Small Business Productivity Straight Talk | Strategy, Efficiency, Time Management, & Mindset

"Small Business Productivity Straight Talk", hosted by Amber De La Garza.

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Latest Episodes

366 | Pause To Break The People-Pleasing Cycle in Business

366 | Pause To Break The People-Pleasing Cycle in Business

I dive into ways to break your cycle of people-pleasing by relying on the phrase pause before I please so you can produce win-win outcomes from otherwise sticky situations that could hold you back.

What You’ll Discover In This Episode:

✔ How Client/Vendor/Team Member Pleasing Shows Up In Your Business

✔ Why It’s Crucial To Step Resorting To People Pleasing

✔ What Pausing Before Pleasing Entails

✔ Simple Phrases That Buy Time & Make An Impact

✔ What Not To Do When Contemplating Solutions

✔ So Much More!

To access resources and links from this episode, click on

P.S. Want to discover what’s most holding you back in business and receive a personalized playlist to help you overcome those specific challenges? It only takes a few minutes to take the Next Level Business Owner Quiz and get on the path of taking your leadership and business to the next level! 

And… If you want help managing your time, creating efficiency, making a new hire, reducing the stress and overwhelm of running a business, or making strategic decisions that will help you level up your business, I’d like to talk to you. Let's discuss how we can partner together to help you get unstuck, reduce stress, and determine a clear path to increased profits! Schedule your Discovery Call

365 | The Critical Role Of A Google Profile With Nancy Ganzekaufer

365 | The Critical Role Of A Google Profile With Nancy Ganzekaufer

I sit down with business coach Nancy Ganzekaufer to dive into the critical role of a Google profile to your business success because it helps you get found instead of getting left behind.

What You’ll Discover In This Episode:

✔ What A Google Business Profile Is

✔ How To Get Started & Optimize It

✔ When To Update Your Google Profile

✔ How To Get Preferential Treatment For Your Website

✔ Strategies For Soliciting Google Reviews

✔ The Impact Of ChatGPT On Your Google Search Results

✔ So Much More!

To access resources and links from this episode, click on


P.S. Want to discover what’s most holding you back in business and receive a personalized playlist to help you overcome those specific challenges? It only takes a few minutes to take the Next Level Business Owner Quiz and get on the path of taking your leadership and business to the next level! 

And… If you want help managing your time, creating efficiency, making a new hire, reducing the stress and overwhelm of running a business, or making strategic decisions that will help you level up your business, I’d like to talk to you. Let's discuss how we can partner together to help you get unstuck, reduce stress, and determine a clear path to increased profits! Schedule your Discovery Call


364 | Beyond The Hustle: Building 21 Sustainable Business Habits

364 | Beyond The Hustle: Building 21 Sustainable Business Habits

I dive into 21 real, practical, and sustainable habits that will allow you to grow your business without burning out.

What You’ll Discover In This Episode:

✔ Why You Can’t Rely On Your Habits From Year One

✔ 7 Sustainable Financial Habits

✔ 4 Sustainable Leadership Habits

✔ 4 Sustainable Marketing & Sales Habits

✔ 6 Sustainable Productivity & Time Management Habits

✔ So Much More!

To access resources and links from this episode, click on

P.S. Want to discover what’s most holding you back in business and receive a personalized playlist to help you overcome those specific challenges? It only takes a few minutes to take the Next Level Business Owner Quiz and get on the path of taking your leadership and business to the next level! 

And… If you want help managing your time, creating efficiency, making a new hire, reducing the stress and overwhelm of running a business, or making strategic decisions that will help you level up your business, I’d like to talk to you. Let's discuss how we can partner together to help you get unstuck, reduce stress, and determine a clear path to increased profits! Schedule your Discovery Call


363 | Optimizing Your Unique Marketing Archetype With Christina Frei

363 | Optimizing Your Unique Marketing Archetype With Christina Frei

I sit down with branding and marketing expert Christina Frei to dive into optimizing your unique marketing archetype which is YOUR way to communicate that gets you clients AND makes a difference.

What You’ll Discover In This Episode:

✔ What A Marketing Archetype Is

✔ The 5 Different Kinds & Their Challenges

✔ How To Discover Which Marketing Archetype You Are

✔ Ways To Build An Effective Marketing Strategy Based On Your Archetype

✔ How To Optimize Your Marketing Archetype For Success

✔ So Much More!

To access resources and links from this episode, click on

P.S. Want to discover what’s most holding you back in business and receive a personalized playlist to help you overcome those specific challenges? It only takes a few minutes to take the Next Level Business Owner Quiz and get on the path of taking your leadership and business to the next level! 

And… If you want help managing your time, creating efficiency, making a new hire, reducing the stress and overwhelm of running a business, or making strategic decisions that will help you level up your business, I’d like to talk to you. Let's discuss how we can partner together to help you get unstuck, reduce stress, and determine a clear path to increased profits! Schedule your Discovery Call


362 | The Priority Dilution Trap: Why You're Working Hard But Getting Nowhere

362 | The Priority Dilution Trap: Why You're Working Hard But Getting Nowhere

I dive into how to get out of the priority dilution mindset and instead organize your tasks in priority order so you can power through them, make progress on your goals, and feel accomplished at the end of each day.

What You’ll Discover In This Episode:

✔ What Prioritizing Is & Why It’s Important

✔ Why Priority Dilution Occurs & Its Costs

✔ What Indecisiveness Has To Do With It

✔ Strategies To Overcome Priority Dilution

✔ 4 Easy Steps To Effectively Prioritize Your Tasks

✔ So Much More!

To access resources and links from this episode, click on

P.S. Want to discover what’s most holding you back in business and receive a personalized playlist to help you overcome those specific challenges? It only takes a few minutes to take the Next Level Business Owner Quiz and get on the path of taking your leadership and business to the next level! 

And… If you want help managing your time, creating efficiency, making a new hire, reducing the stress and overwhelm of running a business, or making strategic decisions that will help you level up your business, I’d like to talk to you. Let's discuss how we can partner together to help you get unstuck, reduce stress, and determine a clear path to increased profits! Schedule your Discovery Call


361 | Implementing Digital Operations For Business Growth With Michael Greenberg

361 | Implementing Digital Operations For Business Growth With Michael Greenberg

I sit down with the founder and CEO of Third Brain Digital Operations and Automation, Michael Greenberg, to dive into ways to leverage automation, AI, people, and workflow design to achieve next level digital operations and grow your business!

What You’ll Discover In This Episode:

✔ An Introduction To Using AI & Automation In Your Business

✔ The Effect Of Operational Drag & Tech Debt On Your Business

✔ How To Combine People, Process, & Tech To Build Leverage & Acceleration

✔ What AirTable Is And How To Utilize It

✔ How To Overcome The Challenge Of Integration

✔ How Michael Helps Clients Through The Different Levels Of His Framework

✔ So Much More!

To access resources and links from this episode, click on

P.S. Want to discover what’s most holding you back in business and receive a personalized playlist to help you overcome those specific challenges? It only takes a few minutes to take the Next Level Business Owner Quiz and get on the path of taking your leadership and business to the next level! 

And… If you want help managing your time, creating efficiency, making a new hire, reducing the stress and overwhelm of running a business, or making strategic decisions that will help you level up your business, I’d like to talk to you. Let's discuss how we can partner together to help you get unstuck, reduce stress, and determine a clear path to increased profits! Schedule your Discovery Call


360 | Delegation Strategies To Free Up Your Time & Empower Your Team

360 | Delegation Strategies To Free Up Your Time & Empower Your Team

I dive into delegation strategies to free up your time, empower your team, and ultimately transform your business.

What You’ll Discover In This Episode:

✔ The Common Barriers To Delegating 

✔ The Benefits Of Delegating

✔ How To Create A Culture Of Accountability

✔ Effective Delegation Strategies To Try

✔ The 4 Simple Steps To Delegating

✔ So Much More!

To access resources and links from this episode, click on

P.S. Want to discover what’s most holding you back in business and receive a personalized playlist to help you overcome those specific challenges? It only takes a few minutes to take the Next Level Business Owner Quiz and get on the path of taking your leadership and business to the next level! 

And… If you want help managing your time, creating efficiency, making a new hire, reducing the stress and overwhelm of running a business, or making strategic decisions that will help you level up your business, I’d like to talk to you. Let's discuss how we can partner together to help you get unstuck, reduce stress, and determine a clear path to increased profits! Schedule your Discovery Call


359 | Digital Organization: Moving From Chaos To Calm With Shawn Lemon

359 | Digital Organization: Moving From Chaos To Calm With Shawn Lemon

I sit down with the Founder of the Digital Organizer, Shawn Lemon, to dive into smart digital organization strategies to help you organize your files, passwords, and emails so you can be more efficient, effective, and productive.

What You’ll Discover In This Episode:

✔ The Positive Impacts Of Digital Organization

✔ Where To Get Started With It

✔ Best Practices For Digital Files, Email, & Passwords

✔ The Importance Of Copying Over Docs Shared With You

✔ A Strong Case For Business Subscriptions

✔ The Benefits Of Setting Up Autoresponders

✔ So Much More!

To access resources and links from this episode, click on


P.S. Want to discover what’s most holding you back in business and receive a personalized playlist to help you overcome those specific challenges? It only takes a few minutes to take the Next Level Business Owner Quiz and get on the path of taking your leadership and business to the next level! 

And… If you want help managing your time, creating efficiency, making a new hire, reducing the stress and overwhelm of running a business, or making strategic decisions that will help you level up your business, I’d like to talk to you. Let's discuss how we can partner together to help you get unstuck, reduce stress, and determine a clear path to increased profits! Schedule your Discovery Call


358 | How I Saved $5,000 In Two Hours By Doing A Subscription Audit

358 | How I Saved $5,000 In Two Hours By Doing A Subscription Audit

I dive into how doing a two-hour subscription audit saved me  $5,129 and how you can also trim the fat and save big money in your business by doing a subscription audit.

What You’ll Discover In This Episode:

✔ The 2 Simple Steps In My Subscription Auditing Process

✔ The Key Questions To Ask Yourself

✔ How Those Questions Gave Me Specific Wins

✔ Lessons Learned & Pro Tips

✔ How To Take Action On What I Discussed Today

✔ So Much More!

To access resources and links from this episode, click on

P.S. Want to discover what’s most holding you back in business and receive a personalized playlist to help you overcome those specific challenges? It only takes a few minutes to take the Next Level Business Owner Quiz and get on the path of taking your leadership and business to the next level! 

And… If you want help managing your time, creating efficiency, making a new hire, reducing the stress and overwhelm of running a business, or making strategic decisions that will help you level up your business, I’d like to talk to you. Let's discuss how we can partner together to help you get unstuck, reduce stress, and determine a clear path to increased profits! Schedule your Discovery Call


Bio of Small Business Productivity Straight Talk | Strategy, Efficiency, Time Management, & Mindset

"Small Business Productivity Straight Talk" is a podcast hosted by Amber De La Garza, known as The Productivity Specialist for Small Business Owners. This podcast is dedicated to helping small business owners learn effective business strategies, improve time management, and elevate productivity in order to maximize profits, reduce stress, and make time for what truly matters.

Amber is a highly sought-after coach, trainer, speaker, writer, and creator of Leverage Lab®. With her extensive experience and expertise, she provides business owners with straightforward advice on what it takes to reduce stress, boost productivity, and grow their businesses.

Amber shares her favorite business strategies, time management techniques, and productivity tips while also conducting interviews with experts and business owners who share their own success stories, challenges, and how they overcame them to reach new levels of business growth. The podcast is free from B.S., fluff, and overused jargon, as Amber's style is passionate, direct, and at times, even a little sarcastic. Her focus is always on providing listeners with tangible strategies to achieve real results and succeed in business.

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