Entrepreneur Conundrum

Entrepreneur Conundrum, hosted by Virginia Purnell.

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Seasons Leadership: Building Better Leaders with Susan Ireland

Seasons Leadership: Building Better Leaders with Susan Ireland

Key Questions:

Virginia Purnell (00:50) How did you end up where you are today?

(04:52) Do you guys do group coaching with that then?

(08:54) So how do you get in front of those people?

(09:41) Are you on LinkedIn then? Do you guys do posting on there and stuff like that

(11:00) So why do you feel like leadership is so important? Is it more than just the shadow or the light aspect?

(18:30) What are some big goals that you guys have in the next year or two?

(19:39) So how would your reach affect your business?

(20:34) So how many people are in your, typically, are in your groups that when you do your group coaching?

(21:28) Yeah. But What do you feel like is your number one roadblock with growing your visibility, your reach?

(24:06) What would be some actionable advice that you can share with us that we can implement immediately.

(25:08) Do you help people set that up or like, develop it if they don't have it?

(27:41) What's the best advice that you have ever given somebody?

(35:21) Is there something that we haven't touched on that you did want to talk about?

(35:32) Where can we go to learn more about you and what you do?


Episode Summary: In this episode of Entrepreneur Conundrum, host Virginia Purnell speaks with Susan Ireland, a leadership powerhouse with over 30 years of experience at Boeing and co-founder of Seasons Leadership. Susan shares her journey from her extensive career at Boeing to her current role in empowering business leaders through coaching and consulting. Alongside her partner, Debbie Collard, Susan is dedicated to addressing gaps in leadership quality and making leadership education accessible through their company, Seasons Leadership. They offer one-on-one coaching, business consulting, training, and a free bi-weekly podcast and blog.

Key Topics Discussed:

  1. Susan's career journey and her transition from Boeing to leadership coaching.
  2. The founding of Seasons Leadership and its mission to enhance leadership quality.
  3. The importance of leadership in creating positive work environments and cultures.
  4. How leadership extends beyond positional titles to influence various areas of life.
  5. Strategies for improving visibility and reach for leadership initiatives.
  6. The significance of implementing a structured leadership and management system.
  7. Practical advice for entrepreneurs and business owners on leadership and self-care.

Actionable Advice:

  • Start by defining your vision, mission, and values clearly.
  • Implement a structured leadership and management system to ensure repeatable and disciplined business practices.
  • Take care of yourself first to be able to lead effectively.
  • Focus on building a positive and inclusive work culture.
  • Embrace continuous improvement and progress over perfection.

Susan Ireland








Virginia Purnell

Funnel & Visibility Specialist

Distinct Digital Marketing

(833) 762-5336



From Financial Mess to Business Success: Richard Parker’s Journey in Business Acquisitions

From Financial Mess to Business Success: Richard Parker’s Journey in Business Acquisitions

Key Questions

(00:59) How did you get started on all of this?

(04:48) Do you also sell any of your businesses?

(05:12) Do you help people learn how to acquire businesses using alternative funding methods rather than just their own money?

(07:11) You help other people buy or get into buying acquisition and companies and stuff. So who is your ideal customer in that?

(08:48) Do you or do you teach, if I acquire a business, am I then... Is it already set up where, let's say, I don't necessarily have to be in the business all the time, so I didn't just buy myself a job type of aspect?

(11:20) How do you get in front of those people who are looking to inquire businesses?

(13:18) Would you feel like now where the economy is projecting and stuff like that would be a good time to buy businesses? And then if so, why?

(16:19) How can you love uncertainty?

(18:19) What are some mistakes or misconceptions that prospective buyers have going into a deal or into your world?

(22:29) What are your goals in the next year or two?

(25:10) What do you feel is your number one roadblock from spreading the word?

(27:22) When you buy your business, let's say I buy a business. For Would you then buy another business within that and then amalgamate them type of idea? Does that make sense?

(29:22) Do you think it's possible to buy up? So a smaller company buy up a bigger company?

(30:56) What's the best advice that you have ever received?

(34:04) How is the process of hiring up gone for you? Have you still had challenges with the hiring choices and stuff?

(35:40) What's the best advice that you have ever given?

(38:16) Is there something that we haven't touched on yet that you did want to talk about?

(41:36) Do you consult for equity?

(42:36) Where can we learn more about you and what you do?


Episode Notes:

In this episode, Virginia Purnell interviews Richard Parker, an expert in business acquisitions with over 30 years of experience. Richard shares his personal story of turning a financial setback into a successful career, buying and selling multiple businesses. He discusses his popular program, "How to Buy a Good Business at a Great Price," and provides practical advice on acquiring businesses with alternative funding methods. Richard emphasizes the current buyer's market and debunks myths about buying businesses without capital. He also highlights the importance of leveraging seller financing and understanding one's skill set in the acquisition process.

Key Points:

  • Richard’s journey from losing $60,000 in the stock market to buying 13 successful businesses.
  • Insights into his program, "How to Buy a Good Business at a Great Price," and its global impact.
  • Discussion on alternative funding methods and the role of seller financing.
  • Current market conditions and why it’s an ideal time to buy a business.
  • Common misconceptions and mistakes in the business acquisition process.
  • Importance of aligning your skill set with the business you acquire.
  • Richard’s approach to growth through acquisition and his success with larger companies.
  • Personal and professional goals, emphasizing relationships and helping others achieve their business dreams.


Richard Parker



YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@richardparkerbuybusiness

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RichardParkerDiomo

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/richardparkerdiomo/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/richparker1/


Virginia Purnell

Funnel & Visibility Specialist

Distinct Digital Marketing

(833) 762-5336



Unlocking Business Growth with Social Dynamic Selling: An Interview with Rylee Meek

Unlocking Business Growth with Social Dynamic Selling: An Interview with Rylee Meek

Key Questions

(01:24) So how did you get to where you are today?

(12:11) So your first six months was that... Were all your events in the same geographical area, or did you move around?

(14:07) So you had mentioned just throwing a dart on the map, picking a place that has food. Is there any other criteria based on the population size?.

(18:36) Do you still do a lot of mailers then, especially with people having like the, I don't want junk in my mailbox and stuff like that?

(23:04) How long do you wait before you retarget the same area again?

(24:37) Now if we flip it over to the businesses that you help, how do you get in front of them? Do you still mailer them?

(29:42) Who is your ideal client in the coaching space?

(33:50) Do you have a geographical restriction or do you work with anybody?

(35:05) How many books have you written?

(36:08) What's the best advice you have ever received?

(41:42) What's the best advice you've ever given?

(45:13) What are some of your big goals in the next year or two?

(48:26) What do you think is your number one roadblock for reaching that goal?

(49:43) We've talked about a bunch of stuff, but is there something that we haven't touched on yet that you would like to?

(52:20) Where can we go to learn more about you and what you do?


Episode Summary: In this episode of Entrepreneur Conundrum, host Virginia Purnell interviews Rylee Meek, the founder and CEO of the Social Dynamic Selling System. Rylee shares his inspiring journey from having just $673 in his bank account to generating over $125 million in sales through his innovative dinner seminar marketing system. Learn how Rylee perfected his model, helping entrepreneurs achieve their revenue goals and live their desired lifestyles.

Key Takeaways:

  • Rylee's Background: From growing up in South Dakota to discovering entrepreneurship at 15, Rylee's journey is filled with personal development and relentless pursuit of opportunities.
  • The Turning Point: How a small ad on Craigslist led Rylee to discover the concept of social dynamic selling and revolutionize his approach to sales.
  • Social Dynamic Selling System: An in-depth look at how Rylee developed and perfected his dinner seminar marketing system, making it a predictable, sustainable, and scalable selling system.
  • Overcoming Challenges: Rylee shares the challenges he faced, including sleeping on his sister's couch after a failed business venture in Mexico, and how he turned setbacks into comebacks.
  • Direct Mail Marketing: Insights into why direct mail remains a powerful tool for filling events and generating leads, despite the digital age.
  • Success Metrics: Understanding the importance of measuring response rates, show-up rates, appointment rates, and more to optimize marketing efforts.
  • Rylee's Advice: The importance of taking action, learning from feedback, and maintaining a clear vision to achieve entrepreneurial success.

Rylee Meek


Instagram and twitter - @theryleemeek

Virginia Purnell

Funnel & Visibility Specialist

Distinct Digital Marketing

(833) 762-5336



From Law to Leadership: April Roberts' Path to Empowering Women

From Law to Leadership: April Roberts' Path to Empowering Women

Key Questions

(00:48) How did you get from being, let's say, in the corporate world and some pretty prestigious positions to being where you are today?

(09:26) How did you come to the business that you have now? How did you decide to coach other women and to have them, I guess, choose their authentic path?

(14:08) Who do you work with now?

(17:16) How do you get in front of those women?

(18:59) Are you using your podcast as a lead gen aspect, where you're hoping to get the guests that were on into your program?

(20:56) You had mentioned that you're starting a coaching group for those over seven figures. Is there any other big goals that you have in the next year or two?

(21:55) Do you do one-on-one coaching or just group coaching?

(22:16) What do you feel is the number one roadblock from you getting your seven-figure business plus business coaching aspect launched and then scaling everything?

(23:51) What's the best advice you have ever been given?

(25:00) So do you have a little routine that you do? Do you do meditate through that?

(26:02) What's the best advice then that you have ever given somebody?

(27:14) Can you share a little bit about the feminine energy in business?

(30:33) Do you have any tips on how to tap into feminine energy?

(31:55) Do you have any tips on doing the feminine energy during sales?

(34:40) So, is there anything that we haven't talked about that you did want to touch on?

Episode Notes

In this episode of Entrepreneur Conundrum, host Virginia Purnell talks with April Roberts, a former attorney and financial advisor turned life coach. April helps Gen-X women achieve more abundance, love, spirituality, and alignment by connecting with their femininity. With degrees from Vanderbilt and Notre Dame, April brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her coaching practice, helping women navigate the societal pressures that often lead to burnout.

April shares her journey from prestigious corporate roles to becoming the founder of Vixen Gathering, where she mentors female entrepreneurs. She discusses the importance of balancing masculine and feminine energies in business, the challenges women face in receiving and resting, and practical tips for achieving personal and professional growth. April also highlights her programs designed for female entrepreneurs at different stages, from startups to seven-figure businesses.

Tune in to hear April's inspiring story, her insights on living a true, authentic life, and actionable advice for women seeking to grow joyfully in their careers and personal lives.

Key Takeaways:

- April's transition from corporate law and finance to life coaching.

- The significance of balancing masculine and feminine energies.

- Strategies for avoiding burnout and learning to receive and rest.

- Overview of April's coaching programs for female entrepreneurs.

- Tips for achieving growth with joy and peace.


April Roberts



Virginia Purnell

Funnel & Visibility Specialist

Distinct Digital Marketing

(833) 762-5336



Solving Car Seat Dilemmas for Traveling Families with Nelson Nigel at Kidmoto

Solving Car Seat Dilemmas for Traveling Families with Nelson Nigel at Kidmoto

Key Questions:

(01:27) How did you get on your entrepreneurial journey and where you are today?

(02:25) So you saw a need, you solved it. How was that journey like for you? Was it an easy fix?

(02:51) Do you have any regrets on it?

(03:31) Who would you say is your ideal client?

(04:37) Do you try to get your Google review, your Google presence then? So that you're the first in line when people search for that?

(04:56) Do you do social media posting and and stuff, too?

(06:17) What are some big goals that you're looking to achieve in the next year or two?

(09:59) With Kidmoto, what ages do you accommodate? Do you accommodate those still in bucket seats?

(11:15) As a parent, if I go to your app and I just put in the ages of my kids and what type of car seat that I'm looking for them?

(12:00) You're in about 40,000 cities right now. Is it a lengthy process to expand into more cities, or what's your statistics to be able to move into that city?

(13:23) You had mentioned expanding two other products as well. When those are in place, how does that affect your business?

(15:14) What do you feel is the number one roadblock that's getting in the way of getting all this going?

(18:33) What's the best advice that you have ever received?

(19:11) What's the best advice you have ever given?

20:41) So you have had a pretty big setback, even just with your, let's say, health history aspect, physically, and I'm sure the mental aspects that came along with that. How did you not let that keep you down?

(22:50) So how did you find, I guess, the strength to keep pushing forward and not letting not letting get knocked down keep you down? How do you always find the way to get back up?

(27:11) How much do you think you've grown since starting the Kidmoto?

(29:17) You don't think that there might be some other systems that they're putting in place which allows them to be able to create that balance?

(31:19) Is there anything that we haven't talked about yet that you would like us to touch on?

(31:44) Where can we go to learn more about you and what you do?


In this episode of Entrepreneur Conundrum, I, Virginia Purnell, talk with Nelson Nigel, the innovative founder and CEO of Kidmoto Technologies. Nelson shares his remarkable journey from being a yellow taxi driver in New York City to creating a thriving business that solves a significant problem for traveling families.

Nelson identified a critical gap in the market for safe car seat transportation in taxis and ride services, especially for parents traveling to and from airports. This led him to develop Kidmoto, a mobile app that connects parents with skilled drivers who provide secure car seats. Since its inception, Kidmoto has expanded to 52 U.S. cities, completing over 40,000 rides and achieving a seven-figure revenue in 2023.

Throughout the episode, Nelson discusses the challenges he faced, his approach to overcoming personal and professional obstacles, and the importance of effective communication and teamwork in a remote work environment. He also shares his ambitious plans for the future, including the launch of BabyMoto and BusMoto, which aim to serve new parents and transport airline and cruise personnel.

Join us as Nelson offers valuable insights and advice for aspiring entrepreneurs, emphasizing the significance of hard work, resilience, and staying true to oneself.

Key Topics:

  • Nelson Nigel's journey from taxi driver to tech entrepreneur
  • Identifying and solving the car seat dilemma for traveling families
  • Overcoming personal and professional challenges
  • The growth and success of Kidmoto Technologies
  • Future expansions with BabyMoto and BusMoto
  • The importance of communication and teamwork in a remote work environment
  • Advice for aspiring entrepreneurs


Nelson Nigel





Website: kidmoto.taxi

Parent Company: modonation.us

LinkedIn: Nelson Nigel

Twitter: Kidmoto

Facebook: Kidmoto

Instagram: Kidmoto

Virginia Purnell

Funnel & Visibility Specialist

Distinct Digital Marketing

(833) 762-5336



Retain and Scale: Mikael Dia on Achieving Product-Market Fit

Retain and Scale: Mikael Dia on Achieving Product-Market Fit

Key Questions

(01:46) How did you get to where you are today?

(03:50) Can you tell us briefly what is Funnelytics?

(06:32) Who's your ideal client?

(09:39) Is there a mistake that your new clients or customers have when they come into your world?

(14:30) How do you get in front of those digital agencies or your ideal clients?

(27:44) What are some of your goals that you have for the next year or two?

(30:28) What do you think is your biggest roadblock in reaching that goal?

(32:15) Are you an analytical-minded person? Do you understand all the analytics and stuff?

(33:35) What's the best advice that you have ever been given?

(36:46) What's the best advice you have ever given?

(38:13) You have taken a few companies to multifigures. Do you have any advice on that process?

(41:33) Then after, with the acquisition systems that you put in place, that's more when you can really start to remove yourself?

(47:54) Is there anything that we haven't talked about yet that you would like to touch on?

(48:04) Where can we go to find out more about you and what you do?


Episode Notes

Guest: Mikael Dia

  • Founder of Funnelytics, a tool for visualizing and optimizing customer journeys
  • Expert in digital marketing and scaling businesses

Key Topics Discussed:

  1. Mikael's Journey:
    • Transition from a T-shirt business to digital marketing
    • Launch and growth of Funnelytics
  2. Understanding Funnelytics:
    • Visual mapping of customer journeys
    • Combining strategy and data for better marketing decisions
  3. Ideal Clients:
    • Performance-driven marketers and agencies
  4. Challenges and Solutions:
    • Importance of retaining customers for long-term success
    • Steps to achieve product-market fit
  5. Scaling a Business:
    • Differentiating between simple and easy processes
    • Building and systemizing acquisition engines
    • Removing bottlenecks in the delivery process


Mikael Dia


Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/501796653521090

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/mikael.dia/

LinkedIn -  https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikaeldia/

Virginia Purnell

Funnel & Visibility Specialist

Distinct Digital Marketing

(833) 762-5336



Finding Your 'Why': Insights from Donnell King on Entrepreneurial Success

Finding Your 'Why': Insights from Donnell King on Entrepreneurial Success

Key Questions

(00:55) How did you end up where you are today in your whole entrepreneurial journey and such?

(14:59) Could you share some of or any of the questions?

(20:46) So with your books and coaching and stuff like that, how do you get in front of your ideal people?

(25:32) So are you drawing them over into like an email list? Like, where does your tribe hang out at?

(28:24) So are you self publishing them or going through a traditional publisher?

(32:24) How will having all those books out, how will that affect your business? And what's kind of your end? I don't want to say end goal, but, like, your big goal of that.

(34:49) So what's the best advice that you have ever been given?

(39:07) So is that the best advice you've ever been given or that you've ever shared with others that you've received or that you've given?

(40:11) Thank you. Where can we go to learn more about you and what you do?

Episode Notes

  • Guest: Donnell King, author, speaker, pastor, and college professor
  • Topics Discussed:
    • Donnell's journey in helping professionals and leaders connect with their "why"
    • The significance of curiosity and passion in personal and professional growth
    • Insights from Donnell's book, "The Way of the Three-Year-Old Why"
    • Balancing professional ambitions with family responsibilities
    • The power of storytelling and effective communication
    • Building a sustainable business and maintaining focus on long-term goals

Donnell King









Virginia Purnell

Funnel & Visibility Specialist

Distinct Digital Marketing

(833) 762-5336



Harnessing Resilience and Solar Power: The Jeremiah Broz Story

Harnessing Resilience and Solar Power: The Jeremiah Broz Story

Key Questions

(00:29) Can you tell us a little bit about how you got to where you are today, your entrepreneurial journey?

(01:13) But I think one of the key things is, though, that You didn't stay down. You picked yourself back up again, right?

(05:10) Did you start that company or did you join them? 

(06:52) So you had mentioned about the shingles not holding up to a hailstorm. How do the solar panels hold up? 

(07:43) So it wasn't like the part where the sun hits?

(09:25) Your stone-coated steel, is that more like a tin roof type of idea? Does it have that look to it?

(14:03) Do you guys install a battery bank then that the solar energy is put into?

(14:22) So if let's say the power goes out on average, because I know a lot of variability there, right? Like my roof size, my house size, all But do you think it would be at least be able to run my main things, whether it's refrigerator or the furnace during a power outage?

(17:19) So I guess what I'm wondering is, In Colorado, would you notice that difference in the wintertime with the battery bank staying full versus being in Florida or Texas, where they would get more light?

(19:28) Some people might be wondering Oh, no. Do I have to have this whole big space to put all of these batteries if I do get the solar? How do you accommodate space with that?

(20:19) I would like to focus on the growth that your business has seen. Can you share a bit of that with us?

(22:33) Do you have any tips or things like that for how you scaled so quickly?

(28:47) What other ways do you guys get your name out there?

(29:17) Do you guys do anything with social media?

(29:54) Which states are you in? Are you in all over the US or just certain ones?

(30:46) So this past year, you doubled your business. What are some of your big goals that you have the next year or two?

(32:06) Having those install teams in each state would be huge in and of itself, just with the logistics of traveling and organizing people that can travel. But how would your goals of further development, your team in those states, and then the more battery installs, how would that affect your business? 

(35:17) So what do you feel like is your number one roadblock from getting there?

(37:30) What is the best advice that you've ever been given?

(40:59) So on that note, what's the best advice you've ever given?

(44:27) Do you offer mentorship or leadership training or anything like that to people outside of your solar workspace?

Episode Notes

Episode Notes: Interview with Jeremiah Broz

Guest: Jeremiah Broz, Serial Entrepreneur and Founder of Energy Advantage

Host: Virginia Purnell

Overview: In this episode, Virginia Purnell talks with Jeremiah Broz about his entrepreneurial journey, the evolution of his solar energy business, and the strategies he employs for success. Jeremiah shares his insights on leadership, resilience, and the importance of making a positive impact through his work.

Key Points:

1. Entrepreneurial Journey:

  • Jeremiah's challenges with traditional employment and his drive to be his own boss.
  • Experiences of failure and perseverance through business dissolutions, bankruptcy, and personal hardships.
  • Importance of quickly rebounding from setbacks and maintaining tenacity.

2. The Genesis of Energy Advantage:

  • Transition from the roofing industry to solar energy.
  • Motivation to create a sustainable business model integrating storm restoration with renewable energy.
  • Initial challenges and growth in the solar industry.

3. Solar Energy Insights:

  • Discussion on the durability of solar panels versus traditional roofing materials.
  • The benefits of combining solar panels with stone-coated steel roofing.
  • Financing options and long-term cost savings for homeowners investing in solar energy.

4. Company Growth and Scaling:

  • Jeremiah's business expansion from solo operations to a multi-million dollar company.
  • Bringing on a partner to enhance operations and management.
  • Key strategies for scaling, including focusing on people, product, and process.

5. Leadership and Team Development:

  • Jeremiah's approach to developing and managing a successful team.
  • The importance of clear roles and responsibilities within the organization.
  • Effective leadership through goal setting, field coaching, and performance reviews.

6. Marketing and Customer Acquisition:

  • Various methods used to generate business, including referrals, cold calling, door knocking, and social media.
  • The role of educational and promotional content in marketing efforts.

7. Future Goals:

  • Plans for expanding into new states and establishing local leadership teams.
  • Increasing the percentage of solar installations that include battery storage.
  • Aspirations to develop and white-label proprietary energy products.

8. Personal Insights and Advice:

  • The significance of acting with integrity and thinking about long-term legacy during challenging times.
  • The best advice received: Acting in a way today that you want to be remembered in the future.
  • The importance of empathy and understanding in personal and professional interactions.

9. Mentorship and Giving Back:

  • Jeremiah's passion for mentoring youth and other entrepreneurs.
  • His unique approach to mentorship, focusing on accountability rather than financial compensation.


  • Final thoughts on the importance of letting one's light shine and encouraging others to do the same.
  • Jeremiah's contact information and where to learn more about Energy Advantage.


Call to Action:

  • Be sure to subscribe to the podcast and leave a review.
  • Tune in to future episodes for more insights and inspiring stories from successful entrepreneurs.

Jeremiah Broz




Virginia Purnell

Funnel & Visibility Specialist

Distinct Digital Marketing

(833) 762-5336



From Garden to Table: Exploring Entrepreneurship with Sonia Gomez

From Garden to Table: Exploring Entrepreneurship with Sonia Gomez

Key Questions

(01:09) Tell us how you got to where you are today.

(06:06) Do you have a garden?

(07:41) Would you guys process your own meat?

(16:09) So those who it is for, how do you get in front of them?

(19:35) So true. So it looks like or sounds like you have a few different modalities and branches that you're doing with that, then.

(22:16) So, speaking of the story aspect, do you have any tips for us on how to story sell our products and services?

(29:39) So you kind of mentioned, like, developing the land that you're on, but what are some. Do you have other big goals in the next couple years?

(38:33) What is the best advice that you have ever been given?

(45:12) What's the best advice that you have ever given?

(49:49) Thank you. Just before you go, though, where can we find out more about you and what you do?

Show Notes

Episode Summary:

Join us for an insightful conversation with Sonia Gomez as she shares her unique journey and offers valuable insights into various aspects of her life and work. From gardening to meat processing, Sonia shares her experiences and perspectives. Discover how she reaches her target audience, the importance of storytelling in marketing, her goals for the future, and the best advice she's received and given.

Key Highlights:

  • Sonia discusses her gardening habits and approach to processing meat.
  • Learn how Sonia reaches her target audience and employs different modalities in her business endeavors.
  • Gain valuable insights into the significance of storytelling in selling products and services.
  • Discover Sonia's big goals for the coming years and reflections on the best advice she's received and given.
  • Find out where to learn more about Sonia and her work.

Episode Timestamps:

  • 01:09 - Sonia shares insights into her journey and how she got to where she is today.
  • 06:06 - Discussion on Sonia's gardening habits.
  • 07:41 - Insights into processing meat and Sonia's approach.
  • 16:09 - Exploring how Sonia reaches her target audience.
  • 19:35 - The importance of storytelling in marketing and Sonia's tips for effective storytelling.
  • 22:16 - Sonia's big goals for the future.
  • 29:39 - Reflections on the best advice Sonia has received.
  • 38:33 - Sonia shares the best advice she has given.
  • 45:12 - Sonia offers insights into her work and where to find out more about her.

Stay Connected:

To learn more about Sonia Gomez and her work, visit [website link]. Follow us on [social media platform] for updates on upcoming episodes and exclusive content.

Don't Miss Out:

Subscribe to the podcast to stay updated on our latest episodes. Leave us a review and share your feedback. We'd love to hear from you!

Tune in to gain valuable insights and inspiration from our engaging conversation with Sonia Gomez!

Sonia Gomez




Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_sonia_gomez/


Virginia Purnell

Funnel & Visibility Specialist

Distinct Digital Marketing

(833) 762-5336



Bio of Entrepreneur Conundrum

Entrepreneur Conundrum, hosted by Virginia Purnell, is a podcast that delves into the experiences of growing entrepreneur startups as they strive to establish themselves as subject matter experts. What sets this show apart is its focus on the "average" entrepreneur, rather than the well-known internet superstars that dominate the online space. Virginia Purnell engages with these aspiring entrepreneurs who are seeking visibility in their respective markets.

With her expertise as a master funnel builder, she holds certifications as an FG Society Master Marketer, Funnelytics, and ClickFunnels Certified Partner. Leveraging her knowledge and skills, Virginia assists businesses in enhancing their online presence, increasing visibility, and driving sales.

Through the Entrepreneur Conundrum podcast, Virginia Purnell provides a platform for growing entrepreneurs to share their journeys, strategies, and insights.

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