.W.A.T. members, and a high school football team, Heather brings a wealth of knowledge to her coaching endeavors.

Beyond her fitness coaching, Heather's professional journey includes serving as the Director of Marketing for multiple court reporting companies.

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