Jeremy Ryan Slate

Jeremy Ryan Slate is an entrepreneur and the host of the podcast "Create Your Own Life."

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Recent Appearance

The 10 Minute Entrepreneur

Bio of Jeremy Ryan Slate

Jeremy Ryan Slate is an entrepreneur and the host of the podcast "Create Your Own Life." He has a diverse background and a story of overcoming adversity. Jeremy started his career as a high school teacher but soon realized that he was not fulfilled in that role. He went through various entrepreneurial ventures, including network marketing, selling life insurance, and private labeling, but experienced failure along the way.

In 2015, Jeremy decided to start his own podcast, "Create Your Own Life," as a creative outlet. The podcast gained traction quickly, and in its first month, it received 10,000 downloads. This success led to Jeremy being recognized and featured in various publications, such as INC Magazine, CIO Magazine, BuzzFeed, and Influencive.

Jeremy's podcast focuses on interviewing top performers and industry leaders who have achieved remarkable success. Through his podcast, he aims to inspire and educate his audience by sharing the stories, strategies, and insights of these successful individuals.

In addition to his podcast, Jeremy is also the co-founder of Command Your Brand, a PR firm specializing in podcast guesting. The company helps entrepreneurs and high-profile individuals secure guest appearances on top-rated podcasts, providing them with positioning, media training, and content repurposing strategies.

Influence of Jeremy Ryan Slate

14,290 LinkedIn followers

Jeremy Ryan Slate's podcast Appearances

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