Radio Entrepreneurs

Radio Entrepreneurs podcast provides inspiration to entrepreneurs.

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"What Does Success Look Like in 2025" Spring 2025 FBA Panel, Part 3 of 3

Title: "What Does Success Look Like in 2025" Spring 2025 FBA Panel, Part 3 of 3
Panelists: Todd Blount - Blount Fine Foods,
Stephen Blount, Jr. - Blount Fine Foods,
Brian Nagle - Family Business Association & Citizens Private Wealth,
Stephen Wilchins - Wilchins Cosentino & Novins,
Richard Hirschen - Gray, Gray & Gray
Moderator: Jeffrey Davis - Mage LLC

In this final segment of our panel, our guests discuss branding the family business, the next generation transition, and measuring and rewarding performance objectively in a family business.

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#RadioEntrepreneurs #JeffreyDavis #MAGE #Boston #Consulting #NewEngland #Radio #Entrepreneurship #Interview #Management #JDavis #Video #BostonBusiness #Entrepreneur #Zoom #Massachusetts #MA #FBA #FamilyBusinessAssociation #FamilyBusiness #FamilyBiz #Sales #podcast #familybiz #familybusiness #familybusinesssuccess #familybusinesschallenges #successfulbusiness #businesssuccess #seafood #soup #cannedsoup #chowder #food #foodindustry #seafoodindustry #readymade #preparedfood #businessadvice #panel #paneldiscussion #leadership #leaders #multigenerational #multigenerationalbusiness #newenglandbusiness #newenglandinstitution #transition #businesstransition #nextgen #nextgeneration #branding #performance #performancemanagement #measuringperformance #transparency #goals #banking #advisors #lawyers #legal #law #businessadvisors #consultants #consulting #businessconsultants #houselabel #clams #estateplanning #technology #ai #forecasting #robotics #automation #workingwithyourspouse #performancereview #glidepath #familybusinesses #richardhirschen #graygrayandgray #gray3 #stephenwilchins #wilchinscosentinoandnovins #briannagle #citizensprivatewealth #stephenblountjr #toddblount #blountfinefoods

"What Does Success Look Like in 2025" Spring 2025 FBA Panel, Part 2 of 3

Title: "What Does Success Look Like in 2025" Spring 2025 FBA Panel, Part 2 of 3
Panelists: Todd Blount - Blount Fine Foods,
Stephen Blount, Jr. - Blount Fine Foods,
Brian Nagle - Family Business Association & Citizens Private Wealth,
Stephen Wilchins - Wilchins Cosentino & Novins,
Richard Hirschen - Gray, Gray & Gray
Moderator: Jeffrey Davis - Mage LLC

In this segment, our panelists discuss advice on forming a board, the importance of work-life balance, and explain how a family counsel can benefit a family business.

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#RadioEntrepreneurs #JeffreyDavis #MAGE #Boston #Consulting #NewEngland #Radio #Entrepreneurship #Interview #Management #JDavis #Video #BostonBusiness #Entrepreneur #Zoom #Massachusetts #MA #FBA #FamilyBusinessAssociation #FamilyBusiness #FamilyBiz #Sales #podcast #familybusiness #familybiz #familybusinesssuccess #familybusinesses #familybusinesschallenges #businesssucess #successfulbusiness #seafood #soup #cannedsoup #chowder #food #foodindustry #seafoodindustry #businessadvice #panel #paneldiscussion #leadership #leaders #multigenerational #multigenerationalbusiness #newenglandbusiness #newenglandinstitution #mistakes #learningfromyourmistakes #learningfrommistakes #boards #boardofadvisors #boardofdirectors #worklifebalance #familytime #weekendwarriors #familycounsel #trustsandestates #trusts #estates #estateplanning #humility #familytrust #philanthropy #richardhirschen #graygrayandgray #gray3 #stephenwilchins #wilchinscosentinoandnovins #briannagle #citizensprivatewealth #toddblount #stephenblountjr #blountfinefoods

"What Does Success Look Like in 2025" Spring 2025 FBA Panel, Part 1 of 3

Title:  “What Does Success Look Like in 2025” Spring 2025 FBA Panel, Part 1 of 3
Panelists: Todd Blount - Blount Fine Foods,
Stephen Blount, Jr. - Blount Fine Foods,
Brian Nagle - Family Business Association & Citizens Private Wealth,
Stephen Wilchins - Wilchins Cosentino & Novins,
Richard Hirschen - Gray, Gray & Gray
Moderator: Jeffrey Davis - Mage LLC

In this first segment, our panelists discuss maintaining entrepreneurial spirit and drive throughout generations, instilling that entrepreneurial spirit in key employees, and the recipe for maintaining an entrepreneurial culture.

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#RadioEntrepreneurs #JeffreyDavis #MAGE #Boston #Consulting #NewEngland #Radio #Entrepreneurship #Interview #Management #JDavis #Video #BostonBusiness #Entrepreneur #Zoom #Massachusetts #MA #FBA #FamilyBusinessAssociation #FamilyBusiness #FamilyBiz #Sales #podcast #secretsauce #familybusiness #familybiz #familybusinesssuccess #familybusinesses #familybusinesschallenges #successfulbusiness #businesssuccess #seafood #soup #cannedsoup #chowder #food #foodindustry #seafoodindustry #readymade #entrepreneurialspirit #newenglandvalues #businessadvice #panel #paneldiscussion #sales #culture #officeculture #workplaceculture #companyculture #communication #businesscommunication #leadership #leaders #multigenerational #multigenerationalbusiness #newenglandinstitution #newenglandtradition #RichardHirschen #GrayGrayandGray #Gray3 #BrianNagle #CitizensPrivateWealth #StephenWilchins #WilchinsCosentinoandNovins #StevenBlountJr #BlountFineFoods #ToddBlount #BlountFineFoods

"Employee or Independent Contractor?" with Marc Z of Marc Z Legal Staffing

Title: "Employee or Independent Contractor?"
Guest: Marc Z - Marc Z Legal Staffing
Interviewer: Jeffrey Davis - Mage LLC

Marc Z of Marc Z Legal Staffing joins us for a “Marc Z Moment” go over when is someone an employee or an independent contractor, the deciding factors, and how the new administration is looking to make the rules more flexible.

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#RadioEntrepreneurs #JeffreyDavis #MAGE #Boston #Consulting #NewEngland #Radio #Entrepreneurship #Interview #Management #JDavis #Video #BostonBusiness #Entrepreneur #Zoom #Massachusetts #MA #FBA #FamilyBusinessAssociation #FamilyBusiness #FamilyBiz #Sales #podcast #employmentlaw #uber #uberdrivers #lyft #lyftdrivers #taxes #ridesharedrivers #independentcontractors #independentcontractor #employees #professionalservices #employers #employees #contractors #hiring #employmentnews #employmentnews2025 #newadministation #trumpadministration #staffing #staffingagency #recruiting #marcz #marczlegalstaffing

"The Future of Fast Food" with Nipun Sharma of Appetronix

Title: "The Future of Fast Food"
Guest: Nipun Sharma - Appetronix
Interviewer: Jeffrey Davis - Mage LLC

Nipun Sharma of Appetronix joined us to talk about closing the supply and demand gap in fast food and fast casual dining through robotics.

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#RadioEntrepreneurs #JeffreyDavis #MAGE #Boston #Consulting #NewEngland #Radio #Entrepreneurship #Interview #Management #JDavis #Video #BostonBusiness #Entrepreneur #Zoom #Massachusetts #MA #FBA #FamilyBusinessAssociation #FamilyBusiness #FamilyBiz #Sales #podcast #columbusairport #columbusohio #columbus #ohio #automation #robotics  #fastfood #fastcasual #pizza #foodindustry #foodindustrymachines #restaurantindustry #labor #vendingmachine #foodvendingmachine #foodautomation #automatedrestaurant #robotics #foodtech #airport #airportfood #airportdining #NipunSharma #Appetronix

"Top Tips for Marketing in the Age of AI" with Paige Arnof-Fenn of Mavens & Moguls

Title: "Top Tips for Marketing in the Age of AI"
Guest: Paige Arnof-Fenn - Mavens & Moguls
Interviewer: Phil Sharkey - The Hire Authority

Paige Arnof-Fenn of Mavens & Moguls joins host Phil Sharkey of The Hire Authority to share her top marketing tips and talks navigating AI in marketing.

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#RadioEntrepreneurs #JeffreyDavis #MAGE #Boston #Consulting #NewEngland #Radio #Entrepreneurship #Interview #Management #JDavis #Video #BostonBusiness #Entrepreneur #Zoom #Massachusetts #MA #FBA #FamilyBusinessAssociation #FamilyBusiness #FamilyBiz #Sales #podcast #entrepreneurialjourney #marketing #marketingstrategy #marketingtips #marketingagency #smallbusiness #smallbusinessowner #branding #ai #aiinmarketing #marketingadvice #industryagnostic #femalefounders #femaleentrepreneur #backgroundchecks #backgroundscreen #backgroundscreening #philsharkey #thehireauthority #PaigeArnofFenn #MavensandMoguls

"Succession Planning Without the Exit" with Marc Z of Marc Z Legal Staffing

Title: "Succession Planning Without the Exit"
Guest: Marc Z - Marc Z Legal Staffing
Interviewer: Phil Sharkey - The Hire Authority

Marc Z of Marc Z Legal Staffing joins us for a "Marc Z Moment" to discuss the ways that baby boomer leaders are exploring succession planning, often while continuing to practice themselves.

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#RadioEntrepreneurs #JeffreyDavis #MAGE #Boston #Consulting #NewEngland #Radio #Entrepreneurship #Interview #Management #JDavis #Video #BostonBusiness #Entrepreneur #Zoom #Massachusetts #MA #FBA #FamilyBusinessAssociation #FamilyBusiness #FamilyBiz #Sales #podcast #succession #successionplanning #exitplanning #transition #businesstransition #mergers #mergersandacquisitions #qualityoflife #worklifebalance #babyboomers #agingintheworkplace #agingworkforce #leaders #leadership #lawyers #lawyerslife #backgroundchecks #backgroundscreen #philsharkey #thehireauthority #staffing #staffingagency #recruiting #marcz #marczlegalstaffing

"The Future of Retail Site Selection" with Clyde Christian Anderson of GrowthFactor

Title: "The Future of Retail Site Selection"
Guest: Clyde Christian Anderson - GrowthFactor
Interviewer: Phil Sharkey - The Hire Authority

Clyde Christian Anderson of GrowthFactor shares about this tool that harnesses data and AI to help brick-and-mortar locations select the best possible site to open.

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#RadioEntrepreneurs #JeffreyDavis #MAGE #Boston #Consulting #NewEngland #Radio #Entrepreneurship #Interview #Management #JDavis #Video #BostonBusiness #Entrepreneur #Zoom #Massachusetts #MA #FBA #FamilyBusinessAssociation #FamilyBusiness #FamilyBiz #Sales #podcast #retail #retailinnovation #retailselection #robinhoodstrategy #retailentrepreneur #largeretailers #smallretailers #retailsiteselection #aitools #aitool #software #billboards #billboardplacement #consumerretail #smallmarkets #nichemarket #dataanalysis #data #ai #siteselection #PhilSharkey #TheHireAuthority #ClydeChristianAnderson #GrowthFactor

“Apparel Industry Insights” with John & Mark X. Cronin of John’s Crazy Socks

“Apparel Industry Insights” with John & Mark X. Cronin of John’s Crazy Socks

Title: “Apparel Industry Insights”
Guest: John & Mark X. Cronin - John’s Crazy Socks
Interviewer: Jonathan Freedman - Mage LLC

John & Mark X. Cronin of John’s Crazy Socks return to share about how they put customer experience first, inventory management, and finding the right socks for you.

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#RadioEntrepreneurs #JeffreyDavis #MAGE #Boston #Consulting #NewEngland #Radio #Entrepreneurship #Interview #Management #JDavis #Video #BostonBusiness #Entrepreneur #Zoom #Massachusetts #MA #FBA #FamilyBusinessAssociation #FamilyBusiness #FamilyBiz #Sales #podcast #socialentrepreneurs #socialentrepreneurship #disability #disabilities #disabilityawareness #disabilityempowerment #downsyndrome #customerexperience #selfexpression #apparelindustry #apparel #clothing #clothingindustry #socks #funsocks #noveltysocks #clothingdesign #inventory #inventorymanagement #inhousedesign #compressionsocks #customsocks #jonathanfreedman #JohnandMarkXCronin #JohnCronin #MarkXCronin #johnscrazysocks

Bio of Radio Entrepreneurs

Radio Entrepreneurs is a podcast dedicated to sharing the success stories of entrepreneurship. It is a platform where entrepreneurs and C-suite executives from various fields, including legal, social media, employment, medical, non-profit, and more, are featured.

The podcast aims to provide insights and inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs and business professionals by showcasing the experiences and journeys of successful individuals in the world of entrepreneurship. Through interviews and discussions, Radio Entrepreneurs delves into the challenges, strategies, and accomplishments of its guests.

The podcast covers a wide range of topics related to entrepreneurship, including business development, innovation, leadership, marketing, and more.

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