Law You Should Know

"Law You Should Know," hosted by Attorney Kenneth Landau.

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Latest Episodes

Zoning and the Law

Zoning and the Law

Ken Landau talks with Attorney Joshua Brookstein, a partner in the law firm of Sahn Ward in Uniondale, who discusses zoning and the law. He also covers when a business or homeowner must seek zoning approval for a change in the building or property, and what a neighbor affected by the change can do to complain or speak up about it. 
Employment Law Under the Trump Administration

Employment Law Under the Trump Administration

Ken Landau talks with attorney Ruth Kraft, the Chair of the employment law group of the Rockville Centre law firm of Falcon Rapaport and Berkman LLP, who provides an "Employment Law Update." She discusses various areas of employment law likely to change under the Trump administration, including "independent contractor" vs. employee status; diversity, equity and inclusion; who is a "manager," and eligibility for overtime.
Bankruptcy Part 2

Bankruptcy Part 2

Ken Landau talks with attorney Andrew M. Thaler, a partner in the Uniondale law firm of Cullen and Dyckman, discusses whether a person should file for bankruptcy, including various options and the impact on your liabilities and on your credit in the future.
Bankruptcy Part 1

Bankruptcy Part 1

Ken Landau talks with attorney Andrew M. Thaler, a partner in the Uniondale law firm of Cullen and Dyckman, who discusses the role of the trustee in a bankruptcy case. He is also an Adjunct professor at the St John's Law School where he teaches a course in bankruptcy
Wage Theft

Wage Theft

Ken Landau talks with Attorney Christopher Marlboro of Lynbrook, and attorney Marcus Montero, of Hempstead, who discuss "wage theft".  Wage theft is when an employer fails to pay the wages required by law, including the legally required minimum wage and overtime, or failing to pay for the full hours worked. They also discuss what an employee should do if they think they are a victim of wage theft, and how employers can avoid problems in paying employees.
Getting Into Law School

Getting Into Law School

Ken Landau talks with Benjamin Rogers, the Assistant Director of Admissions at the University of Buffalo School of Law, who discusses getting into law school, along with typical first year and elective courses, and extracurricular activities at the University of Buffalo School of Law. He also talks about the most helpful undergraduate majors for law students, preparing for the LSAT and offers other tips on comparing and getting into law school. 
Succession Planning for Businesses

Succession Planning for Businesses

Ken Landau talks with John E. Ursin, the managing partner of Schenck, Price, Smith and King, with offices in Florham Park, New Jersey and Manhattan, about "succession planning" for businesses both small and large. He explains why this is more important than ever, because of the aging of business owners. 
Mock Trial Programs

Mock Trial Programs

Attorney Joshua D. Brookstein, a partner in the Uniondale firm of Sahn Ward Braff Coschignano,  discusses the mock trial program in several elementary and middle schools in Nassau County. He also explains how the community relations and public education committee of the Nassau County Bar Association provides free attorney advisors to schools who participate in the program, as students learn how to conduct a trial of an actual criminal or civil case.
Give Yourself a Legal Check-Up

Give Yourself a Legal Check-Up

Ken Landau talks with retired attorney Bill Horan, who offers advice on giving yourself a legal checkup. For each season there are relevant legal concerns, such as in the fall and approaching the end of the year, making sure your will and estate plans are up to date and an order.  The winter may be a good time to resolve any legal concerns about your employment, airing complaints or changing employers.  In the spring, you can set a timetable and take steps to buy or sell real estate, and in the summer, evaluate any educational issues for the new school year.

Bio of Law You Should Know

"Law You Should Know," presented by 90.3 WHPC, is a podcast dedicated to providing valuable insights and information about various areas of the law. Hosted by Attorney Kenneth Landau and featuring expert guests, the podcast delves into topics such as criminal law, wills, real estate, and the intricacies of lawsuits.

Listeners can expect to gain a deeper understanding of their legal rights, as well as practical advice on navigating legal challenges. Whether it's learning about the criminal justice system, understanding the complexities of wills and estates, or gaining insights into real estate law, "Law You Should Know" offers accessible and informative discussions.

Attorney Kenneth Landau, a seasoned legal professional, leads the conversations, bringing his expertise and experience to the forefront. 

"Law You Should Know," 90.3 WHPC offers a platform for individuals to expand their legal knowledge and stay informed about crucial aspects of the law.

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